Hello and Happy Monday!
Winner of the Champion Gear Giveaway is:
Workout Motivation Monday!
As part of my love / partnership with Brooks I recently made a Run Happy Board on Pinterest.
I used Brooks’ “Run Happy Is” tool to make a few images and am going to add more of my personal favorites too.
Check out Brooks #RunHappyIs site if you want to make your own image!
I have a little bad news though…
The Bloomington Women’s Half Marathon I was going to run has been CANCELLED.
I’m super bummed about it and don’t really have any details on why ( I think it’s low sign ups though). Boo.
Buuuut, if you want to run with me somewhere / somehow I might be putting together a Half Marathon Training Team for a fundraising group that’s near and dear to my heart. It would be a November race and you can train virtually with me and then we can meet at the race for some fun!
Anyone interested?? Let me know so I can get to work on it!
Question: Favorite Donut?
I’m going with glazed.
Check out my Run Happy Pinterest Board here.
I like PB and J donuts! I would totes do your running thing but I am out for the rest of the year! Damn ACL.
Such a bummer about the Bloomington race – my best friend told me because she was also signed up for the race!
I’ll be moving back to Minnesota this summer and planning to run the Twin Cities Marathon – supposed to be a good one! Grandma’s (like Holly mentioned above) is also supposed to be great! Perhaps you’ll consider another Minnesota race in your future 😉
I am sorry about the Bloomington thing being cancelled. I live in the cities and was looking forward to seeing your posts about it. I don’t know if you ever heard of Grandma’s Marathon? It starts in Two Harbors MN and follows the shore of Lake Superior to Duluth’s Canal Park to the infamous Grandma’s restaurant. I grew up on the Northern Shores of MN and this marathon has been in existence forever. I am not a runner but I love to read your blog! Maybe someday you will be able to come to MN for Grandma’s. It would be a very scenic run. It’s about 3 hours of a drive North of the Twin Cities. Check it out sometime!
If I’m gonna “sin” and have a donut, it will be a Bavarian filled chocolate iced donut. Mmmmmm….donuts.
An iced donut with colored sprinkles… or an apple fritter… or one of those cinnamon twists! I have serious sweet tooth issues. I am droolling over here 🙂
I’m looking to train for my first half this summer with the race being in the fall. Which race? Love virtual training partners! Mmm that sprinkle donut looks beautiful & delicious!
I’m a sucker for sprinkled donuts
I like mini donuts so I could have a few varieties – chocolate topping with crushed peanuts, peanut butter topping and just plain usual ole’ donut.
Hi Monica,
I’ve been reading your blog for a while now but it’s the first time I comment.
I’d love to train with you virtually. I wish I could also run a half-marathon with you but I live half way across the globe. Maybe, one day 🙂
I like this question. Favorite donut would be a regular one (whatever that means) with chocolate icing on top and sprinkles. Brings me back to my childhood..when I actually ate donuts once in awhile.
Gotta go with a cream filled. Preferably a peanut butter or vanilla cream.
Dude, that would be AH-MAHZING!!! Please do it! Having a virtual running partner would be so much extra motivation to run.
I would definitely be interested in some virtual training. I need some more motivation here lately.
Chocolate glazed. yummmmmmmmmmm
I love the Brooks campaigns! Favorite donut? Bavarian cream!
Bummer about that race getting cancelled!
There are too many good donuts to pick a favorite, but I love a blueberry cake and fresh glazed from KK. I love any donut that isnt filled- that’s a crime against pastry in my book.
Aw that’s a bummer that your race was cancelled! My favorite donut is the vanilla cream filled from Dunkin Donuts…the one where it’s filled on the inside with vanilla cream (duh) and on the outside is powdered and there’s a dollop of cream on top!
Have you seen this? It’s a stroller for a watermelon! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/29/watermelon-stroller_n_3180158.html?utm_hp_ref=@food123
How fun! I’d love to run with you, but I’m stuck here in lil ol’ Kansas! Maybe you can add a virtual race, too?
My favorite donut is from a local shop here in town…maple bacon!
i would NOT want to run with you!
do you want to run the marathon together this weekend?
No you’re too fast Ms.PRcity
I’d love to run a race with you! I’m eyeing the Griffith Park Trail 1/2 in November but I won’t sign up until I hear the when/where for your race.
Oh my goodness, I haven’t had a donut in SO long. When I was younger I was the queen of chocolate frosted with sprinkles, but now I’d probably order a glazed or jelly. But I’d take a corn or chocolate chip muffin over a donut any day.
I’d absolutely love to run a race with you in November? Any chance it’ll be on the east coast?!
I’d totally love to train virtually with you! Let me know the details when you have them 🙂 What charity would we be running for?
I’d be interested! If it’s in Southern CA I’d totally be in.
I had my husband bring me a glazed doughnut for the finish line when I ran Carlsbad in January. I don’t eat doughnuts very often, but since I’d been craving one, I knew that was the right time! Mostly I have a Starbucks iced coffee after my long runs, and those taste SO GOOD after I’ve worked out.
Yep Im a plain Glazed donut kinda girl. The ones with fillings or random flavors don’t appeal to me.
Ooo – love those champion tights!
How about the Women’s half in St. Petersburg, FL November 24th or the PAL Half Marathon on Palmer Ranch in Sarasota on the same day? Two choices in sunny Florida! As for doughnuts, Krispy Kreme plain glazed rock my world, but I prefer Dunkin Doughnuts coffee…is that illegal?
I just visited the #runhappy site. I would love to make one. 🙂 So cool! 🙂 Thanks for that!
I love bavarian for donut! HMMM
Definitely a Boston Cream donut is my fav! Sucks about the Bloomington WHM. Sorry to hear that 🙁
My favorite is vanilla dip with sprinkles!
It’s a tie between vanilla dip and sour cream glaze
MEEEEE!!!!! Sounds like a great idea!!
Oooh… my favorite donut would have to be a cake donut with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. And I would definitely not feel guilty about enjoying one after a long run!
That was an awesome giveaway, better luck next time. I love maple bars!!
Easy: Krispy Kreme Glazed with Chocolate frosting. Heaven.
No way! Super disappointed! I was looking forward to 1) Meeting you and 2) PRing (I just started a pretty fun training plan).
Dang. Looks like it’s back to the drawing boards for a different summer half.
Favorite donut is chocolate frosting with sprinkles. I totally ate one this morning at a work meeting and I didn’t even kind of feel guilty. 🙂
My favorite donut are the real chocolate ones. I used to get them from the Salt Lake City Donut Co., or the 7-Eleven but haven’t seen them in like 10 years. Bummer! Do you watch Duck Dynasty? Si ate 48 donuts and won a camper because of it. I die!
As for your colorful workout pic…I just drove past a lady wearing turquoise running tights…she look amazing. Jealous. 🙂
Have a fab Monday, and Yeah, I’m interested in the half…though I’m slow so I don’t see how that would work.
Bummer about the race! But I should admit, I’m not really a fan of donuts so when I saw them after my 1/2 marathon, I couldn’t even imagine eating one. And when I heard a man say he’d eaten 4 after crossing the finish line, I was nauseous at the thought. The only thing I wanted after crossing that finish line was water and an orange slice.
Hi lady!
i may be doing the Malibu half in November if you’re at all interested in making that the race! xx
Hello!!! I already have the race in mind. I’ll keep ya posted 🙂
I’ll run with you! I was thinking of doing the Temecula 1/2, heard of it? Favorite donut: chocolate cake. No jelly filled!
I would definitely be interested! I love a destination race, although wouldn’t mind if you decided you wanted to do it here in New York – there is a Dunkin Donuts on every corner here on Long Island….
Glazed old fashioned. Yum!
I would be very interested in a November Race, would it be close to home? Excited for details!
Interested! (what local half is in November?)
Fave doughnut: glazed chocolate donut holes from DD (please can they open here!), jelly donut, and a chocolate bar — uh, no I cannot choose just one! 😀
Happy Week, Monican!
Should we open a franchise?
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
iced coffee, glazed choco-holes and running. I could def wrap my life around that. 😉
I’ve dreamed of opening a gym…. With a bakery attached! 🙂
And, yes, I’d love to run a half in November!
I love getting the apple fritters at John Donut, a local donut shop. They are so good!
Old fashioned without a doubt. Or a long John. Or chocolate with sprinkles. Damn, apparently I’m just a doughnut fan 🙂
Your plan for a half sounds great.
Krispy Kremes plain glazed hot off the pan – best donuts ever!!
Blueberry cake donut is my favorite…weird enough I think you were in my dream last night at some race. Have a good Monday!
I was actually looking into running my first half in November so that would be very cool!
I love every single donut I meet. Except the ones with bacon on them.
Oh whoa, you reminded me of the maple bars at Voodoo Donut in Portland that have thick-cut bacon ON them. Sounds really gross but they’re really, super, mega-delicious.
the fat girl inside me, a.k.a. Hank, my tapeworm, LoVEs Chocolate Iced Cake Donuts from this bakery in Chicago (southwest side) called Weber’s Bakery. OMG – deliciousness!!!
I love this 🙂
maple glazed, absolutely! I could do a November half, but I am already doing the Rock n’Roll Las Vegas November 17. Which day were you thinking?
I so love Brooks and their Run Happy campaign. I’m definitely going to have to play around with that widget/tool. So sorry your race got cancelled–that’s a total bummer. I tend to like cake doughnuts a little better than regular donuts, although glazed are always a favorite, too. Most of all, I like doughnuts from specialty shops. (Anyone visiting Atlanta, check out Sublime Doughnuts. Amazing stuff.)
Love glazed too!
When they randomly cancel a race like that, do you get a refund?
Yes, I would like to train for a November half. California????
I love ANY donut. Krispy Kreme glazed are the best, but I also love chocolate, with custard filled. Yummy.
What distance and where? If it’s in socal I’ll definitely be there! I love all donuts I’d hate to discriminate (but really sprinkle)
I would love to get involved for a November half-depending on where and when it is. I’m running New York this year, so I”ll have to just see…that sucks about the Women’s Half! I”m sure you can find another race closer to you to run instead 🙂
Dunkin’ Donuts Coffee Fancy. Glazed. I haven’t had one in years but I can almost taste it… Not sure if they even make them any more. I live in the UK so it’s hard to know as we don’t have many DDs.
Not sure what fundraiser is near and dear to you, but fighting BC at this time and would love to run for that. Half marathon would be my first but completed a couple 5k’s in the past. French cruller my favorite doughnut.
I would definitely be interested in the November half – as long as it’s not on the same weekend as the SB International race! Sounds like a lot of fun and I love that it would support a good cause!
My favorite as a kid was the strawberry glazed from DD but now my favorite donut is maple glazed.
I would be sooo interested in the November half! I bet I could some friends to do it, too! Keep me posted!