I’ve been invited to run the LA Marathon from Asics. The company is a big sponsor of the race and has a lot of branded gear and Asics elites running it too.
Plus – Andrew Kastor gave us a training program for the race!!
Coach Kastor ran competitively for 15 years. He now works with some of the best runners in the world, including his wife Deena Kastor hello. I adore her.
Remember when we hung out in Maine this summer?
I am really bad about using training programs, so I declined to use a set schedule. But I did talk to him about how much I’m running, my weaknesses and goals.
Tight Ankle Advice: I had an amazing phone call with him earlier this week and he suggested ART for my tight ankle (more on that when it happens).
On My Goals: We talked about what I need to do to reach my goals and where I am right now. I need to change my mindset on how I approach training. This is something that I’m fully aware of, but I’m not there yet. And that’s okay.
He works with athletes that run crazy mileage every week. So I appreciate that he wasn’t like, “Stop running so much!” He gets it.
But I am not an elite athlete. And I do need to train differently to PR. It’s a journey… or a marathon, not a sprint
We also talked about…
REST! He put it out there that I will need to get more rest if I want to PR. It kinda sounded like he thinks I’m doing too many back to back races (not surprised by that at all). He said his elite athletes only train for one or two marathons a year. Then, they take off a few weeks from serious training.
It’s not that they are all that exhausted from the race. It’s the accumulation of all the weeks of hard training.
Marathon TAPER: Speaking of hard training… regarding taper he said you basically beat the crap out of your body for 12 or more weeks during marathon training. Then, you need that taper time to rebuild and rest.
Most of his elite athletes gain a few pounds during the taper and that’s okay. They are running less, but still eating about the same and hydrating. It’s part of the plan.
I don’t know. I found all of this wildly interesting. Hope you do too.
Okay… I’m off to carb-load. See ya later!
Question: What’s your favorite carb this week?
I’m digging cinnamon raisin bread.
I get ART done at the chiropractor (on my tight neck muscles). It is a little painful while she’s doing it, but I really can tell a difference even after one treatment!
my favorite carb this week = sweet potatoes 🙂
Wow… That sounds like an awesome opportunity… I wish I was that lucky!
I love how you get to meet so many cool people!
I totally do too many races too but I can’t stop. Runners anonymous anyone?
Seriously. We should start that.
I’d love to see you follow a real training plan to BQ!
Me too! Seriously. It’d be great to see you follow a plan, it can’t hurt to try. And if you’re already going to be running anyway, why not run what an expert has laid out? Sounds like a ridiculous opportunity to make and reach new goals (and new blog material to boot!).
Answer: EAT ALL THE CARBS!!!! Seriously… I’ve never met a carb I didn’t like… maybe that’s my problem?! 😉
Nutella, unfortunately. Like a jar in less than two days 🙁 yes I am counting that as a carb because it’s basically all sugar! (and fat…AHH)
Mmm, I’m feeling toast this week. Fresh toast, with peanut butter.
French fries—always French fries. Lol
I love any freshly baked bread with jam! Love the Mean Girls reference!! That’s cool that you get expert advice!
ART is why I love my Chiro so much. I get my ankle and foot adjusted and it releases all the way up my leg. Sometimes it kills when he massages my calves, but it is so worth it. You’ll love it.
What is ART? I hate tapering but that is what I am doing right now and Im antsy as heck. I hope you have a good race! I was hoping to spectate but I accidentally signed up for a race in ventura.
I love all kinds of carbs, but I feel like my body has actually been craving protein over the carbs.
Sounds like you were the recipient of some really valuable advice (and support). How brill!
My top carb this week? baked potato. With a lil cheese, of course (protein/dairy. Ignoring the fat)
Love cinnamon raisin bread- Ezekiel makes the best ever. Like ever…My fave carb this week is steel-cut oatmeal. As usual.
My fave carb this week is pasta (in any and all forms!).
My sister in law makes batches of belgian waffles and freezes them for me. I just picked up a stash of 12 waffles over the weekend and have been eating one every morning. I call them crack waffles. They are so addictive. It’s just Aunt Jemima or Bisquick with a few extra adds of some vanilla and such.
Sounds like you got good/practical advice from mr. K.