Hello! How was your day? Busy?
Yeah, Venus Williams and I were just talking about how busy we are this week…
Ha! Isn’t that ridiculous that I met her?!
Yes. I met Venus Williams at the Jamba Juice Fit Trends event in Santa Monica today. For those that don’t know I LOVE the Williams sisters. Back in 2010 I wrote a post about my Fitness Idols and named them
So, when I was invited to this event I kinda freaked out because I was so excited to actually meet one of my favorite athletes ever! AH! I still can’t believe it.
Jamba Juice organized a “Fit Trends Expo” today at the Annenberg Community Beach House in Santa Monica
The event featured a lot of popular and up and coming exercise trends. We did short mini-classes of everything from Broadway Bodies to Physique 57.
And to start the day the infamous Cassie from Blogilates taught a class.
It was super cool to meet her and she’s even more adorable in person!
If you’re not already familiar, Blogilates does a ton of great exercise videos on Youtube and teaches classes in LA.
I think my favorite mini-workout session of the day was the Bokwa session. It’s like dancing to letters – as in you trace or dance the shape of the letters with your steps. I caught on super fast to this one for some reason (cough Latin rhythm cough I got it!).
It’s funny to see a lot of people step back when we start doing dance classes and I go to the front, then it was time for Crossfit and I went to the back. No thanks, not my thing.
In addition to the exercise classes every time we had a break there were Jamba Juice smoothies to try!
They had two flavors each break! I tried all of them including their new smoothies with vegetable juice in them.
I don’t know if I ever told you guys this but my old lil Echo car had a “Powered by Jamba Juice” license plate holder. I used to be obsessed with Jamby. I still love it.
I had some of the Jamba Juice oatmeal during one of the breaks. I love steel cut oats so much more than rolled, just don’t take the time to make it.
Throwback Thursday – I reviewed the Jamba Juice oatmeal 4 years ago when it first came out! Ha. What a dork
Mr. P90x himself aka Tony Horton gave us some exercise tips and a little show too!
The last session was a mini-class by Venus Williams’ trainer.
Then it was time for lunch!
And I asked Venus Williams, “What do you eat before a tennis match? And what do you eat during to keep your endurance up?”
Her answer…(At 1:06 in the video)
“It’s like a 3 hour match. You run out of gas…it’s just not being prepared, it’s inappropriate actually. I try to be appropriate on the court at all times.”
I am happy.
Question: Who is your fitness idol?
Ahhh Tony Horton! I love him. Ridiculousness and all…I would have flipped my shizz and fan-girled out.
I want to quit my day job and go to mini fitness classes all day with you!!
I would say that my fitness idol is Chrissie Wellington. Hellooooo – four time Ironman Champion! I just met Kara at the Rock ‘n’ Roll Country Music Marathon Expo in Nashville, TN this past weekend. She was the nicest ever!!!
Looks like a REALLY fun event! I’ve never heard of Bokwa, and I kinda adore Tony Horton.
I’m actually interviewing a couple of my fitness idols soon on my blog! 🙂
anyone else having trouble seeing the video? It says it’s private.
I’m wearing BLACK! I need some color in my life!
This looks like a ton of fun! What is in that cup? It doesn’t look like oatmeal it kind of looks like cinnamon covered ghnocci (yum?). My fitness idol is my mom- she’s 54 and does CrossFit 3 times a week and runs 3 times a week and keeps a positive attitude the entire time.
I luv me an original razzmataz…yummy
Don’t know if I have a fitness idol, but I am in AWE of how tall, fit and muscular Venus is — wowzers!
You’re no slouch, either, Monican. 😉
Looks like a beautiful day in Sunny So Cal!
Wow, Venus looks AMAZING (as do you, of course!) Looks like so much fun!!
What a yummy event!
I don’t know that I have a fitness idol. I do admire Fauja Singh for his marathon running at 101 years old. That, to me, is worthy of admiration.
Kara Goucher is hands down my fitness idol! The woman is a machine. She comes back from injuries stronger than before. I am crazy about her. I have almost every magazine she has been on, including both Runner’s Worlds for this month. I about fainted when she favorited a tweet of mine this week.
Ok, that looks like one of the most fun days, EVER. I can’t believe you got to meet Cassie and Venus. Did you get to touch her hair? I didn’t say that.
What an awesome day! I would love to meet Tony Horton. Other people get annoyed by his sillyness in the videos but I found it made them easier. It wasn’t at all what I was expecting when I bought P90x.
Kara Goucher is definitely the athlete I look up to the most. I freaked out when I got to meet we at Nike Women’s marathon expo. I’ve never smiled as big as I did in that picture.
Venus looks great!
Sounds like such a fun day – all of the workouts would be really neat. I would be at the back on anything dancy/rhythm related!! Is Tony Horton as goofy in person as he is when he does P90X?
I would love to meet Shaun T (without his shirt for sure!) and Chalean Johnson.
OMGggggggg. You just lived my PERRFECT day. I’m beyond jelly. Why did you not tell me you were doing this…..I would have flown into town and gone with you?!!
I don’t think i have a particular fitness idol, but I love Kelly Rippa and other women that diet and workout healthily and put in the time too look good.
Who cares about Venus Williams (j/k), I’m jealous you met Tony Horton! I love that man! Though I would love to meet Shaun T!
Looks like an awesome event! How cool to meet Venus Williams!
What a cool sounding day! You met so many famous people it seemed! I have a huge crush on Tony H.! When I read that you met him I was kinda jealous 🙂
What a fun day! I also Love the Venus girls, so atheltic, focused and nice!
I would want to meet Tosca Reno, she is my hero/role model.
And also Bob Harper!
Eeee!! I would have been so excited–I am a huge tennis fan, and how can you not love Vee?! This event looks like it would have been so much fun…I love learning about new classes/types of workouts. I am with you, not into the Crossfit thing.
No fitness idol, sorry 🙂 I do respect how hard many athletes train and prepare though, especially when they have health issues to overcome like Venus does!
Oh yea, and I love that there’s kale in the flower arrangements!
I’m so jelly, I would have loved to meet Tony and Venus! Haha that reminds me, when I go running in the park, I frequently see this guy that looks like Shaun-T, and in my mind, he’s Shaun-T.
I saw the picture on Instagram, how cool! I think it would be so fun to go and learn about/try some of the popular new exercises.
My fitness Idol is Brittany Palmer. A UFC Ring girl. She’s very into health, not starving herself and she’s an amazing artist. Not to mention… She copied my tattoo and has a round face like me… So obviously I’m her idol as well.
It’s unreal when you get to meet your idols. So glad you got to meet yours. Sounds like she was everything that you expected.
That’s awesome you got to meet your idol! And the Jamba Juice Oatmeal looks delicious! Too bad we don’t have one around here 🙁
I would love to meet Jillian Michaels. I’ve done about all of her exercise videos before I started running last year.
I love P90X so I’m kinda jealous you saw Tony Horton. I would love to meet him and Bob Harper. I’d also be interested in meeting Chalene Johnson. She started my very favorite workout class, TurboKick. She’s also a part of Beachbody. I love things put out by Beachbody.
What an awesome opportunity! My fitness idol is Monica Brant! For like the past 15 years!
Fitness idol: Michelle Rodriguez in Girl Fight
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Fitness idol would have to be Jillian Michaels, from the Biggest Loser.
Looks like so much fun!!!!! 🙂 you are one busy chica. 🙂
Too busy. I’m going to die. I’m running Ojai north of LA this weekend – what’s on your schedule?
That Jamba Juice guy rocking it out in the exercise class is so cute! And funny!
He was the best banana ever!
That’s a good question. I never really had one. Which may explain why it took until my 30s for me to really get in to exercise. I’d say the bloggers I read are my idols because I can see how they fit exercise in to normal life.
OMG HOW COOL! I’m so jealous that you got to meet Venus and Tony!
It would be pretty awesome to meet Tony Horton or Shaun-T, considering that I love the P90X and Insanity videos!
Oh man. That sounds like my dream day. Lots of different exercise classes with smoothies in between, yes please. I think Jillian Michales is my fitness idol.
This is super cool and makes me wish I lived in SoCal. NYC seems so lame in comparison! Lol I kid. But still sounds awesome.
NYC is the coolest! But it’s also the coldest (as in too cold for me).
I lied. I do have a fitness idol. I’ve developed a true love for Jillian Michaels after watching this past season of Biggest Loser!
This looks so fun!! I love the little asian! (Cassie lol)
Her workouts kill me but she’s just so darn cute!
All these great events you go to make me want to move
to Cali!
I don’t really have a fitness idol I don’t think
hmmmmmmm now I must find one lol.
I never really noticed how tall Venus is.
ahhhhhh im so sad i missed, looks like a fun time!
I could have done without the 2 hour drive. We need to carpool. Also kinda saves the world… kinda.
Such an awesome event! I love that you love Venus Williams. She’s even more fit and beautiful looking “in person” versus on TV while tiny and playing tennis! 😉 Love her hair.
I met Tony Horton recently for the Beach Body Coaching kick off event in Canada here in Calgary. I LOVED the workout with him and afterward we got to hang out and chat as people asked questions and he shared lots of info. For as kind of full of himself as he is and funny, he’s also at the same time down to earth, approachable and all about being fit for life; I love that! I like him now way more than I did when I was doing P90X…crazy how that can change when you meet a person.
I’d love to meet Bob Harper a la you or StuftMama and also think Todd Durkin (met him at IHRSA in Vegas this year) is pretty legit. 🙂
I know this is catty, but I’m kind of glad you don’t like crossfit- I’m sick of everyone shoving it down my throat. I would have laughed so hard if I met Tony Horton. My husband does the p90x workouts and I make fun of his directions and silly sayings (especially during the ab workout). I’d say I probably love Kara Goucher- she’s so resilient! And seems so sweet, too.
So fun to meet you today! I thought Bokwa was cool, but I definitely couldn’t handle more advanced letters or numbers…
Fitness idol? Hmm I don’t really have one which is weird.