I woke up before my alarm (probably nerves) and took a 2 mile stroll to start the day. It was quiet and peaceful. I tried to channel some of that calm inside my <3 (heart, not butt).
Then, I grabbed breakfast to go – iced coffee and a bagel with PB&J. Ben dropped me off at the airport and security was the usual naked scanner because you should be scared and do what the government says routine.
I flew out of John Wayne again – feels like I was just here.
Oh wait, I was… two week ago when I went to Seattle.
I grabbed a Subway 6 inch egg sandwich from the airport. I’m hoping to stall another hour or so before eating it, but the delicious smell is calling me
And I have my notes and magazines to keep me company. This flight doesn’t have wi-fi so the time is passing s-l-o-w-l-y.
Seltzer and tea for hydration…
I received the production itinerary on Friday night and it’s packed! Looks like I’ll be very busy all Monday and Tuesday and then I’m headed back home Wednesday. Guess I’ll save the sightseeing for when I return in November. I was kind of thinking of doing a super long run all around New York when I go back anyways
No Sunday Set Up for me this week, but I want to run Monday & Tuesday in NY and get in some kind of exercise when I get home Wednesday. Thursday will be yoga and maybe finally a swim?! I have to swim this week! I only have 4 weeks until the triathlon and still might need floaties!
On the eats front – just eat healthy, stop when I’m full and limit snacking.
Since today is Sunday we should checkout the searches that brought unsuspecting internet searchers to Run Eat Repeat…
1. “eat it like a boss” – Yes, I do.
2. “i don’t know when i am hungry” – Me either. But I still eat like a boss. See above.
3. “what is healthy for 7 year girls to eat at 8:49 at night” I don’t know, but what if it takes longer than a minute to cook and they eat at 8:50?! Then you have a whole new set of problems.
4. “run than eat or eat than run” Both.
5. “i’m not sleeping now” No, you’re reading RER. I’m sorry.
6. “belly button carrot” – What?
7. “can you live on almond butter alone?” No, you have to eat it with belly button carrots…
I think the almond butter search is my favorite. Hey, at least he/she wants to live on almond butter as opposed to something boring!
OMG, the internet searches are hilarious – especially your responses to them. That’s freakin’ good stuff!!! ha ha ha! Thanks for the Monday AM laugh!
Like a boss: http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=you+tube%2c+like+a+boss&view=detail&mid=DD1FFAB0D7CD547D3666DD1FFAB0D7CD547D3666&first=0&qpvt=you+tube%2c+like+a+boss
Truly terrible, but hilarious. do not listen to in front of mixed company 😛
Love the searches, my most random one is ‘fat arm mcdonalds im lovin it’ no clue how that ended up with me!
Have fun in new york!
I’m so excited for your NY experience – have a great time!
Have a fun safe trip to NY!
Are belly button carrots mini those mini carrots that can fit in your belly button? (granted they would be sticking out…) hah
Looking forward to hearing about your NY trip!
I get a lot of feet searches on my blog… what does that say about me?
You have a foot fetish fan club 🙂
haha what a great post! i love looking at the search terms too — some are so random!! like belly button carrots hahahahahah! oh man!
I am SO excited that you are doing the NYC Marathon!! It sounds like such a great opportunity and will for sure be an amazing experience! I live in Albany, NY which is about 2 and 1/2 hours north of the city and would have loved to have tried to get in this year (I’ve never done it!)! But.. I have a wedding that weekend. 🙁 I’m sure you will do great with the webisodes and the race itself and I can’t wait to hear all about it as I hope to try and get in next year… Safe travels!! 🙂
I love your crazy searches so I started looking at mine. This what brought unsuspecting strangers to my blog this week. Yikes! Pretty sure I’ve never even blogged about most of this stuff. Hilarious!
nude bathroom & nude washroom
hugh hefner birthday
farmers having bad day
people need to stop pissing me off
binge eat every night + unhappy with job
girls getting thong pulled up (100 percent sure this is a dude who did not want a fitness site!)
how do i make my cream cheese frosting sniffer
missed a workout 2 tomorrow
what were you blogging about nude in hugh hefner’s bathroom birthday party?!
haha! love the search terms. I can’t wait to cheer for you during the NYC marathon
OMG belly button carrots??!??!
I almost posted the same thing today – internet searches that led to my blog. They never cease to crack me up. That said…I posted about my ridic hatred for losing. Safe travels and be glad it was SNA not LAX. Love me some John Wayne Airport!