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Day 3! Friday – It’s National Sandwich Day!!
Quick Quiz: How many PB&J sandwiches does the average American eat in their lifetime?
The 4th Earl of Sandwich was born on this day in 1718 . The Earl invented the sandwich as a quick meal during a marathon gambling session.

Motivation / Quote:
“Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.” – Kara Goucher
My workout / Personal Update – I’m doing a longer run this week on Friday because I have a busy weekend. Wish me luck!!

RER Runner Tip: Pam –> @pammyruns

You can give another runner ONE tip. What is it?
Consistency is everything!
What do you do when you feel like quitting? Have a mantra? Trick? Other??
Visualize the finish line & run the mile you’re in. Think about how many miles you’ve run vs how many more miles you have left to go.
What’s your secret to staying motivated?
Sign up for races to keep yourself accountable to your training.

Instagram Runner Scavenger Hunt for today… LUNCH
It’s National Sandwich Day!! survey reveals average American will eat nearly 3,000 PB&J sandwiches in their lifetime
According to a survey of 1,000 people from across the country by Peter Pan Simply Ground Peanut Butter, four years and two months is the average age when children first experience the wonderment of PB&J. And the passion doesn’t stop. The average adult consumes three PB&J sandwiches every month. Nearly half of Americans regularly eat PB&J sandwiches, according to the survey.
Fifty-three percent say exactly half peanut butter and half jelly is the perfect ratio for a sandwich.
Fifty-nine percent prefer the creamy over crunchy texture of peanut butter. Grape flavored jelly makes for America’s favorite mix of PB&J. (source)
I worked out with my personal trainer and did two miles afterward by myself 🙂
Planned a lunch run on Friday that just didn’t happen…so 8 for Saturday!
I did spinning and took my dog on a 2 mile walk
10, 783/ 10,000 goal attained! And rewarded with wine!
I took a rest day. My right leg is so sore. I still managed to get 15,000 steps though. I have six miles to run tomorrow. In the rain. I am praying Mother Nature cooperates!
rest day for me
Today I had a very busy day, my running calendar is a little bit behind the schedule, but tomorrow I aim for 4 miles!
I am such a bad rule follower 🙁 After listening to all three Pile On The Mile 2017 podcasts during my run this morning, I realized you said the post the scavenger hunt photos and check ins on Instagram or your website. BUT, I’ve been posting them to Facebook. Is that okay and does it count?
Good luck on your backtoback runs this weekend.
I haven’t had a PB&J since I was a kid. I am a fan of PB in my oatmeal but only in the winter. I know…to many rules to this. Carbs are out for now until I get my weight down. I’ve swapped salads for sandwiches.
Busted out a 6 mile tempo run with strides at the end at 5am! Just consumed the most amazing Nashville hot chicken brazito (fancy sandwich).
Just sluggedthrough a hot, sunny, humid 18 miles. Ice and recliner happening now!
No PB&J for me. I’m one of those weirdos that doesn’t like peanut butter – unless it’s in a cookie!
Four more really slow, sweaty, icky miles today. Texas has decided it should be summer again, so it was 74 degrees and 100% humidity when the sun came up.
For my PB&J needs (whether sandwiches, pancakes, rice cakes or oatmeal) it’s smooth PB and raspberry jelly all day long!
Fridays are my rest days so I’ve just got dog walking on my to-dos (otherwise he’ll be one crazy boy). I’m planning on getting in an afternoon walk at work and yoga in as well.
I also prefer creamy pb in a sandwich and ONLY strawberry jam/jelly. I am not a fan of grape. And…I have a Creamy Cashew Butter & Strawberry Jam sandwich for lunch today since I’m heading up to Indianapolis for a race. BOOM!
I had no idea it was national sandwich day. I would’ve gotten one for lunch if I’d known!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog