Since the Disney Marathon I have been itching to plan my next race. I’m signed up for the Surf City Half, but that’s going to be more for fun since I’m still recovering from the full.
Then, I got an email for a discount code for the Suntrust National Marathon and Half March 20th. It must be a sign, so I’m going to go for it!
I’ll be doing the half marathon since my knee is still hurting and I really don’t want to stress about missing long runs because of the weather. I understand that many of you run long runs in the northeast, but it truly makes me miserable and I don’t want to put myself through that again.
The race is 50 Days away and I’ll be writing my training program for that tonight! I’m excited!!!
I had an appointment at 1pm so I ate a quick lunch before I left – a veggie burger wrap and veggie crisps with ketchup.
While I was out I got an iced coffee from DD. Someone has a problem.
When I got back around 3:30pm I had yogurt and granola. I also added more cereal and milk to this cup when there was room.
More answers to your questions:
Question: I was wondering about your diet history – did you ever try any “fad” diets in the past, or have you always been so well balanced?
Monica: After high school when I first wanted to lose weight, I did Slimfast and lost some weight. That’s when I started a long, abusive relationship with fad diets and socially acceptable diets too. I did Cabbage Soup, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, South Beach, Calorie Counting and more…
After years of restricting my food and then binging because I was starving I took myself to therapy and have been working on a healthy, balanced life ever since. I am still a work in progress though 🙂
Question: Is your brother single? I don’t want to date him. I just think he’s super attractive.
Monica: Ha! There is a big possibility that this is a joke from one of his friends, but if it’s not… he has a girlfriend.
Question: You said you and Ben didn’t live together before you got married – is that for religious reasons or something else? (I didn’t live with my husband before we got married either)
Monica: **This is just my opinion and I do not judge anyone for living their life they way they choose.**
I made the decision before even meeting Ben that I would not live with someone unless we were at least engaged with a set wedding date. Ben and I did not live together while engaged because I was living with my mom and happy there, so there was no reason for it.
I am not against living together before marriage, but I am not for it either. Everyone has to do their own thing, but I don’t think living together before marriage is a way to “test” out if you’re compatible with someone. (I understand financial times are tough and if it’s a financial thing then you do what you gotta do. KreditFinanzcheck has helpful financial articles that can aid you in being more financially responsible.) If someone wants to be with me then they have to take the good with the bad.
Based on my previous relationships and learning from the relationships of the people around me, I made a decision that I would not be someone’s girlfriend forever nor would I act like someone’s wife without a ring. If you’re not being treated the way you want to be, then walk.
A really great guy once told me if a girl he loved was going to leave him he would lay down in front of her car (meaning he would do anything possible to stop her). If someone’s willing to let you walk, then maybe you should.
**Again, you guys know I am pretty chill and totally don’t judge you for doing your own thing. This is just me.**
Question: What do you listen to on your runs?
Monica: My thoughts. I only recently put songs on my phone so I could listen to them while on the treadmill. I want to start listening to music more, so I’m going to start getting more music. If I was an ipod junkie it would be filled with Beyonce, Shakira, No Doubt and Pit Bull!
Question: What would be your dream job?
Monica: I would love to be a travel show host like Samantha Brown. I would rock the shit out of that job. Anyone have any connections?
Question: What do you think the best re-usable water bottle is? Any recommendations?
Monica: I used to swear by the massive plastic water bottle I got from REI a while back, but it was recently lost 🙁
Now I am using a set of three bottles I got from Costco. They are great because you can just drink with one hand and don’t have to unscrew the cap or anything. They are also spill-proof. I do highly recommend them.
hi! just stumbled across your blog today and somehow ended up on this page haha just wanted to say i totally agree with you on the not living together before being engaged. i learned from experience that living together tends to make an excuse to NOT get married or engaged (if that makes any sense). again, not judging anyone either, just what i’ve found from personal experience. i’m with someone now and i’ve made it clear that i won’t be moving in until i have a ring on my finger haha learn from mistakes right? anyways, love your blog! you have a great sense of humor!
Awesome I’m also doing the Surf City Half-hope to see you out there!
I loved your answer for the third question. It gave me a lot to think about. A lot of sad thoughts but thoughts that have to be acknowledged.
I am going to Costco this weekend, I will look for those bottles!
Good luck with the race! And thanks for sharing all those answers with us.
I had an iced coffee from DD and a peach Chobani today, too. LOL! Oh, and I am obsessed with Samantha Brown. She has the most awesome job in the world.
Lauren – so cool we had the same day 🙂
I really like your view on living together before marriage. I’ve never given it much thought, but I’ve always assumed I’d live with my bf/fiancee before we got married (I’m single by the way so this probably isn’t going to be happening for…a really long time at the rate I’m going). I don’t want to be someone’s forever gf or turn into a room mate.
Lovin’ the Q&A!
Good luck with the training plan!
I LOVE your blog. Consider me a new fan. I keep reading more and am like this is so me 🙂
Thanks for sharing because it is nice to know that there are others out there with similar goals.
I hope you post your training plan! My half is the next weekend and I feel so lost
wicked exciting about the half! and i totally feel the same way about living together before marriage. or rather not. but you put it much more eloquently than i could ha!
I want to go to Dunkin Donuts and get an iced coffee but I don’t think there are any in Southern California. Boo.
I love these Q & A posts. The questions people think of are so interesting!
Running to Pitbull makes me smile. SO MUCH! You are awesome for liking him too.
If you find a job like Samantha’s Brown’s….can I be your assistant? please!?
ya ya goooo girl on the new race entries!!! awesome! and I love these contigos water bottles too! I like that they arent too big because they fit in my backpack, but it is a pain to always be refilling! I hope you have a great day! get that knee feelin’ better!!! xoxo!
How exciting about your next race!!
My first half marathon is a week sunday and I’m waaay excited, so you must be even more so as you know the feeling of when you finish etc!
Great questions and answers btw, I really like what you said about the living together/marriage thing, makes a lot of sense.
Have a good afternoon!
My husband ran the National half marathon last year. Good luck on your latest race adventure!
I’m loving these Q & A sessions.
LOVE CONTIGOS! but ive told you that before. do you have the contigo coffee mug? they are fab!
yay for signing up for another marathon! you must be sooo excited =)
Great Q&A…and good luck training for the marathon! Very exciting!!