I worked from home on Friday and my cat kept me company 🙂Breakfast was oats with naner and PB. I have tried to switch it up, but I really love this combo!I had some blackberries for a snack before lunch. Yeah for good fruit being on sale!Lunch was TJ”s black bean soup in a bowl heated up like it should…
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Office Christmas Party
I still have a lot of energy to get out, but am not sure if I have time for any other exercise today. Boo. I am supposed to go to my office Christmas party tonight. It is pretty far from the BF’s house and we have a lot of other stuff going on this weekend so I am not sure…
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Eat 12/11/2008
After my run I started my Thursday with a square meal of oats:Lunch – apple, PB&J, carrots:This was supposed to be a part of my lunch, but I didn’t eat it until a half an hour later:Afternoon snack: (These are okay)We haven’t really had any junk at work until today. Suddenly there was sooo much candy in the break room!I…
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Run 12/11/2008
Today’s run: 7.5 miles. I felt very good and was faster than my usual pace too! I love that. I kept looking at my Garmin surprised that I was keeping up my pace 🙂 It’s Thursday! Hope everyone is having a good one 🙂
Eat 12/10/2008
I didn’t have any ripe naners so I couldn’t make oatmeal. Boo. I don’t what it is, but I have to have a banana in my oatmeal or it’s just not good. But, I didn’t want cold cereal so I made french toast with 1/2 egg whites and 2 pieces of bread. I cooked up the rest of the egg…
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Run 12/10/2008
Today was an optional run day and I felt good, but wanted to go to Spinning so I decided to do 3 miles. That ended up being 3.5 miles because I was a half a mile from my house when I hit 3 miles, but couldn’t just cool down with a walk because it was too cold! I went to my…
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Eat 12/10/2008
Sorry that I am so late posting! Yesterday was crazy. I worked until about 5:45pm, then I went to Linens N’ Things to check out the huge sale and stayed there for over 2 hours just browsing around and buying stuff for the house. I only ended up getting 1 Christmas present! Boo. I also had to run into TJ’s…
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Run 12/9/2008
So, I repeated the same run I did yesterday – 6 miles, exact same route and everything. This brings a whole new and redundant level to my run,eat,repeat theme doesn’t it? Ha. Wouldn’t it be funny and unbelievably boring if I ate the exact same things too? Luckily for my readers, that is not the case as I already have…
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Eat 12/8/2008
No that is not chocolate chips on my oatmeal, but it is a crumbled Clif Z Bar! I thought I would change it up and I’m glad I did. I do almost feel bad about eating chocolate for breakie though…I was planning a walk with my peep, Adriel, on lunch so I ate an apple to tide me over until…
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