Hello! How are you? I’m good, but might be running to the bathroom in 2 seconds. I’ll explain later. First let’s talk about running and eating!
This morning I was up bright and early to bust out 10 miles. I’m at a weird spot in my training because I feel like a lot of marathon plans are too light on mileage and speed work, but the PR/ fast ones are super HARD! I’ve decided to go with the hard plan and just do my best.

After that I headed to my mom’s work to help her set up her classroom. She’s a teacher. I’m Captain Obvious (it’s an unpaid position).
I put up some bulletin boards and told her about my life and teased her about random stuff. I really try to do my best to fulfill my daughterly duties.
Seriously though, my mom’s hair is super thick! What is her secret?! I bet it’s because of all those avocados fresh from the backyard (bee ridden) tree.

I should have noted this little sign for future reference:

She kept working and I jammed out to do some blog work at the house and eat all the food. Moms have the best food. If you invite me over I’ll check out your mom’s fridge and probably think she has the best food too. I like other people’s food.
So I got there and immediately threw a popcorn in the microwave while looking for other snacks. I cannot get enough popcorn lately!

While that was poppin’ I grabbed the MASSIVE jar of PB and the bunch of super ripe bananas… I feel like the bananas are getting too ripe so I should just eat all the things!
Challenge Accepted.

By this time the popcorn was done and I grabbed it as I sat down to answer RER emails. It tasted a little weird, but I just figured my taste-buds were used to the SkinnyPop I’ve been eating. So I shoveled in a few more handfuls and thought that maybe this was super stale and that’s why it tasted weird?
Apparently this popcorn …

Ha! I am so busted because I kept eating it for a while before trying to figure out why it tasted ‘off’.
Luckily I had all those bananas to eat while I found another, less expired snack.
Then, my mom came home from work and brought ceviche!!! This is the perfect dinner for hot summer nights.

So… now we wait and see if I have stomach problems from the super old popcorn. I think I’m going to be okay because I’ve eaten a lot worse and been fine. I eat stuff that’s past it’s “Best by” date all the time*.
And that’s why I should have taken the “Life is about learning from your mistakes” sign to heart because I keep doing it. Oh well.
When I got home it was late and I still needed to do YOGA. I am on a mission to stay with it. I really feel so much better after!
But since I was a little stressed I decided to just do the Yoga with Adrienne for bed time. It was perfect for calming down. Ben got here when I was about to start and joined me!

Do Runners Need a Separate Hamper for Running Clothes?
Now let’s talk about the #1 hardest thing for runners to do:
Keep up with all that sweaty laundry

I wash my running clothes separately from all my other clothes (read ‘other clothes’ as: the one dress I wore to church this week).
When there are non-running clothes in the hamper OR other people’s clothes in there I don’t put my stuff in it. I just throw my sweaty clothes to the floor on the side of the hamper (because I’m not an animal).
I know ‘some people’ put everything in the hamper and sort it when they are going to wash. But I am not ‘some people’ I am a ‘lazy person’.
So this week I thought of a solution – get a hamper with two sections OR get two hampers!! Boom!!
I went to the store to check out my hamper options. I like the idea of a metal hamper because sweaty clothes get the cloth liner sweaty and that’s gross. I want to go with a metal/wire one but my current hamper is wicker. I don’t want to have mismatched hampers so I feel like I should buy two of the same design.

But I remembered that I had heard of this running blog – “Run Eat um, something I forget” and realized I’m not the first person to have this problem. I’m sure you or one of your fellow readers has a great method for dealing with gross post-run clothing.
Do you use 2 hampers?
Do you just throw it all in one?
Do you toss it on the floor?
Do you not wash it in hopes that dogs will smell you from miles away and leave you alone on your next run??
Is there another top secret option that I don’t know about???
I decided not to buy one until I ask you what you do about this. Let me okay!

Also, spotted this and kinda love it.

Question: How do you deal with sweaty post-workout clothes?
*Don’t try this at home.
I have a separate hamper, in my laundry room, just for my workout clothes. I hang my sweaty clothes to dry in the garage before I put them in the hamper. My son has his own hampers, and hubby and I share three for our regular clothes (we sort them as we put them in the hamper, so when I go to do the laundry, that is one less step-I just get the “whites” hamper or the “gentle” hamper and toss it all in.
late to the comment party, but…
i have a laundry basket for my colored work-out clothes, one for white work-out clothes, and then one for work/regular clothes. i then also have a few laundry bags that gather sweats/lounge shorts/pjs, and then a large bag for towels and sheets. also, in regards to the sweaty clothes (i’m super sweaty), i hang them on the side of the basket or in the bathroom until they’re dry, then throw ’em in.
its kinda messy with all those hampers/bags lying around my little room, but i live alone and it works for me, so who gives a shit. 😉
I put sweaty clothes straight into the washing machine. Even if I’m not going to wash then right away, I prefer they sit in there rather that in the enclosed hamper with other clothes. I just leave the washer door open a crack to avoid mildew
Mine all goes in one hamper.
My friend gave me the best idea of all time… I hand-wash my running clothes in the shower when I shower with Dr. Bronner’s soap, and then hang it to dry. I end up washing some of it in the washing machine afterwards anyway, but it’s nice to not have it smelling up my apartment!
Good idea!!
I let sweaty clothes dry before putting them in the hamper. Don’t put them in there while they’re wet … It will just mildew and get other stuff gross. I try to separate but usually just wash it with other stuff.
I let my sweaty clothes dry on the bathroom towel rack until they are dry and then toss them in with the regular clothes. If my husband is washing them – then they all go in the wash together. If I am sorting and washing clothes – I’ll try and put all my work out clothes together and add in a little vinegar to help with the smell. Ugh. The smell….
I actually have 6 hampers lol. 2 big ones that are each divided in 3… colours, blacks, whites, workout clothes, towels, husbands stinky work clothes. 🙂
You don’t mess around!!
I hang them on the railing to dry out and then toss into the hamper.
Talk about good timing, I’ve been questioning how I wash my stinky running clothes. I mean, the shirts and skirts seem okay just washed and hung, but my sport bras are a WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY. STINKY! I so need something new to get rid of that sweaty stank! Ewww!
Oh, and letting popcorn expire? Isn’t that like a known no-no? Seems like such a waste!
Two hampers. The one in the laundry room is for workout clothes (def drape them over the side until they dry though, so they don’t end up all stinky), the one in the bedroom is for everything else!
I throw my running clothes in a plastic laundry basket so its super easy to throw in the washing machine. My regular clothes get put in a cloth laundry hamper and I don’t wash them as often. I’ve been doing this system for over a year now and I find it works really well, I do laundry a lot less often and I’m able to wash my workout clothes quickly. If any of my running stuff is particularly sweaty I’ll just hang it over the side of the basket to dry. Good luck!
I separate my running clothes from the others, they have their own bin in this nifty triple hamper (http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/store/product/neatfreak-trade-triple-sorter-with-ironing-board/1018117096). Added bonus: it has an ironing board on top! I’m extra lazy and hate hauling out the ironing board, so this makes it more worth my while to actually iron my wrinkly clothes, rather than just stop wearing them.
haha! OMG- you need to have a talk with your mom about letting popcorn go to waste!
I hang my workout clothes on the back of the bathroom door so they dont intermingle with the dirty clothes in the hamper. When they are no longer disgusting i throw them in the hamper, but often they just build up on the back of the door until laundry day.
when I do laundry I drag the hamper over to the machine and then throw everything in it into 3 piles on the floor- whites, darks, delicate. workout gear goes in delicate
I do laundry everyday…most of these are sweaty clothes from hot barre or hot yoga class..and they go in the wash as soon as I get home. I’m religious about that.
Any sweaty running clothes that aren’t washed right away I hang to dry on a drying rack before they go in with the rest of the sweaty clothes.
Can I just say that I think our moms might be long lost twins…my first question to her when she offers me food is ‘is it expired!?!?’
Yep. Been there too.
I sweat for a living as a personal trainer AND I live in a very humid city, so I have a system: sweaty clothes get hung on an empty towel bar in the bathroom to dry, then sorted by laundry temp into my 2-compartment hamper that I got at World Market. If it’s a hoodie or something rewearable, it goes on a hook on the back of my door. I can’t stand clothes on the floor, and they’re also an invitation for my dog to sleep on them (or worse). Sweaty clothes definitely can’t go straight in the hamper in my opinion – the stuff at the bottom of the pile can stay wet for days
I hang my over the side of the hamper until they are dry & then toss on the top of the rest.
-1st time commenter, love your blog!
Thanks! That’s a good method.
My hamper has 3 slots 🙂 One for darks, one for lights, and one for workout clothes!
This is what I was thinking in my head. I need something like that.
I bought a hanging hamper and I LOVE it. Whitmor 6154-746 Dura-Clean Hanging Hamper (bought on Amazon https://amzn.com/B000ILJQCO)
It’s mesh so it let’s all the clothes breathe, and there’s a zipper at the bottom so I can just dump it into a laundry basket or even just unzip it right over the washer. I used to hang it on the back of a door, and now it’s hanging in a spare bathroom on the shower curtain. I also wash all of my running clothes separately, so this makes it really easy to see when it’s laundry time and also I don’t have to touch all of that sweaty stuff any more than necessary.
Just checking…that was HomeGoods, right? Because I saw about 10 things just in your post pictures that I wanted to buy.
I put my sweaty clothes on the floor next to the hamper – but I like the idea of that metal hamper basket situation. I feel like the clothes on the bottom are still wet when I go to dry them. Gross. Gross. Gross.
I live in sweaty Las Vegas so I hang my clothes in the bathroom to dry out and then drop them into the hamper.
I do have a hamper with two sections. On one side I put “gross” on one side and normal on the other. So workout clothes and anything I wash on hot go in side 1 and everything else on side two. I actually would prefer 3, but I live in a closet sized apartment so I don’t have room for more. The specific hamper I own is like this
which I bought at one of those in home party type things.
I have had to deal with sweaty clothes for years and tried all sorts of hampers but find that simple plastic laundry baskets are best. They don’t get gross or absorb moisture or dirt! We also used mesh laundry baskets (IKEA?) fir the kids and those work well for aeration!
I’m totally with you on being in between on marathon plans! “I’m at a weird spot in my training because I feel like a lot of marathon plans are too light on mileage and speed work, but the PR/ fast ones are super HARD!” I also have a hard time with strength training, I strength train around two times a week by making up my own, but I wish there was a plan that had it all! 🙂
Also, for the sweaty clothes–I put all of my clothes in one hamper. I used to have a hamper with three dividers and loved it but don’t have room for it anymore. Either way, when I have sweaty clothes I lay them over the side of the hamper for the night or until they’re dry and then throw them in with all of my other clothes. I never have an issue with anything smelling or anything like that since I wait for my workout clothes to dry.
I hang my sweaty clothes in the bathroom to dry, and then I put them in a hamper that has separate sections, like this: http://www.target.com/p/honey-can-do-foldable-ironing-laundry-center-and-valet/-/A-14168193 . The little hamper bags are removable, so then I just carry whichever one I need downstairs for washin’.
I throw mine all in one, but I do laundry every couple of days so not a long time to linger. Plus mine truly don’t seem to stink lol
We have just white plastic hampers because they are in each bedroom closet and no one can see them.
I’m kinda with Laura P …. I hang my sweaty clothes on my porch to dry before putting them in the hamper. I do have two hampers tho … one for whites and another for colors, because I don’t like to sort either! Read as “I’m lazy too!” 🙂
I put my sweaty workout clothes on top of my wicker laundry basket to dry (it has a lid). When they are dry, I throw them in with all the other clothes. I wash all my clothes together, but to be honest, there aren’t very many regular clothes in there.
I would think throwing sweaty clothes on the floor would get the carpet stinky.
I usually hang my sweaty workout gear in the bathroom or on a clothes line we have in the basement. I feel letting it dry completely before washing helps with any lingering smell. And once it drys overnight I just throw it in the same hamper!