Hello! It’s the last week of Pile on the Miles! You have to hit your goal this week because:
A.) It’s your last chance.
B.) We’re all counting on you.
C.) You promised (yourself).
D.) You don’t want to pile on pounds this week!
Leave your goal below and get to it!
Now let’s back up to last night I made fajitas because:
A.) The veggies were on sale and onions were precut
B.) I’m Mexican.
C.) I like fajitas
D.) Corn tortillas come in packs of 1.4 million so you have to incorporate them in every meal.
This morning I hit the pavement for a long run. I really have felt the need for more recovery since the Revel Marathon. I wasn’t trained for a full marathon so I have needed A LOT more time to recover. I should have taken an ice bath too. Lesson learned.
I took some Ricola as fuel because I like them. Is that weird? I eat them during runs and sometimes randomly. (If menthol is bad for you I don’t want to know. I don’t care and will continue to eat them.)
I tried to do some crunches yesterday but Vegas likes me with a belly so he interfered.
Pile on the Miles LAST WEEK Goals
What is your running, walking or fitness goal for the week? Share below and get to it!
Use the #POTM15 hashtag to share your progress and encourage others.
Been working out everyday but only make it outside to run once a week lately 🙁 The darkness so early and sudden drop in temp aren’t helping!
I did hour of spinning
5 miles walk.
my POTM goal is to run3-4 days, walk on the other days and get some strength training.
I’ve been absolutely horrible at checking in, but I’m piling the miles! I hit 100 miles for the month over the weekend – my goal is to finish out the month by running every day and hit my 150 mile goal. I’m on track for it!
My goal this week is 17.5 miles to finish up with a total of 50 this month! I got a late start as I was on vacation the first week of the challenge and only got in 4 miles. Kicked off the last week of the challenge yesterday with a 10k! Looking forward to my Turkey Trot 5k race Thanksgiving morning.
Hit my goal last week. looking to run another 4 days this week and keep up my boxing and barre classes
My goal for the week is to complete at least 10 miles so that I reach my over all goal of 48 miles by the end of the challenge.
Ok…I’ve not been doing stellar hitting my goals. Ugh! So…my goal this week is to be more consistent. I won’t be able to get to the gym so it will be running most of the week with only one day for strength. We are traveling for the holiday so I need to be very committed to running when we get to my brother’s house for the week. I can do this!
Goals for the week – 4 runs, 2 strength days, 1 rest/walk day
I REALLY want to do two yoga practices. I’m feeling sore and stiff everywhere and want to make it through my half marathon injury free! No goal for mileage this week- just to get a few 3/4 miles in without knocking myself out for the 13.1! My body is definitely hanging in there!
My goal is to get in 30 miles and six workouts. I don’t anticipate any bike rides because the temperatures will be in the 40’s and that’s way too cold for me. I’m also getting in two yoga classes this week because, well flexibility and mobility are just as important.
My goal is to get in 3 runs this week!
Same goal as ever – physio exercises every day and 4x walks this week. I hope the weather is kind to me!
Goal this week is at least 3 yoga clases and some strenght training (2-3 days)!
I have not been good at commenting but I have been piling on the miles! Goal for this week is 25 miles of running and two strength days! I did yoga today so I’m done with that for the week ( at least I hit my goal for it already…I could always do more).
This week kicked off with a successful 10k! I ran the whole way only stopping for water stations (which don’t count right!?) and plan to get 1-2 yoga classes and easy runs in this week for recovery!
I’m doing pretty good — Woo! I’ll hit my goal of 50 miles this month if I run 13.8, so I’m going to round up and shoot for 14 this week.
My potm goal has been 20 minute hard core elliptical sessions. I have wanted to step it up, and totally using the challenge to make myself get it. So this week, 25 minutes minimum each session.
7.7 miles today, and it felt so good to be running again! My goal this week is to workout at least 5 days and run at least 15 miles.
My goal is to get in 4 workouts this week
Today was a rest day, while I try to fit getting sick before the holiday.
Goal for the week – get 3 workouts in (hopefully 3 runs, but I may. Need to be flexible on 1 due to travels).
Hello! Last week of POTM, yay! My goal every week has been to run 15 miles. While my good goal is to continue to run 15 miles this week, my super awesome goal would be to run 20! So, that’s what I’m going to shoot for. I also plan on incorporating morning walks with my dad into the mix, since that is such a nice way to start off the day 🙂 Good luck, everyone!
Goal is to do two treadmill runs, one barre barre, and HOPEFULLY a self-administered turkey trot!
POTM-get to the gym 4 times this week and get a run in before I eat on thanksgiving
took at HIIT class today! This week I want to run 15 miles. It’s supposed to be chilly and rainy this week, but I am going to do it!
PITM: I was able to run Wednesday, about 3k probably, not so far, Friday 5k, and Sunday 5k plus 2k in the afternoon. So that was good!
I have a final 6 days of cardio and intense interval training to finish off the week.
Goal this week 15 miles
My goal is to run 18 miles this week!
25 miles including a turkey trot!
POTM goal for this week is to run 4-5 days this week!
Aiming to hit my step count everyday this week! Went on a long walk in the woods today so we’re off to a great start 🙂
Goal is to keep working out despite the fact that I’m on vacation and will my in laws in town at our house.
30 miles and 3X yoga.
My goal is to do well at this year’s Turkey Trot so my mileage will be low, but swift at the beginning of the week followed by a weekend long run, maybe a dozen on Saturday.
Walking three times this week and remembering portion control on Thanksgiving!
10 miles and workout 4 days.
Rest day today! My goal for this week is to get to 135 total miles for the month so I can be super lazy on the 29th and 30th. That means about 37 miles for the week. As a matter of kindness to myself, I’m planning to do the miles on my bike. Any foot miles will be a bonus when/if they happen.
15 miles hopefully!
Goal for this week is 5 30 min workouts, with cardio added on 2 days.
20 miles this week!
Ughh my drunk mother busted my toe so no running for me this week. My POTM goal is to swim at least 4/7 days and maybe try getting into yoga if my toe can tolerate it!
My goal this week is again to run 5 times. I did a 10 miles this morning.
This week I plan to strength train 3 days, run 4 days, and cross-train 2 days. Thanksgiving day I will prep my body for the feast by running back to back 10k/5k turkey trots! Love those chilly T-day morning races Have a great week!!
My goal is to simply be active four times this week with climbing! And Spin! And a long run of five miles.
My goal this week is to run a 10K on thanksgiving day and to run under 1hour.
Today is a rest day, but this week I’m going to workout like a crazy and earn my pie! 🙂
I would eat fajitas every single night if I could. And pre cut onions are the greatest thing ever. I despise cutting onions!
my goal is to get 5 days of workouts, and for one of them to be a yoga day!
We woke up to a frosty farm this morning, so pretty! But zero wind, which is a luxury in Oklahoma. So I get to run my miles outside, bundled up for the first time this year. Kind of excited. I expect to be extremely fast. LOL
Goal for the week: 20 miles and plenty of yoga 🙂
I will be walking 6 days this week and doing full body exercises. I will continue with my arm challenge and will be doing additional core and leg exercises.
POTM: goal Yoga 2x
Run: 15 miles
Do my physical therapy exercises 2x a day.
This past week was a struggle due to illness. This week will be a struggle from lost of work before the holiday. Hoping to get 4 miles in today and Tuesday. Zumba 1 day this week, doing a 5 miler on thanksgiving morning and hopefully and easy run next Saturday to close out the week.
I missed out on this POTM– any chance you’ll do another one to power us through the remainder of the holidays??
My goal will be the same this week, since I didn’t hit it last week. 3 days of running, 2 days each of strength and yoga.
Goal is to run 3 times this week. At least 11miles. I’m going to do my own Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning!!
Run 3 days, lift 3 days, get 8 hours of sleep 🙂
Run 20 miles….and stretch after every run! Holy hip flexors
This week’s goal is 15 miles. I can’t believe it’s thanksgiving week already!!
My goal is the same- to get 20k steps each day- by either walking, running or using the elliptical.
Goal for the week is 25 miles of running and walking. And three 21 day fix workouts.
Ran 4.5 miles this morning!
Potm goal: 15 miles & lots of stretching.
POTM today-rest day!
POTM goals for this week-run 2 or 3 days, body pump 1 day, walk 2 days =)