Hello! Today I’m talking about my new favorite running shoes, but first let’s talk running and eating…
I did an easy 10 miler this morning that was only kinda easy to navigate since part of the last mile had some road construction and I had to reroute. Luckily I let Jesus take the wheel and I found myself back at home no problemo.

That reminds me… it’s Taco Tuesday! Yeah!!

Anyway. Post run I stretched and did some refueling at the same time. I’m a multi-tasker like that.

And I need to hit the foam roller in a bit too…

The other day I bought this knock off nutella thing and proceeded to eat all the hazelnut spread with my finger immediately…

So I used the breadsticks for PB today. The end.

Running Shoes and my New Hoka One One Kicks…
I am very happy to announce that I’ve been running in Hoka One One Running Shoes and am loving them!

A rep from the company contacted me a while back to try them out. I was already familiar with the brand since I have an ultra-running acquaintance that loves them. It’s someone I really look up to running-wise so I was down to give them a spin. But I didn’t want to fully commit until I ran in them myself.
I’ve been wearing them for a couple months now. I’m happy with them and love all the positive feedback and questions I’ve been getting from you peeps and followers on my other social media accounts!

I took them to Boston and wore them to the LA Marathon.

Now I am a runner and eater, not a shoe expert… but I do run A LOT. And I am a ‘run nerd’ when it comes to the best running shoes and running gear. So here are my thoughts on HOKA One One shoes…
They have a limited heel to toe drop. I have been wearing very small heel to toe drop difference shoes for a long time so this was important to me.
They have a lot of cushion. Dig it. – They have 50% more cushion than most running shoes!
They are surprisingly light weight for their size! – I’m used to a light shoe and was cautious about these since they just look heavier than my more minimal shoes. I’m happy to report they are light!
Bonus: Vegas likes them!
Should I see if the company will make him a tiny pair of running shoes so we can match?!

I actually used to think of Hoka One One kicks as an Ultra or Trail Runner shoe, mostly because they have so much cushion AND that’s where I saw them – at trail runs. But, they have a pretty big variety and make sense for me as a runner in terms of my mileage, needs, preferences and more.
Right now I’m wearing the Women’s Cliftons. If I change it up or try the trail shoes I’ll let ya know my thoughts!

You convinced me to try Hoka’s clifton 2 for my next running shoe. I have been using Mizuno’s and Adidas but wear them out fast. Love the cushion on the Hoka’s but did you find they were hard to adjust to initially? My legs get super fatigued and I have these stupid blisters on the sides of my feet. Did you get similar when you first switched?
Question: did you have to size up or down in the Hoka Cliftons?? I’m normally a size 7.5 in shoes (Mizuno) but want to try the Hokas…I need to order them online though because there are no stores that sell them anywhere within 500miles from me at least. I’d hate to order the same size I usually wear only to find it’s not a right fit…
I wear the same size in Hokas as I did in Mizunos, 10. I’m not at the half size so I don’t know… I would size up if they don’t offer half just to save toe nails if that’s an issue for you.
I almost got these shoes when I was looking for more support. I just couldn’t get over how bulky they are. They are super light though. Maybe I’ll give them a try later this year.
Hokas are probably too “cushion-y” for me though I like that they’re minimal heel-toe drop. I try to keep features of my shoes to a minimum – I’ve recently started to run in shoes (sometimes anyway!) (I was or still am running barefoot).
Oh my gosh I laughed so hard at that picture!
Vegas FOR SURE needs some tiny Hokas. What is you average weekly mileage, if you don’t mind the question? I’ve always thought of Hokas as ultra shoes too but I’m wondering if the cushion might help with the high-but-not-ultra-high mileage I do.
I didn’t eat Tacos last night, dang it! I am currently wearing shoes and Vegas needs a new pair of shoes, pronto.
I have the dreaded word, gosh it’s hard to even write it, bunion. Anyhoo, I need a wide toe box or I just lace differently but are the hokas wide or narrow in the front?
glad to know my cat isn’t the only weird one out there who molests shoes!
I love my Hoka Stinsons! I switch between these and a pair of Brooks Glycerin. I think alternating between the two shoes has really helped prevent injuries. I was a minimal shoe guy for a few years, but kept getting shin splints (even a stress fracture). The switch to more support and cushion has helped me get back on track with running this year.
You either have super large hands or that is a very tiny taco 🙂
That is a very tiny taco. I hope you had several. And my sons are big fans of the Lego Movie, so we always celebrate taco Tuesday.
I’ve been running 25 years (I’m old – 40) and have tried a billion shoes. I have super narrow feet and mizuno are my go-to shoe right now but I have a severe problem wearing out my shoes FAST. Like every two months. I don’t do high total mileage but I do run frequently (6 days a week). How long do your hokas last? I’m tired of wearing down my shoes so fast!
Oh yeah I had so many of those tiny tacos 🙂
I have several running buddies who swear by hokas. I just can’t do it though -they’re just to weird and gigantic. I kind of feel like you have to be a really “cool” runner to pull off the look. I never feel cool when I run, particularly after mile 10! I prefer more minimal shoes and am giving brooks Ravenna a try because my pure cadence aren’t quite enough for long distance. Glad you like them though!
Love my hokas. I ran all year in bondis and they provided awesome cushioning for both runs off the bike for triathlon and marathon long runs. I cycled in Cliftons and didn’t think they would be quite enough cush for 20+ runs (being used to cushier hokas), but they’ve been doing very well for me for 10-15 mile runs.
I am a huge taco fan, but tonight was about hibachi grill :).
Absolutely love me some Hokas! And yes I think a tiny pair of Hokas are in order!
I am so intrigued by these sneakers — do you feel like you could roll your ankle? I’m just wondering because the cushion looks so high that it looks like your foot could roll off it – kind of like what happens in platforms sometimes. (does that happen to anyone else or just me? haha)
Eugenia do you usually wear a stability shoe? I’m only asking because when I talked to a hoka rep she said I should try the conquests. Just wondering your thoughts. I do need a stability shoe and currently I’m using saucony omni 12
I was looking forward to the review when I saw you wearing them. I have been running in Newton shoes and love them but was looking for another option. Thank you!!!!
I LOVE Hokas. It is all I run in. I am currently running in the Constants. Prior to that I ran in the Huakas, and before that the Conquests. Love the Constants because they have asymmetrical lacing that keeps tongue pressure from causing pain on the top of the foot, which I am prone too…I love them all though.
Definitely get Vegas a pair 😉
No Taco Tuesday today. BBQ chicken salad with rice, sweet potato, avocado & feta.
love the Clifton but only got about 250 miles on them
I got new shoes and switched from my Brooks to Asics bc they felt better. I was in the Brooks Transcend which is like a tank for your feet and legs, so switching to the Asics has been an adjustment. At first my calves were super sore, but now it seems as though I have acclimated to that and now have shin splints. Hmm. I bought some insoles and now have to rest my shins a bit. Oh, and I have a half to run in 5 weeks haha.
Hi Monica! Would those shoes work well for someone with a high arch? I run in the Brooks Adrenaline (or Ravena) but I’m not happy with the changes they make each year with new models. I get really bad shin splints and can’t seem to find the right shoe 🙁
You would have to get two pair for Vegas. They should name the cat version “Pitta-pata”. Hee hee.
I’m intrigued by the hokas too. Thanks for the feedback. Will you solely (pun intended) use hoka or do you still rotate in your Brooks?
I have on Brooks ghosts at the moment. Been wearing them to work lately because they are so comfy
That photo of Vegas cuddling your shoe is the best thing I have seen in two and a half days. Love it!! Thanks for the shoe review!
We almost always celebrate Taco Tuesday, but tonight we are opting for some baked whole wheat pasta with mushrooms and sausage sauce. Last longish run tomorrow before the OKC marathon, plus rough day at the office for my guy. We both need a few carbs, haha! xoxo
I really love the Cliftons! And yes, they are so light and it doesn’t look like they should be! I rotate them in as my recovery shoes but can wear them for really any run.
I am big fan of the Cliftons!