Happy National Ice Cream Day!!!
I celebrated hard with a throw back – went to Thrifty’s Rite Aide for a double scoop cone. That is mocha almond fudge and mint n chip.
I am a super nerd and when I was there it took all my effort not to announce to the other customers, “Today is National Ice Cream Day!!! Did you know?! Is that why you’re here too?!”
Sunday Set Up
It’s been too long since I’ve done a proper Sunday Set Up to get myself ready for a healthy week! This morning I peeked around the fridge to see what I could make for dinner this week. Then, I made a meal plan figured out what I was making for dinner Mon-Fri.
Grocery shopping is fun, putting the stuff away, not-so-much.
SCORE of America – there was one random box of Quest bars on the clearance rack. Hello. This is amazing.

Search me Sunday
Here are the searches that led unsuspecting visitors to RER this week and my responses to help ‘em out…
1. “swedish fish for running” Fish are for swimming or eating, not running.
2. “huge knots in bum from running” Oh no! Becareful where you’re telling people about your ‘knot in the butt’ – it can make for some interesting conversation.
3. “how much does hungry runner girl make for her blog” One million, give or take and then she spends it all on swedish fish. Ah ha! Now I know who was searching for #1!
4. “do you have to wash your hair daily for you not to lose hair” If this is true I’d be bald.
Also: “dirty oily hair girls” – This makes me feel good, like I’m fulfilling a need on the internet.
5. “is popcorn filling all carbs” What are you eating with popcorn filling? A cake? A hot pocket? Can I get one??
6. “starting a new life” Good for you! I don’t think RER can help ya, but good for you none-the-less.
7. “diets similar to jenny craig” I don’t think the Run Eat Repeat Diet is similar to JC, but I’ll sell you $200 worth of frozen food if you want.
8. “addicted to ginger chews” Listen if you need me to drive you to rehab, I’ll do it. But, can I have the ones you’re not gonna eat?
9. “would an energy drink help me run a mile in 8 minutes” Only if the bathroom was a mile away and you could only hold it for 8 minutes…
Question: What was the BEST thing you ate this weekend?
Mint n’ chip for me.
I celebrated with tons of froyo and turned 30!
Happy Birthday!!!
Oh dang, I love thrifty’s ice cream…their butter pecan is like buttery nutty crack.
Wow you obv don’t care about future employers w your pics. Also how many out takes did u take to let that Ice cream melt like that .
Jenn, What is wrong with the pictures in this post that would be an issue?
It is just hilarious! How long did it take you to get the “perfect” picture of you with your tongue sticking out? As you can see the ice cream has melted a lot in the picture.
You peeps have no sense of humor. Keep doin what you do mon.
Agreed. People need to get a sense of humour.
licking lips = “yum, I’m excited for ice cream”
…not “yum, I’m excited for sex.”
Yikes, have to agree. I would not want such a suggestive photo of me lose on the internet. I get it is an ice cream cone, but it sends a trashy message IMO.
Those random searches are HILARIOUS!
I had a chili cookoff so massive amounts of chili is prob my #1 for the weekend. Or the midnight froyo run on saturday, cuz I live life on the edge.
WHat grocery store do you shop at that carries Quest Bars?!
Smart & Final just has that one flavor, it’s really random.
So I have to tell you that I posted a link to my blog on a facebook group I am in and the review picture (for some reason) was of the lady licking the ice cream from YOUR blog. I couldn’t figure out where it got the picture from until I came here to read your newest post. It was even funnier that my blog title that was next to the picture was, “My Hubby Has a Problem.” Thanks for providing the humor today and always!
Ha! That is super random!!
Best eat this weekend would have to be homemade banana bread – warmed up with a little bit of butter and cinnamon!
NOOO! I missed National Ice Cream Day!!! This is a disaster! I guess this means I need to make up for it today… 😉
Gumbo and a side salad with tomato based something-or-another dressing. Itwasdelicious.
Squash, of course. Oh wait, and some seriously good Mexican food. I have a place I’m taking you when you visit. He he.
Deal. I just bought a kombucha squash. What do I do now?
Awesome deal on the Quest bars! More like deal of the century and a good flavor too!
My favourite ice-cream flavour is mint! Nothing beats your fav ice-cream flavour on national ice-cream day. 😀
I had Chipotle for lunch on Saturday. Everything else was boring and normal. Chipotle was by far the best!
“Ginger chews” would be a great name for your next blog if you ever give up running.
Love it!
Im totally going to tell the child TODAY is national ice cream day!
I use the same meal planner and I absolutely LOVE it. It makes grocery shopping so much easier, my days go by so much less hectic, and I hardly ever end up wasting food because I make sure to eat everything in a timely matter.
The best thing I had to eat was a “Big Momma Sandwich”. Chicken breast, bacon, bbq sauce, onion, provolone cheese, cole slaw on a bun. OK not healthy at all, but I ate half for one meal and the other half for another meal.
Oh, my goodness! Those are some crazy search terms- I always wonder what in earth goes through people’s heads when they think those up- probably best not to know 😉
Best food of the weekend were my quark pancakes from nicsnutrition.com they were amazing! No ice cream though 🙁
Hah I love seeing what people search for that leads them to my blog. My personal favorite is “fat girl boob sweat.” I mean, I have definitely mentioned boob sweat before, but I don’t think I did so while describing myself as “fat.” I also can’t shake the thought that it was some weird fetishist looking for that…
hilarious…I also enjoyed 8 ant 9. Driving someone to rehab while “getting rid of their drug for them” – classic.
Last night’s dinner with friends at Beyond Veggie (http://food.malaysiamostwanted.com/venues/secret-recipe-beyond-veggie) followed by coffee at Mbuji (www.facebook.com/MbujiCafe).
Sam’s Club cake…..aka the thickest most delicious and unhealthy frosting. So obviously I took two of the corner pieces because they had the most frosting. I wish I’d had ice cream today though! That mocha almond fudge is calling my name.
I can’t say I loved anything I ate this weekend. BUT, I did dream that I was eating a half gallon of ice cream out of the carton and sitting in front of a fire station watching people bike by.
Not sure what that was about but I’m sure it was delicious.
Pizza! Twice.
Pb fudge Georgetown cupcake!
Toss up- chocolate peanut butter ice cream from this new organic homemade shop that just opened up near us or nachos Friday night from out awesome local Mexican restaurant.
I had ice cream twice today without even knowing it was National Ice Cream day….so I guess it was fate! Ice cream is the best thing I’ve eaten this weekend. Chocolate peanut butter, and moose tracks 🙂
Best thing I ate…while sitting in a hot and steamy gym waiting for my kids to finish Jiu Jitsu, I ate a ripe and juicy nectarine!!
Best thing I ate (drank) this weekend was hands down the mojito on my birthday. Nothing says summer like a refreshing drink!
That ice cream looks amazing!! Those blog searches are hilarious – it always amazes me the things people look up to find their way to my blog!
Hands down, the best thing I ate was the Elvis burger from a local joint in OKC, S&B Burger. Basically, its a burger with peanut butter and bacon and it is so good I day dream about it sometimes. 🙂
I had fro yo for the first time in almost a month! 🙂
My apartment building had an ice cream social to mark this very important holiday, otherwise I would have been all over Thrifty Ice Cream. Chocolate Malted Krunch for me please.
I too had mint choc chip ice cream today to celebrate … I had to refrain from announcing it was national ice cream day to those people walking right past the ice cream freezer at the store without so much as a glance… ice cream just happens to be my favorite food group 😉
I ate extremely juicy and delicious nectarines yesterday. So yummy!
Dairy Queen 🙂
I had a brownie ice cream sundae at Ghiradelli Square this afternoon to celebrate National Ice Cream Day – pretty tasty!
oh man, that sounds really good! too bad i don’t live near a ghirardelli’s, i need to remember to go there when i’m in san diego this fall 🙂
i had cherry biscotti banana soft serve yesterday though (i guess i can say it was for for nat’l ice cream day, but i didn’t know that was a thing, haha)
From my Saturday falling off the wagon, the very best thing I ate was the chocolate chip cookie sandwich with while frosting in the middle and chocolate frosting on top. I licked my fingers when I was done too!!