Since I’m on a strict Sriracha Diet Plan* I go through the red sauce pretty fast. So, I was super excited when I saw Trader Joes now sells TJ’s Sriracha Sauce!
Except it’s not the same. Nope. I double checked on twitter and many agreed that TJ’s Sriracha is NOT exactly like the OG version. It’s not as hot and is thinner in consistency. I like to original version a lot better.
Just the Tip: Buy the ‘real’ Sriracha because TJ’s got this one wrong.
Don’t worry. I still love TJ’s.
Here is a list of my Trader Joe’s Must Haves**
**Updated list coming soon!
My Run and Eat for today…
I was going to do 2 x 1600s but my path is too uphill to make them actually fast on the way out. So I did 2 7:57s (it was supposed to be faster) and the way back was speedy because it was downhill.
Question: Got a tip to share with the class?
*Note the Sriracha post was an April Fools’ Joke, if you want serious news read the Times. If you want to be a newscaster read a teleprompter. If you want to fill a hole in your heart read the Bible.
I mistook sriracha for ketchup on Saturday. That was an unpleasent surprise!
Oh good! I’m glad that sriracha diet was a joke. That post was the first I had read on your blog and I was like, whoa this girl’s brave to post that diet secret. Lol… funny funny. 🙂
I made the same mistake with Cosco sriacha! I was all excited about my big economy sized bottle. Tried it once and about barfed.
In regards to the last comment: Boom.
I get Huy Fong Sriracha. I think it’s the best. Though, I’ve never tried another brand…so maybe I’m missing out?
what a bummer! I won’t buy any version, because I only like certain spices 😉 I am a huge fan of buffalo sauce.
That’s still not the real sriracha… I’ve looked at that one before and was shocked to see fish sauce in the ingredients (aka not vegetarian). You have to buy the rooster bottle!
Love the title of this series. You’re such a dirty bird. Lol. 🙂
I like the note at the end of this post. Funny!!
Protip: add sriracha to all your foods and your life will improve by 152%
My hubby and I almost bought this at TJs the other day! Good thing we took a bet it wouldn’t be quite as good 😉
The rooster sriracha is the TRUE original! It burns!!
*Note the Sriracha post was an April Fools’ Joke, if you want serious news read the Times. If you want to be a newscaster read a teleprompter. If you want to fill a hole in your heart read the Bible
bahahahahaha! Love. It.
I just wanted to tell you that your posts make me happy and laugh and edu-mu-cate me most days. PS we met at Expo West, I stalked you in Amy’s while lingering over their desserts.
I remember you! How’s it going?!
Super good. Well except for the fact that I am preggers and cannot eat Sriacha no mas because it gives me heartburn. SO my advice to you is to not get pregnant. Or shower in Mrs. Dash Chipotle when the time comes. 😉
Hey Monica,
I’m new to your blog and loving it so far. I just ran my first half marathon on Sunday and I’m hooked. I’d like to run my next one faster and have seen all of these # x 1600 thingies everywhere. Judging how you have increased your speed, I am assuming it is due to these odd calculations lol. Can you or soooomeone explain to me what the heck all of it is about? I tried googling it but I need a beginners manual! Any advice is great!
1600 = 1 mile 🙂
The “real” Sriracha you’re using isn’t even the “real” one. The genuine stuff is made by Huy Fong Foods, FYI:
Thats too bad, Trader Joes is usually the most perfect little angel (I have a strange obsession and love for TJs)
Glad I picked up the OG kind!!
I like it, don’t hate me! I picked it up this past weekend & am oddly fond of it. It is a lot thinner so I enjoy it for the use of dousing my salads. If you like the thicker consistency for dipping…stick with the real deal.
I’m too scared to try the rooster sauce!!
You have the knock-off too! Here’s the real deal:
I agree, the “rooster sauce” with the green top is the real thing!
Just curious. Does your tummy ever hurt from the acidity?
Nope 🙂 and I eat a TON of it.
I don’t have room in my heart for the Bible. That’s where the peanut butter and cookies go 😉
bummer…I have the TJ’s version in my pantry once my ‘original’ verison runs out…I had high hopes! Oh well 🙂
I’m totally addicted too, can’t get enough!