Hey!! I had the worst dream that Run Eat Repeat was down to party and I couldn’t do anything about it except drink get my nails done and act like it wasn’t happening. Boo. b
I needed someone to wake me up from the bad dream like this mama cat…

But now it’s fixed and you can check in and be entered to win a pair of Mizunos – one entry for each check in…

Leave a comment on each of the following days and you’ll be entered to WIN a pair of Mizunos…
Pile on the Miles Wednesday Check In
Pile on the Miles Thursday Check In
Pile on the Miles Friday Check In

How did your week go? Did you hit your goal??
6.2 mile run/walk
Ran 3miles!
Saturday I rested and was super lazy. Walking around Sam’s Club was about as active as it got.
Worked two overnight 12 hr shifts on my feet, and honestly it feels like I ran back to back marathons.
quick arm workout tonight!
Did 2 miles of hills on the elliptical and 2 miles of hills on the treadmill.
65 minutes on elliptical!!
Ran 5 miles and walked the dogs!
No formal exercise – but I’ll be doing some walking around Door County
Got my pilates – lower body on. Then I performed for an hour. Singing and dancing simultaneously is ROUGH
14.6 miles on Saturday and 8 on Sunday!
Rest day – went to a football game (I did have to climb stairs at the stadium so I guess that counts as exercise – right?!)
Friday was a 10k on the treadmill. I was the only one at the gym until about mile 5 and a gal jumped on the treadmill next to me and scared the crap out of me!
Saturday, I ran outside 5.5 miles before heading to the big SDSU/USD football game!
This was suppose to be my Saturday chill day. I told my nephew I would keep his son. What I thought was a relaxing day ended up being a day of walking. That one year old joker walked me continuously for three hours. I need to bottle his energy and keep it for my tired days. This challenge has motivated me.
Tailgated all day with friends, so I took my rest day 🙂
Easy 5 miles here
The week wasn’t what I was hoping (home with a sick infant all week while dad was on travel), but…. I totally bypassed my goal of a 5K in under 30 min on Saturday!! 29:56, my fastest ever!!!
Roads are a sheet of ice, no running outside today. 5 miles on the treadmill. I’m already missing my outside runs. 🙁 it’s only November!
Stayed up way too late on Friday night so I didn’t make it out for a run before we had a bunch of girls over for Friendsgiving. Made up for it with a very brisk 6.5 mile run on Sunday though! Still managed 23 miles this week!
Rest day!
Cardio class and made my goal.
3 easy miles today.
Last week wasn’t too bad, in fact, it went well – I moved everyday. I especially like the 5:30am hikes where I could just zone out and take in my surroundings.
Yesterday I did a 7km run – it was supposed to be a bit over 8km, but my knee started hurting so I did the smart thing and cut it short. Fingers crossed I don’t have any problems!
6.2 miles!
I did a mile warmup, 8×400 repeats, and then 3/4 mile cool-down, followed by abs AND finally nailed some kipping pull-ups. I feel accomplished, which means I’ll probably reward myself with WINE.
Did some weights on Saturday!
Snow majorly got in the way of my goal, but my achilles has been feeling a little weird so the rest I got was probably good. Went for about a 5 miler today and definitely need to stretch it out majorly. Will do a shake out run tuesday and want to get some pilates in. Looking forward to the turkey trot thursday morning!
Walked 3.5 miles
I missed my goal by 2 miles since I missed my Saturday run. But painted for 6 hours, so I figure that makes up for the missed miles.
Rest day today. Spent sometime icing some lingering tendon soreness as a result of last Sunday’s marathon. Wanted to get back to running next week, but will settle for cross training instead to allow my body more time to recover.
5 miles today!
2 Miles on that elliptical strength training. Happy to have met my goal 🙂
9.5 easy miles and lifting! i hit my goal of lifting twice this week! (and I am sore to prove it!)
5 mile power walk!
I ran a glorious 4 miles in the late morning!
I ran 6 miles! 🙂 Didn’t reach my goal for the week. I was short 4 miles. 🙁
Another rest day for me. Stupid knee… Boo!
I ran 16.25 miles!
5 miles and 5 workouts this week which exceeded my goal of 4! Awesome!
15 miles done! My longest run ever!!
No running for me 🙁 But I did work and that involves a lot of walking around my store!!!
Gym workout while on vacation- 1 mile on the treadmill, 1 mile on the elliptical and then worked on arms
Sat is a rest day for me, so I filled it with grocery shopping, baking, cleaning, and laundry. So much for resting!
15 slow and cold miles before my surprise wedding wine tasting theme shower 🙂 great day!!
I ran my 6 miles today and hit my goal! Great week of running!
Saturday was a complete rest day for me. No running or working out. I did go cheer on my daughter at her volleyball game!
Saturday- 10 miles with my fun new running group! Of course followed by brunch!!
I ran an ultramarathon. I think I might need a new pair of shoes now.
Met my goal (run 3 days/wk) for the 3rd week!
On my way out the door for the inaugural Harbor Lights Half!
I did a full body strength circuit and walk. AND met my goals for this week! Woo! 3 runs, 2 yoga sessions full body strength sessions. Score!
much needed rest dayyyy!!!
I did make my goal. Hooray! I’m especially happy to have met my yoga goal this week! I don’t always make time to practice at home when I’m not in a class. Thanks to you, I was motivated!
I managed to take most a ballet class today! Yaaaay!
I’m hoping to get in some time on the elliptical this week, at least one yoga session (lots of evening meetings to start the week so we’ll see…) and I ran my first pain free mile today since May so I may try a few more miles this week, woo hoo!!
Ran 11 miles this morning–the temps were in the 30s and it felt like a heat wave compared to earlier this week!
Cold run and hot yoga!
6.5 miles on the elliptical. Love that thing when my legs are not feeling like moving themselves on the treadmill!
Hit my goal! Tough to get out there today, it was super windy! Glad I hit my goal!
5k with my wife this afternoon !
Crushed my goal- was aiming for 13, ended up with just over 20. Loving this challenge!
6 mile trail run!
8miles on the treadmill 🙂
I met my goal for the week. Today is my rest day. Back at it tomorrow.
Check, goal met!
5 miles this morning and an easy 10 minute cool down on the elliptical.
i ran the Mustache Dache 5K this morning! and killed it with a 10:14 min/mi pace! which, right now, is pretty fast for me!
Headed out to meet my run club at 7:30 this morning…in the rain. Was fortunate to knock out 11 miles with the few dedicated runners who came out in the rain. Great run, great company. Did I mention I was wearing Mizunos 🙂
Fitness blender 1000 cal. burn
Finished my half right where I wanted to be.. Not perfect but something to learn from:)
ran a 5k this morning! my first one (besides color run and mud run)…i’ve only longer distances otherwise.
I hit my goal this week and ran 3 miles on the dreadmill this evening 😉
4 early miles before a looooong day of work!
3.1 miles on the treadmill today. Tomorrow’s temps should be milder so I’m excited to get outside for the first time in a while!!
12.5 miles today in 15 degree temps!
Forgot my workout clothes when I left for my conference this morning (grrrr….), so I’ll have to make up for it tomorrow!
14.5 miles hungover…. Not the most fun but felt awesome afterwards! 🙂
Today – Saturday, was a rest day from running. Walked a mile with my husband and dog.
Cross training day today: 35 min of arms/booty/thigh strength training + 10 min abs + 10 min stretching.
I made goal plus this week!
I woke up feeling exhausted, so I took today as a rest day. I have four miles planned for tomorrow morning.
No run today. Did a few NTC workouts. Didnt meet my goal this week. The weather was awful!Hopefully run tomorrow.
The only exercise I got today was chasing my toddeer around the children’s museum, then walking a couple of blocks for pizza.
7 miles today – and I hit my goal of 25 for the week coming in at 26 1/2! Happy Saturday 🙂
I ran a 5k today. So happy! The week has been great too. Running, swimming and resting ( treating a cold). Could do better on the stregth training though. Well, next week!
Ran 5 miles today! Felt amazing to finally have a “heat wave” come through and we are in the 40’s instead of 20’s.
12.75 miles on Saturday!
Half in two weeks. 🙂
7 early miles and taught spin today! Yes!
light bodyweight exercises, feeling a little under the weather today.
Easy 4 miles on the TM today while I caught up on survivor! Win Win 🙂
Did not meet workout goal, but I did manage to land a new job – so kind of a win for the week for me.
Swim workout this morning
9miles and hot yoga today 🙂
I took a Step Class for the first time ever today! It was a challenging workout and I definitely felt out of my element but I am so glad that I tried it. I am happy to say that I did meet my goals for the week. Happy Weekend!! 🙂
Workout video with a friend, likely some Jillian Micheals!
Turkey Trot 5k today!
12 Mile run in the freezing rain this morning! GOTR training later this morning, now beer and pizza. 🙂
11/22 I did a 5K Turkey Trot at my kids’ school.
I took a long walk today and have a run planned for tomorrow. Unfortunately I didn’t meet my goal of number of bike rides this week (the roads were too icy), but will try to make up for it next week.
Shiner half completed in 3 hours in pouring rain.
3 miles!
4.5 easy miles followed by 3 hours of lugging around food while volunteering at the food bank – my arms are sore!
I just completed a 10 mile run and completed my goal to hit 25 miles for the week!
I’ve had to majorly scale back on set goals due to a knee injury that is taking longer than expected to get better. I am happy to report that i’ve managed to stay relatively active most days though! And I’ve never done more ab work in my life haha
Turkey Trot 5k this morning! Thankfully the rain stayed away just long enough. I set a PR and couldn’t be happier. 😀
6 hungover miles on the treadmill… Ugh!
6 miles today and an hour hike with the pups. They are both SO TIRED right now.
4 miles today!
Rest day for me!
Another Rest day for me as we are on the last leg of our 25+ hour cross county trip and won’t arrive at our destination until after midnight.
12 miles today!
7 miles this am
Strength training day!
10 miles!
After hitting my Mon-Fri goal of running 20K, rest day today….ahhhhhhhhhhhh….
Did some yoga since I don’t wanna run in the rain. :/
went on a hike today! wasn’t part of my goal for the week, but it was nice bonus 🙂
I did – for the week. I’m just trying to take it easy right now and become injury-free, so it’s hard to see (for me) such low mileage (aka nonexistant) but I have been able to keep up my strength training goals
3.87 miles. These shin splints are killing me! 🙁
I TOTALLY made my goal for the week. Did 22 miles today as my final long run before a marathon. Yay for taper!
It was a busy week with work, but I still managed to get in 3 days of hamstring/hip exercises– one more tomorrow will meet my goal of 4x/week!
8 miles this morning before work to meet my goal of four runs this week!
I already met my goal to work out 4 times this week! And I have a short HIIT run scheduled for later this afternoon.
14 today!
A windy, cool 8k Drumstick Dash!
5k flavor run rac
Rest day from running. Took the dog on a 3 mile walk.
Squats on squats on squats (aka leg day).
Ran 12 miles this am with my girls!
Ran the 8k as a part of the Philly Marathon Running Series today…PR! It was a great morning! Next year…maybe the full…we’ll see!
Another 20 and massive blisters
I slept in today but still worked out. I DID meet my goal of 4 early morning workouts this week!! I’m SO PROUD!!!
Going to sweat somehow today… still taking care of my hurt foot but I need to do something!
16.8 miles this week! I’m stoked.
I am trying to meet my mile goal walking around gorgeous Palm Springs.
I biked for an hour and forty minutes this morning, and got to watch the sunrise from my bike (as I was sitting in my living room. I don’t have time for biking on ice in the cold!).
2 mile St. Jude Give Thanks walk and then a 5 mile run!
90 minute bike ride + 1 mile run! 🙂
Just got back from a 4.5ish mile run around Fort McHenry
Recouping from a minor surgery, so no run today. Hopefully I will be able to get a short walk tomorrow.
5.2 that was supposed to be 6.6 but I got lost, oops
outside run and walk. ..then strength circuit! happy weekend
I ran my 10K today and finished in an hour! I’m so proud of myself!
I have a 5K today! I might do a one mile warm up/cool down as well.
Two hours of yoga today and I am feeling good!
Ten in this morning which puts me at 34 for the week!
Did 10 miles this morning in freezing weather, but it felt pretty great! It was a stressful week in the life department, but I managed to get in 19 miles of training, plus a few good pup-walking miles. Happy weekend!
I ran the Star City Half Marathon this morning and pr’ed by 18 minutes!!! So psyched!!
I went for a 5 mile run with intervals and then did some Blogilates ab workouts at home.
12 miles early this morning! I didn’t get my long run in this week but I have it planned for Monday.
A rest day… starting to get jittery. Just over a week to go until my first ever 10K race!
5 miles on the treadmill this morning! My week goal was to up my milage, and I did about 4 miles more this week than last, so yay!
Pilates class and a 40 minute walk.
STill not running because of my strained rib but walked about 5 miles.
6 mile #CityRunningTour before tomorrow’s #PhillyHalf marathon. A great weekend of running!
Just ran 11 miles, somehow finishing the week at 38! Yikes! I’m suppose to be sticking in the 25 range. The miles were good, but kinda of sad to miss the other stuff, like really good hot yoga classes!
Ran 8 miles of a planned 11…didn’t want to run in thunder and lightning!
Just finished 12 miles with friends….great way to start a Saturday!
Goals were achieved even though the weather was horrible! Did a circuit workout today followed by 30 minutes on the stair climber and 30 minutes on the Elliptical. I’ve found that as I age cross training is crucial, too many miles pounding the pavement can cause injuries.
Bundling up now for a 5-miler in Boston!
5k this morning with my best friend!!
10 miles done.
I didn’t hit my goal of walking. I had a hurting knee so I nixed the walking, but I did get all my runs, yoga and strength training sessions in!
Headed to a yoga sculpt class shortly.
Rest day here!
Elliptical and weights this morning
I did 45 min on the elliptical this morning. I didn’t meet my goal this week, but it’s okay. I’m back on the wagon now and happy about it. This wintery weather along Lake Erie has been depressing and I lost motivation for a short while. I bought these little chains and spikes for my running shoes and now I’m all set to get back out there!
Back at it – 3 miles today. SO sore fromy gym workout! Can’t wait to get back to my training!
I got sick this week so I couldn’t do anything for three days. But I finally started back up again yesterday. Doing a 2.5 mile run tonight after work.
Just did a 3 mile run
5 Thursday, 4 Friday, 4.5 this am…. 🙂
Did a complete upper body workout! Need to balance out my runner legs 😉
About to head out for a 10 miler 🙂
10 miles this morning and I did even better than my weekly goal!!!
This week I ran a little over 8 miles. Next week I hope to make it 9.
I can’t say I reached my goal. Had a very unmotivated week (does this take me out of the competition?!) But am resting today to do my long run tomorrow Sunday, which in my book still counts as part of this week and I will nail it!!
rest day after going over my goal for the week!
Just ran 5.2 mi. Exceeded my goal with 23 mi this week.
This morning was a hodge podge! 3 miles of speed work, 15 minute cardio circuit, some strength, 15 minutes of elliptical and 15 minutes on the bike. Ready to go!
2 miles on the treadmill today and another 30 minutes on the bike. Great way to start the weekend!
Ran 3 miles earlier with my run group! I got fitted afterwards and was SO happy when he pulled the Wave Rider 18s out. I got to try them out for a run on Tuesday and fell in love! I think the 18s are on my Christmas wish list this year 🙂
Yoga, PT exercises for a knee injury, planking, and arms workout today.
Slept in, which was glorious. Happy that I’m not hungover from the hubby’s birthday festivities last night. 😉 Warmed up with some walking and hit the weights!
I accomplished my goal for the week and my reward is a rest day!!!
Rest day! I forgot how amazing sleeping in on a Saturday can be!
6.6 miles in 27 degrees with my running group this morning. I’m not ready for winter. I not only hit my goal for the week – I hit my goal for the month – early!
5 morning miles! I need a cat.
Long run Saturday. 6 miles and then some strength .then finishing off the week with a rest day.
I just walked in the door from 7.5 miles! Stretching and planking now.
Didn’t meet my goal for the week- my body had other plans, but I’m not going to let that deter me from getting back at it next week!