Hello! How’s it going? I’m over here wrapping up a little Homemade Happy Hour… so good.

I’m not a very good bartender and any time I am out basically just drink margaritas or vodka sodas (or shots, lots of those). But I want to be a good hostess so maybe I’ll make a friend or something.

Plus, I have A TON of alcohol and need to get fancy with making drinks.

I have a ton of vodka so I recently looked up recipes for some vodka based cocktails and found a recipe for Seabreeze. I changed it up to make it lower calorie and now it’s my full time jam.

Skinny Seabreeze Cocktail Recipe
- 1.5 shots vodka
- 1 shot Vita water zero (or similar)
- Big squeeze of grapefruit
- 1 shot lime seltzer water
Mix and pour over ice. Enjoy!

I just never know if I should file cocktail recipes under “Snack” or “Breakfast” or “Smoothie…” All of the above!
Then, I made some really epic nachos for dinner. Always melt cheese in the broiler, not the microwave.

Speaking of Nachos… I have to post this Nacho Taco joke again… Love.

I’m a wino myself – but every so often a good margarita or dirty martini can be delightful! My fave go to quick and low cal/low sugar margarita recipe is using your favorite tequila ( I like Herradurra Silver) Fresca and of course a twist of lime !!! 🙂
Yes, that is a classic! But my fam uses squirt 🙂 I use Fresca too.
i learned about greyhounds this weekend-vodka and grapefruit juice with a slice of lime-so good and practically health food.
This skinny cocktail is genius!! Grapefruit is my fave addition to vodka soda for sure. Also love the inclusion of Vitamin Water Z….love that stuff! Another one to try is the pear flavor of La Croix water with pear Grey Goose – amazing!
xx Jill
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Love this idea! My favorite skinny cocktail recipe is vodka + Diet Ocean Spray juice … It’s lovely.
Dessert … Homemade marshmallow treats & sea salt gelato ! And then maybe a few Dove chocolates …
I love that nacho video. I laugh every single time I watch it..which has been like 50 times.
Ha! Me too. I was sitting here by myself last night just laughing like a weirdo 🙂
THOSE.NACHOS.LOOK.SO.GOOD. Need those right now!!
Last summer my friends and I made cocktails with gatorade. The cucumber lime gatorade with sliced cucubers, a lime wedge and some vodka was amazing! Plus the gatorade will help prevent your body from getting dehydrated from the vodka. measurabledifference.com
I usually have a glass of red wine in the evenings. We bought a costco sized vodka for our Christmas party and it’s sitting around not being used. Now I know what to do with it!
I used to love doing Vitamin Water Zero and vodka cocktails! I used to mix Pinnacle Whipped Cream vodka with the orange VW Zero. Tastes like a creamsicle.
I seriously have 3 bottles of cake vodka right now! I’m going to have to try this!
Last night with dessert ;), and I had Trader Joe’s Minestrone soup for dinner last night because I didn’t want to scrub my pan a cook a fancy meal.
Had a drink last weekend–vodka soda with lime and splash of cranberry! YUM.
I just signed up for the RNR half with your discount code. Thanks so much.
Are you running the RNR full marathon?
PS. Those nachos look amazing!!!
San Diego RNR–oops
I love RnR races – whic h city did you sign up for?
San Diego!!
I’ve been craving a good margarita!
Me too! I’ve decided it’s my life’s mission to make a killer margarita and that will be my signature thing 🙂
Hmmm, dinner was baked chicken thighs and green beans… I actually did NOT have dessert last night (gasp!). My last adult beverage was February 14… there was a big Mardi Gras parade that day and I had 3 Abita Strawberry Harvest beers. Not sure whether it’s a good or a bad thing that I can remember it in that much detail, lol.
That actually looks completely yummy! I haven’t had a drink in…… months, actually. Been awhile. Wow! I’m due, I guess. 🙂
Over due!
I love skinny cocktails!! Definitely adding this one to my list!
Last time I had an adult beverage was almost 5 years ago (Im in recovery ha). One adult beverage will quickly turn into 1365498741657.
For dessert I had some chocolate chip granola. It was heavenly.
You had me at granola for some reason it is one of my favorite foods… but add chocolate and all bets are off!
Dinner was soup and panini, dessert vanilla fro-yo with dark chocolate chips!
I’m the mom of a teen, a tween and a toddler…I look forward to my evening cocktail 😉 I usually go with a glass of wine or vodka with seltzer and a splash of diet cranberry juice.
Your kiddos are spread out! Love it 🙂 You deserve that cocktail momma!
well dinner was a Kashi frozen dinner. Then came the hershey bar i melted in the microwave and mixed with peanut butter. I swirled it around and had about 4 teaspoons of heaven! =)
Love that dessert 🙂
I’m not much of a cocktail person anymore, I tend to stick to beer or wine nowadays, but the summertime always calls for some sangria! That drink does look good though!
I still haven’t gotten behind beer, but I’m always down for wine 🙂