Hello! How are ya? I’m dying. Well, not dying dying but I did almost lose a finger last night…

Remember how I insisted on keeping this broken cup?

Well, I was washing it last night and swiped my hand over the chipped part – which for some reason I didn’t think was SHARP?!
*Warning a little bit of blood below, it’s really not that bad but I know some of you peeps are queasy.
And then this happened:

But, I figure one less finger would help me lose a few ounces on the scale so it’s a win?

All the Tacos and Tequila in the world couldn’t help me forget about my finger or my short bangs, but I’m going to give it a try…

I apologize that the POTM check in is late today – I was having technical difficulties this morning. Boo.

Pile on the Miles Check In
Yesterday’s Pile on the Miles winner: Heather F!

Leave a comment on this post with your update for today and you’ll be entered to WIN a $10.00 gift card!
Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. Subway has provided gift cards for Pile on the Mile winners. If you are in an area without a Subway – please check in and we’ll figure out a plan b.
Walked 2 miles with my dog before getting a plane!
4 miles on Wednesday!!
On Wednesday I took a walk at lunch. Ended up being close to 2 miles…better than nothing!
4 easy miles with coworkers on the trails 🙂
Late posting (couldn’t get to a computer), but Nov. 5 included pushups and squats at home for me.
I’m going to be doing two hot yoga classes today plus lots of stretching!
Got up early and ran 4 miles with two friends. Running hits the spot for both mental and physical needs. Loving it!
4.86 miles on 11/5
ooops, got the days mixed up since I haven’t checked in tues or wed. Tues I ran 5 miles. Wed was a rest day
I seriously piled on the miles!!! I did 1 hour of Zumba, 1 hour of BodyPump and 1 1/2 hours of Cardio HipHop!!!
Sooo much fun!!!!!!!!
45 min spin class!
I did 2 miles on the treadmill, 10 minutes of stair climber intervals, and some Tabata sets with Dumbbells for strength!
ran 6 miles
No miles again today. I’m such a slacker 🙂
Forgot to check in yesterday. Busy day and rain made it a rest day.
Completely crashed last night without checking in, but it was upper body strength day! BTW – love that comment about ‘losing a finger’ and weight. Throw out the scale! 🙂
For some reason ur website wouldnt load yesterday 🙁 i ran 3 miles Wednesday!
Totally forgot to check in, but I did my Cardio Crusher from the Nike App!
Didn’t run today, but taught my Wednesday evening spinning class
Hit bootcamp early yesterday morning!!
3.5 miles on the treadmill Tuesday, Spin class Wednesday, plank for 2 1/2 minutes.
Unscheduled rest day today as I’m battling a cold
Reset day for me today…raining!
Rest day!
4 more down for the count! I’m loving this challenge!
I did an 8km run today!
45 minutes of foam rolling + stretching… hip does not hurt anymore. Give it a few days and i’ll be running again! (really bad timing for this injury to happen exactly at the beginning of the challange)
Rest day!
day 5: walked the dog
Went to the gym did some machines and the bike.
2 mile warm up + 20 sets of stair climbing at the local park
45 min walk at lunch! 🙂
8 mile run in the rainy weather!
Ran my hoped for 5k today 🙂 Boom! Got it done!
Rest day today. It was raining and I couldn’t stand the thought of getting on the treadmill after the day I had at work! Bleh
Kick boxing!!
I got in 4 miles on the treadmill at 5am!
7 miles with a new running group!!
Nothing but rain and darkness…which equals rest day and grumpy. Just wasn’t feeling a video workout tonight:/
I did some squats, foam rolled and stretched
3 minutes of planks and minutes of wall-sits was my workout today. Hopefully, there’s a run in my future (aka tomorrow).
4 hot miles today! Mother Nature is bipolar.
4.6 treadmill miles today with core/kettlebell workout
I’m still sick… But I’m on the downhill. Excited for tomorrow 🙂 full of running opportunities I think.
Ran a rainy 2.8 miles today! Then bathed my poor wet dog.. that counts as an arm workout, right?
I went to Sproing and got in over 20,000 steps!
4 more miles to bring my running mileage to 11 miles so far
3 more today! I started cross training this week and my legs are killing me!
I only had time to get in 1.5 miles this morning before work. I need to work on getting my butt out the door!
Rest day after a ten miler yesterday!
Put the baby to bed and then laced up my running shoes for 3 miles!
Walked 3.5 miles today.
1 mile and leg day!
I did 30 minutes (8.5) miles on the bike at the gym today.
Crosstraining day but I did 2 slow miles to warm up.
3.2 mile run today…… 3 days till race day!
Ouch on the finger 🙁 Boo
6 chilly miles this morning.
11 mile run for me today!
Taking a second rest day for max knee recovery. Going to hit it hard in the AM!
I rode the elliptical x30 minutes today! Woohoo for rainy day workouts
Did 2.5mile treadmill interval sprints!! 🙂
45 min TRX and HIIT class
Ran 10 and did upper body at the gym.
3.1 miles done! Whoo hoo! Feels good to stick to my goals.
Rest day today. Getting back to running tomorrow!
I did a 1000 rep strength workout today! I had to look a bunch of the exercises on YouTube so it took a while but I did it!
In case anyone else is looking for a good strength workout it’s called the 1000 rep workout and I found it on infringers website. It was really good!
Helped at church youth group tonight does chasing preschoolers and dancing in music class count???
35 minutes hills on treadmill
No run today — worked 13 hours
Rest day from running, but it’s Wednesday so I spent a little over 3 hours rock climbing!
Great job everyone! I got 3.125 miles in tonight.
I got in a strength training workout in today. Body pump 🙂
I ran 6.5 miles today with some bi/tri work
3 miles running plus a long lunch break walk..lovely being outside!
I ran 2.8 quick miles today
I went to the gym tonight for back and biceps. I will sleep like a baby tonight!
At 12 weeks pregnant my dog and I ran 2 and a half miles tonight:)
6 miles for a total of 15 for the month so far!
12 mile bike ride to and from work.
Broke in new running shoes with 5 miles!
3 mile treadmill run
Wednesday = Lower Body Fix workout and a 2.5 mile speed run on the treadmill!!
I raked my front yard this morning, which, from the way my arms are slowly but surely going numb from the shoulders down, does actually count as my workout for the day!
Yikes about your cut-hope it heals quickly! I had a similar experience when I insisted on keurig-ing hot coffee into my awesome, nifty mason jar mug until the 11th time or so, it finally made the glass so brittle the whole bottom popped off and steaming hot coffee went all over my leg (not to mention my beige carpet)! Lesson learned.
Unexpected rest day 🙁 I’ll make up for it with tomorrow’s AM run 🙂
I was hoping to sneak in a run after work but I forgot to bring socks. When I got home it was too dark so I stayed inside and did a quick HIIT workout
I’m either going for a 5 miler if I can make it home in time or walk my dog to get in my step goal!
3.5 miles with two stops to so step-ups and push-ups. Stength and cardio in less than 30 minutes
After 4 straight days of exercise, today was a rest day!
I took advantage of the 60 degree weather we had to go on a walk today!
Cross training day – 2 mile walk!
4.5 miles through lots of piles of fallen leaves!
Feeling better today! I’m hopeful that I can start running again soon. I did a short strength workout this morning with pushups, squats, and some lifting with hand weights. Plus the PT exercises.
I did 3.5 miles with the dog. It was only supposed to be 2.5, but then we had to detour to a dumpster to drop a dog poop bag…and then she still wasn’t tired, so I went around the block again, but joke was on me because then we had to extend another quarter mile because a train was coming through. I’m sure you needed to know all of that information. Happy Wednesday!
Still sick…..I don’t think it’s ever going to go away.
Rest day but lots of walking and heavy lifting at work today
Three quick, happy miles this morning before a busy day. : ))
3 miles in the rain this morning!
6 mile trail run today!
I ran 3 miles this evening. My total so far is 8 miles!
3 cold miles, but it felt good!
4 miles today.
Ran with my after school running group of 3rd-5th graders!
My goal is to exercices 6 days/week and to include yoga once a week and at least 2 hours of cardio. Here is my week to date:
Monday:20 minutes cardio (Run + Bike) + strength training
Tuesday: 45 minutes kickboxing class
Wednesday: 1 hour yoga
4.5 miles in the books!
I rand 1.5 miles on the treadmill… Then my side kept cramping up so I took it to the elliptical for 45 minutes! Hoping to get back out there for 5 tomorrow.
Three awful-feeling miles today!
I ran…no shuffled thru 4 miles this morning. Don’t ya just love post marathon runs?!
Got a 5.2 mile run in! That puts me at 12 miles so far this week… On track to hit my goal of 25 (still have a couple short runs and a long run left)!
Ran three miles today on my way to boot camp class!
Rest day today but took my dog for a long walk.
Did T25 Total Body Circuit this morning!
Ran 3 today.
I ran 2.25 miles, had a 30 min full body PT session, and ended with 15 min. on the arc trainer!
Rest day today! Although walking over all over Wal-mart today should count as exercise, considering I kept forgetting things and walking from one end to the other and back again!
Ran 3 miles today – speed drills and did 4 rounds of Tabata drills! Awesome workout!
Just got back from a 4 mile run!
5 half marathon training miles!
Couch to 5K run today.
30 minutes on the rowing machine!
Ran 3 miles and tweaked my ankle. :/
Walked 2 miles today.
A very nice morning out today!! I walked 3.5 miles 🙂 3.5 miles down 56.5 more to go! I can do it 😉
Ran 2.5 miles this morning, went to yoga tonight, and just walked a mile after dinner.
Today is my 12-hour school day including my commute, so Wednesday is my rest day 🙂
Still getting over a cold but I plan to get a workout in! Trying to get to those 10000steps. 🙂
5.5 miles this afternoon – pretty speedy for me too! 🙂
I ran a brisk 2.5 miles this evening after squats at the gym!
5 mile tempo run coming up…
Day 3 this week of day 5 is complete. I kicked my workout video up a level. I hope I’m sore tomorrow.
6 am boot camp class this morning!
4 miles this morning with strides!
30 minute tempo was today instead of yesterday (I did an easy 3 yesterday, had flu symptoms!) but then tempo was about 4.5 miles! Just making sure I don’t have a dishonest record on here 🙂
Another elliptical day
Well… Set out to do 3… Ended up doing 2… Maybe. I lost my phone-in the dark! So I ended up searching w my tiny headlamp on a creepy country road… Once I found it, I hurried back home!
ran 3.25 miles on the treadmill this morning!
5 miles today!
today was an upper body and core workout, with a few laps on the track…I’m slowly getting back (post-injury) to running!
I’m going to Pure Barre tonight! Just ran NYC on Sunday so easing back into “official” exercise today.
It’s raining so I just set out to do what felt good. I noticed it was easy to run fast because of the rain so I decided to go for a mile PR to feel accomplished and be done quick. I ended up with an 8:38 mile and my PR was 8:37 but I still feel good about it. Only 1 mile today.
Rest day for me but I’m taking a walk with my dog and fiancé later!
Short 1.5 mile run today. Trying to comeback!
10 miles at base pase
3 miles of speed work. It was rough
4 mile run this AM!
Today is my rest day, but I’ll be back at it tomorrow!
I fit in four miles this morning and strength training and yoga this afternoon. Sorry about your finger. I have a favorite mug I will not throw out too!
Did a 90-minute shopping trip at SuperTarget with two 4yos! Hope to get to BodySculpt tonight.
PiYo Strong Legs and 45 minute swim done!
I ran 3 miles on the treadmill this morning then biked 8 miles on the stationary bike.
Walked for an hour and did half an hour of ab exercises!
rest day today – did emails instead of going to the gym 🙁
Spent half of my lunch hour walking and chatting with my sister.
Resting today but weights tomorrow!
I’m choosing to take advantage of the rainy day to have a REST day! A glass of wine and numerous episodes of Big Bang Theory are calling my name!
Despite feeling kind of icky this morning, I did 40 min on the stationary bike, 15 min lower body weights, and stretch/foam-roll. Day 3 of Operation Hamstring Recovery!
I ran 4.5 miles before work this morning.
Today is a rest day and I’m sick to boot, so I managed a 2 minute plank and am calling it a day 🙂
Ran 7 mid morning miles pushing the jogging stroller….it was much warmer than I was anticipating!
A 60 minute run with a good friend and a 60 minute swim!
I cranked out 8 miles staring at 5:30am this morning, and then I did an Abs and Glutes class during lunch!
I came home with a migraine, so I guess today is a rest day!
Solid 3 miles today, woot!
5 miles cold wet and windy. Got it done.
2.5 mile walk today!
I had Jillian Michaels barking at me nice and early this morning during a 30 minute “Shred It With Weights” kettlebell dvd.
Sculpt class followed by a 45 minute walk.
6.2 mile run and 1.2 mile walk!! 🙂
Rest Day due to board meetings
This morning, I dragged myself out of bed and ran 4 miles at a 9’15” pace!
I ran 6.2 this morning!
2.5 mile run on the treadmill!
4 mile walk today 🙂
Stressed day = rest day!
3 mile run and 15 on the elliptical with some “fun” ab work thrown in.
Hope your finger is okay!
Four miles chasing my four year old on his little bike…whew!
Weights in the morning and spin class at noon. Yay!
Rest day today. Back at it tomorrow!
4 miles for me today!
I did another 6 mile run this morning 🙂 OMG your finger!! I hope it doesn’t hurt too much! I’m such a wuss when it comes to blood. I even cringe when people get hurt on Family Guy.
I did pilates and lifted weights this morning! I plan on hitting the pool after work tonight!
Hill sprints! Whoo
I ran a little over 8 miles this morning. We have crazy 20 mph winds today so it was tough!
I took a rest day today because I went to bed too late to go running. I will make up for it this weekend.
3 mile run
Rest day today.
4 today! Pile it on!
3 miles!
Dog walk on the trails tonight at Kincaid Park!
Crossfit and 3 miles1
Today is a HIIT day with lots of burpees. Ugh! I think I’ll take the dog around the block (~3 miles), too.
6 miles today for a total of 22 for the month!
running intervals today: 10x.25 @ 7:00 pace. Followed by core work.
5 Mile run followed by 2 mile walk with the pups!
Rest day today!
4.5 miles on the mill today 🙂
I played two kickball games last night plus I walked 1/2 mile to vote!
Rest day for me, but I am at 76/1350 of my goal 🙂
Run a 3 miler in the forest preserve and for the first time ran over 2 miles without stopping!
Taking a rest day today.
I am taking my boyfriend on a walk today for some activity and fun combined!
Running 3 miles tonight to hopefully bust out of my lazy stretch!
7 miles and strength training, for 20/100 miles!
5 miles completed today.
Ran 3 1/2 miles to work this morning and I have a 6 miler group run planned for this afternoon!
Walked 3.5 miles today while reading on the treadmill
2 miles early this morning and then bootcamp when the baby goes to bed tonight!
6+ miles on the singletrack, ended with an achy IT band and a rolled ankle on the opposite leg, I am traveling for the next 2 days so hopefully all will feel better for my Sunday 5K!
Pretty much a repeat of Monday. Ran 4.25, walked over 1, 30 minutes of yoga. Your bangs are cute!
Ran 4. 15 miles today with the second half at goal pace!
Hope I can make it to a spin class after work.
Rest day for me today. Stretching and foam rolling.
Rest day!
I rode my bicycle to work today, will run 5 miles at lunch and ride my bicycle home again. Easily hitting my 10k steps for the day.
rode my bike to work today instead of taking the bus, and I’m going to yoga tonight!
About 3-4 miles in the AM (ran NAKED – sans technology:)). And then hit the gym after work.
6.02 miles so far. Still doing an hour spin/weight class!!
7 miles today, 5 @ tempo, and holy yoga
Rest day for me today!
I’m running after work–it’ll be somewhere between 5-8 miles.
A few miles on the stationary bike and weights for me today.
5 miles!
I ran 3 miles today.
60min bar method class at 6am!
I walked for 30 mins and did squats. It’s my due date today so let’s hope it helped!! 😉 that and I ate an entire pineapple…
I ran a hilly 5 miles this morning
I got in a quick 3 miles!
Ran on Sunday, walked on Monday, ran/walked yesterday, yoga today.
4 miles tonight!
today is a rest day!
It is strength training day for me. But I slept in so I’m not sure when or if I am going to be able to squeeze it in. Hope I do, though!
Ran a record fast 5k! 3.16 total
6 mile run AND 45min spin class = so tired but feels oh so good!
Running 3 miles when I get home this evening! 🙂
Ran 5 this morning. So far this week that’s 2 out of 3 runs and 1 out of 2 yoga days…tomorrow morning is yoga wohoo!
Morning run: 17k with steep hills. Felt good!
Cross training day today! Fitness… so I guess abs and legs are cross training. Bad week for running, since I’m making long hours and it’s dark once I get off work. Hope to have something better to post soon.
I ran two miles yesterday, after already checking in, and I ran two more today along with strength training today.
I did a fat-burning ladder and then 30 minutes of pilates abs. Hurts to sneeze!
Heading out to do 6 miles now — before I maim one of my co-workers. Running: it prevents me from going to prison.
I ran a quick 3 miles this morning after sleeping in a little bit too long 🙂
I’m going to try three or four miles today and see how my sore achilles does. Wish me luck!
3 mile run
Today’s workout was a long walk with my dog and hopefully hitting up CrossFit tonight after work!
1st: Walk my dogs 🙂
2nd: Went to the Gym… 18 min. elliptical to warm it up, and work on my abs 🙁
My mom and I just went on a nice walk for an hour or so. I wasn’t really paying attention to the distance but I’ll figure it out later. We’re leaving tonight to chaperone a trip to Washington DC with my cousin and his 7th grade class. I’m really looking forward to it but we’ll be stuck on a bus all night so we had to get our steps in before we leave. 🙂
4 miles last night in the dark that I forgot to get back on and post. This morning was 60 minute strength class.
Ran 3.6 miles last night and 4 miles today!
Walked 2 miles during my lunch break. Piyo Sculpt after work in an hour.
I ended up running 2.5 miles last night AND getting a good plyo workout in. Tonight I’ll be lifting some weights and maybe taking a short walk 🙂
4 miles this morning! Woo!
Yesterday was Piyo; today was rest day. Took my pups on a beautiful walk!
Running 5k with the running club tonight!
5 miles in the dark with friends!!!
I just ran a lovely three miles and crunched leaves the whole time.
I went to yoga this morning before work, and tonight will play in at least one soccer game – if we win, we’ll play in a 2nd for the championship an hour later!
three miles today/17 total 🙂
2 hours of lifting!
I ran 3.03 miles today (hey every step counts!!) and I am so thankful for this challenge. Now it is a mental thing each day where I feel like I have to push myself instead of giving up like I have done more and more since the weather changed.
My plan is to run 5 miles tonight and piyo sweat.
5 miles before work, teaching BP after work. My week is stuck on “Repeat”….
A 5 mile run and 4 miles on my new bike 🙂
I am failing miserably at my 10,000 steps goal. Long work days and dark evenings are killing my goal:( Any encouragement is welcome!
ran 3 miles today!
After a quick trip to Target I’m getting in some HIIT fun-ness.
Ran three miles on the treadmill.
My goal is 5 miles for the day and pure barre tonight.
Ran 5.5 miles!
Rest today–yoga and pilates!
Ouch, that looks bad. Hope it heals soon!
Today I did some Sprint intervals…4x400m 🙂
Ran 6 miles this morning. Should have done more because my kids don’t have school the next two days so it will be harder to get a run in. But I did what I did and that’s what it is <—- my new motto.
Two miles today! Wohoo! Feel good to get back running 🙂
5 miles on the TM with some speed-work throw in, was done before 6 a.m. 🙂
Did my bar class–booya!
A quick 2.5 this morning before the rain hit hard.
I’m still struggling with the timechange for my 4am run time.
Rest day!
I ran 4 miles this morning!
I’m in “cram for two marathons” mode – 10 minutes on the Cardio Wave machine and then two miles of speedwork on the treadmill. I’m not cramming THAT hard.
I ran 3 miles this afternoon!
I walked this morning and got a run in at lunch.
I did a killer HIIT workout this morning! It was hard to push through- but I did it!
Gym after work- Some kind of cardio and then a circuit workout!
Today is my cross training day, I have an hour circuit class tonight. To keep myself honest, I worked late and got caught in the dark on my run yesterday so I only did 3 miles instead of my planned 4. POTM Total: 9 miles out of 100 🙂
Gonna get in a run before the WI weather gets too chilly. Hoping for another 3.1 tonight!
took a kickboxing class at the gym this morning, led a kickboxing class this evening!
Up at 5:30am for a date with my treadmill….. last run before my half this weekend! 5 more miles in. Sitting at 23/100 for my Nov challenge goal.
9 miler today (yay!)
A dog walk and a 4 mile run today.
I got my 3mile run in by 6am! Great way to start the day!!
Going to gym after work and going to try and run on treadmill for as long as my body will allow me to!
3 miles today, and it felt great!
I slept in after a late night of election results! I’m hoping to go for a run tonight after work
Rest day. 🙂
4-5 miles tonight with my new running buddy!
I just did a Barre workout!
5 miles and some strength training
Got in a strength training workout today.
Today’s workout will consist of raising the remote to put on American Horror Story. That’s about all I have the energy for.
Five slow miles this morning, and I’m thinking about heading out again tonight.
I am going to attempt some speed work today :/ wish me luck!
Did 3 miles on the eleptical.
Chemo day=rest day
I, uh, slept in this morning instead of running three miles. Tomorrow was a scheduled rest day, but it looks like that got bumped to today!
did some yoga this morning-in taper mode for the wine and dine half marathon on Saturday!
1.63 miles this morning. 9.71 all together for the challenge. The brisk morning air is kind of killing my lungs though!!
Ran just shy of 3 miles last night. Scheduled a rest day for today but might head out for a 5k with a local brewery!
Today I hit the road and got in a awesome 4 miles!! Yay 🙂
gorgeous fall weather here….taking advantage with a 5k!
Rest day
Walked 5.5 miles on the treadmill. 38.5 weeks pregnant and trying to help baby move into position!
Today was my first day signing up! I ran 3 miles yesterday and Monday, today I took off 🙂
debating, I got my run in last night but it was shorter than I thought it would be. I had planned today to be a complete day off, but might try and get a walk or run in to get my time goal for the week
Running 5 miles tonight, maybe 6 if I’m feeling extra ambitious. I DID skip Pilates this morning and ate a burrito for lunch (ashamed)…so 6 rather fast miles might be in the cards for this evening.
I went to lunchtime fitness today for leg day. Now I can’t move, boo. Taking a rest day before a 5k tomorrow! (And justifying it further because I PR’d a half marathon last Saturday and I’m still milking it )
Yoga and elliptical!
Ran 5 miles last night after voting! Spinning tonight!
Hour long session on the treadmill.
My longest ever… 6.5 miles! I fell over before reaching 3 miles, but that loosen up my right right calf as well as making my hands sting. I also astounded myself, as I ran nearly all the way (albeit slowly) for the last 4 miles. I really found my stride 🙂
I did a 2 mile run this morning an d going on a long walk tonight!
Prepping for a 4km steady run tonight. I’m following the running room training for my next half marathon!
My step count may be a little low today, but I’m heading to Body Pump after work!
6 miles done this morning!
Rest day! Wooo!
November Project Baltimore workout and 5K running there and back!
Rest day today, and I feel like the flu season is starting….:-((
3 mile run and 15 minutes of P90X3 Yoga before I had to get ready for work and daycare dropoff 🙂
My daughter is sick so no gym day care for us today… Rather, I did 3.5 mi pushing the jogger stroller. Gotta get it done!
5 miles done today
I did a FitnessBlender.com 30 minute workout before work!
ran 5 miles, slowly but ran it!
I ran 4 miles outside and did some strength training afterwards!
Ballet class today!
I got in 5 miles this morning and I’m feeling great! Counting down to the Rock ‘n’ Roll Savannah Marathon on Saturday!! 🙂
3 miles yesterday…..5 planned for tonight
I’m going for a run after work tonight! 30 minutes or 4 miles, whichever comes first 😉
going to the gym after class tonight for cardio + weights! and working out late at night = fewer people. 🙂
12.4 mile run today….. Nice and easy. Had tons on my mind.
A good run is the best therapy!
6 miles!
Took a Bikram Yoga class this morning and will do a 3 mile walk during lunch today!
I ran 2 slow miles… Dealing with a hamstring injury 🙁
Heading out for a walk with my dog now!
15 miles on the bike today. Holla.
Just some elliptical and planks for me today!
Rest day today to give my achy foot a break. Tomorrow is a short run and strength training at the gym.
3 mile run this morning 🙂
Definitely taking a dance class (my first. eek!) and maybe training as well beforehand. Workout 5/15
5 miles tonight with the local running group. And it’s a pub run!
3.1 miles this morning (was running late!) and hot yoga scheduled for this afternoon.
Just ran 2 miles and I have the day off! 🙂
Hoping to get 3 miles in tonight after church!
I took a Rowing class this morning and I’ve got 6 miles planned for later after work.
yipes! that looks like quite the cut.
Another mile walk around campus during my lunch break and doing one after work with a co-worker. Hooray for a healthy pregnancy and continued 30 minutes of aerobic activity every day. 🙂
I didn’t run, but I did upper body strength training and hit the pool for the first time since May!
Today is a rest day!
No run today, but lots of walking!
1 hour on elliptical tonight!
5.5 miles this morning – only 2.5 miles from my weekly goal! 🙂
I spent some time on the elliptical this morning – 40 mins and done.
I did 30 mins of strength training this morning since it was an off-day for running!
I ran 3.5 miles this morning!
I am going to go for a long bike ride tonight.
I did 4.19 miles last night, 4 of which was solid running. Very proud of myself.
ran 5 slow miles and then another 5-6 miles walking while teaching PE