Hello Hello! How was your weekend? Mine was PB& Jam packed with fun.
First… I spent some time at my mom’s eating all her food. That included pizza. Love love love.

Then, Ro and I headed to Palm Springs for my friend Michael’s birthday party.

Michael heard I had never had Jell-o shots in my life so he saved a whole plate of them so I could go big the first time.

Michael’s husband and my favorite person in Palm Springs, Kurtis was my partner in crime and we ceremoniously toasted to the occasion.

It was a good time.

Then, we took the party to a gay bar and danced danced danced the night away. Boom. Clap.

I was the lone madrone that took a walk this morning…

Then it was time to say bye to Palm Springs and my peeps…

Pile on the Miles Monday Check in – Week 4

LAST week to Pile on the Miles!!!!! Are you in or in the way?
This week is going to be challenging because of Thanksgiving, the weather, cold season and 98 degrees other excuses. So PLAN PLAN PLAN and make an appointment with yourself to get in your workouts.
This week’s Pile on the Miles giveaway is sponsored by Sabra – my favorite hummus peeps!

We are giving away a $100 gift card to LuLulemon today! I am kinda in love with Lulu’s famous Wunder Under Pants and Crops.
And I dig Run Inspire Crop + Run Swiftly Long Sleeve = perfect colder weather base running gear. (Obviously add layers for the elements as needed.) Their gear can be pricy but it lasts! I’ve had my pants and crops for years and I need to dig out my tees from my winter gear storage!
Question: What are you doing to Pile on the Miles today?
Disclaimer: Some of my favorite companies haven donated prizes for Pile on the Miles. All opinions are my own.
10 miles!
ran 6 miles today!!
4 miles…bazinga!!!
Fitting in a run even though my in-laws are here!
10 miles and boot camp!
I’ve been having trouble transitioning to the treadmill, so I’ve been doing lots of videos inside. Yesterday it was the 21 Day Fix Upper and Lower Fix.
Ran 1.54 miles with the dog. Wanted to go 3, but it was too hot and my dog couldn’t keep going! We walked another 0.76 miles, so that was good though!
Not sure if I’m too late for this, but I did 30 minutes of yoga Monday morning!
Leg dayyyy! Plus elliptical
3 miles for today!
5 miles, boom!
I’m going to squeeze in a 3 mile run right before sunset!
Barre class- core and thigh burn like whoa.
5 miles! Great way to start the week.
I did an hour of blogilate’s core videos to give my legs a day of rest before my long run on Tuesday.
SRD for me! 🙂
I attended my first barre class. LOVED it!
3 miles and 45 min weights
Spin class with hill and speed intervals!
Only got in 2 miles this morning but its better than nothing !
Pilates yesterday and double spin classes today!
Rest day.
4 miles on the TM on Monday!
I took the end of last week kind of easy, but came back strong Monday night. 6.6 miles, plus some abs… and the run felt great!! Woohoo!
I need to motivated better, because the cold still sucks here where I’m at, and I’m a total chicken! So basically that means that I didn’t do anything… 🙁
Spin class this morning 🙂
3 mile run..beautiful day outside!
We moved this weekend. So, I am cleaning, moving boxes, unpacking boxes, etc.
I did intervals on the treadmil..6 X800’s..It almost killed me…..almost:-)
5 mile run for me!
I’m visiting family this week in NH. I managed a quick, rainy, three mile run this morning.
No miles: rest!
Gonna run 4+ miles today BEFORE it snows… Yikes… Rest day yesterday… Needed it!
Rest day= work. And walking around my store. Tuesday is dreadmill day 🙂
Monday- had to take advantage of the gorgeous random Jersey weather, 6 miles in 70 degree temps!
5 miles at a great pace!
insanely busy with school, but got in some walking at least!
I went on a 5 mile hike!
10 mile run and yoga:)!!! Thank you so so soooo very much:D!!!!!
Did some super easy yoga at home today before work. Going to my crossfit class tomorrow!
Spin class today; 20 some cycling miles.
5k run
I went for a nice walk with my husband.
I did a track workout!
6.5 mile run through Double Hills at 6am – felt so good to finish before the work day began. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
16 hours in the MagicKingdom today. Pretty much everything is aching. Lugging sleeping 6 and 10 year olds back go the hotel at midnight is no easy task!
Easy 7 today to recover from yesterday’s 12.
today was cross-training…25 min on the spin bike + about to go foam roll!
Went for an hour long walk tonight after dinner. Bummed I didn’t run before it got dark, but the walk was better than nothing.
No miles today – not on purpose! 🙁 So extra miles tomorrow instead!
2 miles today!
Tonight I did a 90 minute Pure Barre “intensive” class after work and then walked the dogs for 20 minutes.
I biked today to change it up from running!
I ran 3 miles on the hotel treadmill. Starting vacay off right!
Today was a rest day since I was traveling! Flew from UT to CA and walked around all day at Apple Hill!
Jillian’s 30Day Shred today. Hoping for a run tomorrow!
So inspired by everyone’s workouts. OTF class, 3.3 miles and lots of rowing.
I took it easy today at the gym since my able was feeling witd after my long run this weekend. Hopefully it’s nothing and I can run again Wednesday.
I was unable to pile on any miles today since I got my tonsils taken out this morning!! Feeling blegh … but I did my crossfit workouts up until today to make sure I got miles and exercise in!
Crossfit on the way home from work tonight. Deadlifts, core work, and jump roping.
Working on that booty booty booty!
We ran suicide sprints after bootcamp tonight! Sweaty Bettie’s!
I ran 3 miles this morning!
Ran 4 miles today.
i dont have as much time to run, but my job as a vet tech im pretty sure i walk at least 5 miles worth a day!
Rest day, and staying aware of making good food choices
Today I ran 6.3 which was a huge milestone coming back from an injury.
I’m kinda disappointed the Sabra prize this week isn’t a big box ‘o hummus but running clothes are good too! 🙂
Nursing my leg so an active rest day
4 miles after work toda
3 miles on the dread Mill! Blah!
A day of rest — back at it tomorrow!
I ran the Philly half Sunday morning, my first! And hit my goal of breaking 2hrs. So today I was all about a long slow walk with the pups.
I’m trying to motivate myself to get my bike ready for a freezing cold, early morning ride tomorrow!
I fit in 25 min of yoga this morning! Tomorrow a run!
Run after work!
Torturous tempo run. Glad that’s over!
8017 steps so far today. We are in the middle of a snowstorm tonight though so I won’t get much more. Boo on Wisconsin!
The last two days I’ve done the 30 day shred and taken a 1 mile walk.
2.2 miles. It was hard. I couldn’t control my speed. Between that and the 90% humidity it was rough!! Hoping to get out earlier tomorrow. Maybe that’ll help!
Biked 8 miles and walked 3
Did total body cardio this morning, and then moved my office (about 50 trips between the two) at work. In the same building but still a walk and carrying box after box of stuff!!
Rest day today! Got home late from work so took it easy!
Rest day today but busy busy busy!
Rest day for me today. Did some energetic vacuuming and swiffer wet jet-ting though, does that count? Lol
today was a little running and a LOT of strength
I got in 45 minutes on the Stairmaster at the gym today and then lifted legs for 30 minutes! Happy Thanksgiving week!! 🙂
Walked to and from work today
45 minutes of tough plyometrics mixed in with strength training!
I ran 3 miles on the treadmill today.
A zumba class!
I ran 6.85 miles this morning!
3.7 in a foggy cemetery !
Did a HIIT workout and pilates today- a little stress relief and preparation for ALL the eating on Thursday 🙂
No workout today. rest day!
barre class and treadmill sprints !
Did 8 miles this morning!
Rest day today!
3 miles at gym-too snowy outside
Yoga and Stretch today.
Hitting the weights tomorrow!
did some walking to test my stress fracture
5K in the pouring rain and wind…no kidding, it was raining horizontally and I had to jump over overturned garbage cans as if they were hurdles… but I just kept thinking about that Lululemon gift card. Lululemon, like POTM, is great motivation! BTW, I have now officially surpassed by 100K goal for the month… yeah me!
6 miles today!
1.5 miles and some lifting today!
I have the star wars half in January and am trying to find motivation to run!
I got out for a 3 mile easy shake out run today.
Monday spin class!!
I ran 2 miles today and lifted weights for 2 hours.
I took body pump and did 6 miles on the treadmill.
Crossfit tonight.. Now I can’t move my arms..
3 miles on the treadmill after work!
3mi on the ‘mill tonight.
Gearing up for my winter 1/2 marathon in 2 weeks. 10 nice easy florida miles this morning!!!
I will be either going to the gym and getting a quick workout or running 2.5 miles outside with my dog.
The roads were too bad (snow storm…. Woooo) to justify driving to my kickboxing gym. Luckily my workplace has a little gym so I did 4 miles on the treadmill, some weights, and then foam rolled it out 🙂
I’ve got a nasty cold (and a 2.5 week old) so I’m resting today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better and I can get back to walking and light weights!
I ran 4 miles this morning.
I ran 5 miles this morning–happy to have gotten my run in before the snow storm hit!
6 miles and shoulders
I did my sprints!
Boot camp workout this morning- -a great way to start out the week!
Today was a rest day for me…had to work 12 hours!
12 mile run today!
Treadmill run after I put the kids to bed… Hopefully 4 miles!
3.3 miles as the sun came up!
Got out of work too late to run outside before it got dark, so I spent 45 minutes of quality time on the elliptical. Woo!
Three mile easy peasy run.
I did T25 Speed 3.0 today. Forgot how much I love (and hate) Shaun T! Heading to the pool soon for the last swim before it closes for Thanksgiving break. Starting to get a little more stamina. Maybe a triathlon will be in my future.
Today I ran 6.2 treadmill miles before work 🙂
no miles today just weights at the gym.
A rest day for this injured runner. Hopefully I will be back at it soon!
60 minutes of ellipticaling, woo hoo!
Did my T25 Core Cardio workout today.
5 treadmill miles after work
I just did 45 mins of sprints on my bike trainer after work! I loved the workout!
3 miles this morning!
Ran 1.5 miles due to stomach issues. Had pizza at whole foods today. Delish!
I’m recovering from being sick, so no running today 🙁 but I am plotting my triumphant return >:)
Slow but steady 3 miles after work today!
Took advantage of amazing east coast weather for a run around my new neighborhood. Had to fit it in before the snow!
Today was 20 mins stretching yoga, 15 mins ab, and 30 mins strength chest and back. Phew!
I’m going to a 4:30 spin class!
12 miles on the bike this morning, running on the treadmill tonight!
4ish miles by the ocean (St Simons)
Rest day today. I ran the Philadelphia Half Marathon yesterday – yay!!!!
i ran double digit miles over the weekend. today is core work!
Resting today from my 13.1 miles yesterday.
I worked overnight last night so today is a rest and recovery day. I should really wear a pedometer or a HR monitor at work to see how much I am really moving.
Ran 8 miles on the treadmill this morning!
I ran 2 miles today on the treadmill, at a much quicker pace, so that felt good. Tomorrow it is three miles and then resting up for my turkey trot 5k on Friday morning!
I didn’t run all week because I got injured during my 18 mile run. Today I will walk my dog for 1 mile and then try to run a mile and see how I feel. 🙂
Ran the Route 66 marathon yesterday- resting for a week-only yoga
Lots of trails today with my Frenchie. Beautiful weather!
7 miles on the treadmill cuz it’s snowy cold and icy here!
Oh by the way that pizza looks amazing!
This morning I did 7 miles on the treadmill and bodypump.
I’m going for 8 miles this week, plus some weight training! I can’t believe its been 4 weeks already.
I ran 4 miles today! It was over 60 degrees here in PA… getting it in before the snow on Wednesday! 🙂 Love Lululemon pants!
I only had time for 45 min on the elliptical this morning. Better than nothing!
Crossfit this morning and 4 miles this afternoon!
No run for me today. Core and strength work instead, woo!
530am bootcamp. And because its unseasonably warm in Boston today (60’s!) I will take my pups for an extra long walk tonight!
I have never been in a Lululemon shop/tried on any of their clothes. (secretly afraid to because I will fall in love and cannot afford to fall in love with them!)
Rest day today after long run yesterday. Going to check out a new running group tomorrow though! Always have run solo before, but now I feel I need some support if I’m going to tackle longer distances!
Five mile run!
I am still resting today after my half marathon on Saturday. Plan to do some stretching and foam rolling because I’m still a bit sore 🙂
Sounds like my kind of weekend 😉 Today is another X-training day: 30 mins rower, 30 mins elliptical, stretch, foam roll, yadayadayada. IT band is still super tight and running hurts 🙁 Doc says no major issues though.. whoohooo! Can’t wait to run my turkey trot on Thurs!
Just registered for the OC marathon in May!
Today is my first day of New Rules of Lifting for Women. Will do a little cardio to warm up
I did 6 miles in the rain this morning. It felt refreshing!
Trail run with my dog this morning. And then going to sports drills class tonight at the Y!
I did a short run this morning! Probably my last run before Bozeman’s Huffing For Stuffing 5k on Thursday!
HIIT day
4 miles today!
Yesterday 2.75 mi + 40 min weight/plyo workout. After that my legs are smoked, so I spent 40 minutes on a spin bike to shake them out. Hopefully running isn’t too painful tomorrow!
3 miles on the treadmill
Got on the treadmill for 40 minutes this morning.
We have a room that we made into an exercise room. I walked/jogged 4 miles on our treadmill and then did several different exercises on the bowflex. I also did arm exercises with free weights. Feeling good !!!
Today I bundled up and did a 2 mile run in the cold! 35 degrees doesn’t seem to bad with the coldgear!
Enjoying the warm weather today in PA with a 4 mile run!
Today I did 3.5 miles… And ran this pretty much non – stop, though very slowly in 29°C heat at 9pm
It’s a rest day, which is great since I’ve got a cold! 🙂 I did some yoga this morning, and it felt AWESOME. I love yoga after a good running streak.
This morning I did 9km on the treadmill. It was actually a bit hard going at the start – I am REALLY sore from my weights yesterday. The run helped though 🙂
Ran 10 miles this morning! So warm out today I couldn’t resist staying outside longer than I planned!
60 mins on the elliptical and yoga tonight!
Hoofed it to the dentist and back at lunchtime instead of grabbing a cab. Also walking to the train this evening instead of taking the subway.
Ran 9 today up in chilly Washington! Perfect running weather, since the rain held off. And I wore my Lululemon run tights!!
I went on a long strenuous hike yesterday so today a recovery walk is on the agenda.
Still recovering from the half on Saturday, but I’ll take the dog for a walk tonight.
Tonight is my RPM class!
Weights and time run not miles do to early work day.
Ran a 5k!
Started the day with a 5am cycle class!
No running today, rest!
30 mins on the treadmill today. Longest 30 mins ever, in the dungeon at my in laws house.
8 miles!
15 miles of cycling this morning 🙂
10.5 miles…. Ran outside. Got out there before the crazy wind/snow/rain/sleet came!
Whew! 🙂
5 miles today!
I’m teaching BODYATTACK, a cardio class in which we can run up to 6 miles in one hour!
Since the weather is crazy warm today I’m going out for a 4 miler run!
Just finished 8 miles and regretted not leaving earlier! CA keeps forgetting that November is not a summer month!
5 miles DONE! And can you please explain why I have the song boom clap stuck in my head right now 😉
2 mile slow easy run at lunch, then taking the kiddo and dog out for another 2 miles after work! It’s 70 here in MD now, and they’re calling for snow come Wednesday. Have to take advantage of the warmth now!
Rest day! Walk the dog and play outside with my kiddos and soak up the brief reprieve from the super cold temps!
Rest day for me as I have my first real simulation of Dopey training this week. 3 miles tomorrow, 4 on weds, 10 on thurs and 23 on friday
40 minutes of Yoga.
Plan for this cold, snowy nasty holiday week is to get out the Yak Trax and the base layers and Pile on the Miles!
I’m hoping for a nice 3 miles after work!
2 miles walking the pup. 45 minutes on the bike trainer.
Ran before work this morning!
Got in 5.84 miles yesterday, and plan to get another 4+ in today. So near my month goal, it’s exciting!
4:30 sunset + all sidewalks and streets are sheet ice = more hot yoga tonight!
Awesome give away! I started the week with 35min strength (abs) and a 50min run.
Best giveaway ever! I took a 2.5 mile walk with my coworkers at lunch, and ran a VERY chilly mile outside after morning strength training at the gym.
I had to get up really early this morning. Busy week 🙂 but getting the miles in!
2 miles today. It was super windy, and I saw a triple rainbow!
Rest day from running but I did Birkram this morning…90 minutes of pure joy 🙂
4 miles and some Kardashian entertainment on the TV. I love feeling so normal;)
Running after work today!
Spin class for me tonight!
Getting a 5k in after work!
My goal for the month of November was to run 100 miles. With one week left, I have 29 miles to go – and with the holiday that might be tough. Going to keep a tight schedule the rest of the week and knock this goal out.
need to get my butt on the treadmill after work and do at least 3 miles.
Six miles today!
Rest day after a killer practice yesterday. Maybe a walk because it’s so beautiful today!
I’m running 7-8 miles and doing abs later 🙂
Caught a cold & can’t function. resting and looking forward to a 5miler tomorrow!
Full body HIIT this morning at the gym! Boom- Happy Monday!
I am redoing my kayla itsines guide for the second time and today was legs & carido week 3 ! I feel like i’m going to more than sore tomorrow which is always a good feeling!
2 miles in between classes!
I’m running 6 miles this afternoon!!
5 easy miles
I am doing a 2.5 mile interval run on the TM today.
3.5 tough TM miles; just wasn’t feeling it today
6 miles on the trail – felt amazing!
2 miles and tabata sprints!
Took a rest day, but walked 1.5 miles to school and I’ll be walking back home tonight!
I started feeling a bit better yesterday and the weather warmed up so I did 2.5 mi outside. Today I’m going to go to the gym and bike a few!
Three miles after work!
Did Spin at Full Psycle and then went to Shred 415 for an interval run/strength workout. Now I feel like I need some yoga because I am SORE!
Mondays are my rest day but doing core tonight. 🙂
Yoga session and a quick run with the dog!
Today I am going for a run! 5 miles (hopefully more).
Today started with a gym session (dead lifts, rows, single leg lunges). Tonight is some Orange Theory!
Working shoulders and running 2.5 today! 🙂
Ran 4 miles this morning!
3 mile hike!
I plan to do 4 miles today after work!
10 miles yesterday and another 5 today! Plus laying new flooring in our house! That’s gotta count for something right lol
40 minutes of HIIT this morning and hot yoga later 🙂
6 EARLY miles!
I took a long walk yesterday (to soak up the *balmy* 40degree day in MN), and then hit the gym for intervals on the treadmill!
7 miles this morning and a swim this afternoon!
Getting a 3 miler in today once I get off work! Fingers crossed I would love a pair of lulu pants. xox
I’m going to the gym after work to do some interval training on the treadmill. After that I have my last volleyball game of the season!
Since I couldn’t leave comments on any of the previous week’s posts, I’m really hoping that I win this week. Lululemon GCs are on my wish list! I ran 13 on Saturday, rested Sunday, and am back at it today with a few minutes on the elliptical and as many miles as I have daylight (or moderate temps, I guess, since I have great lights) for tonight. Just signed up for my first 50K in 3 weeks, so I have to get in some more runs before taper time 🙂
one-minute sprints on the treadmill, total 3 miles
3 miles on the treadmill and will go for a walk later tonight since the rain has gone.
I’ll be hitting the treadmill at the gym tonight for some speed work. I have my gym bag with me today so I can go straight there after work without having to stop at home first. Cause…you know…once I’m home, I have no desire to leave again.
Today I did 20 min on the bike followed by 10 min walking uphill on the treadmill, and of course my trusty foam rolling afterwards– those IT bands are killer!
This post was well-timed. I was debating whether or not to skip my run today, but this motivated me to get to it. Thanks!
I went to Sproing class this morning!
6 mile run.
8 today. 6 @ tempo
Long walk and some strength training. Perfect start to a week.
Celebrating my birthday w/ a much needed rest day! Maybe some light stretching or foam rolling if I’m feeling wild.
Rest day today before some Thanksgiving miles this week!
6 mile interval run today!
I ran 6 miles in the 20 degree weather with rain/snow! Followed by a calm and warm yoga restorative stretch and a recovery organic fruit smoothie with chia seeds! A great way to start the day!
Ran my 6th marathon yesterday 🙂 so just doing 30 minutes on the elliptical today to keep the sore away!
Four mile run with my dog. The weather here is unseasonably warm so I may do a few more after work!
Treadmill after work while my three kiddos do their homework!
5 miles and lots of squats!
Ran 3 miles Saturday morning, then another 3 Sunday. Planning on Yoga and another little run this afternoon after work!
I managed to pull a muscle in my back while volunteering at the Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa yesterday, so I’m having an unscheduled rest day.
Plan is to hit the gym after my doctor’s apt this afternoon.
Getting back to C25K tonight! Skipped 3 weeks because of grad school stuff :/
Rest day today
crossfit 2x’s this week and a 5 mile Turkey Trot! Then eating all the food at Thanksgiving Dinner ! 😉
Oh man, I could go for that pizza right about now! I plan on running later while my clothes wash at the laundromat. I HATE not having laundry in my apartment, but running while they spin around seems like a better use of the time than sitting in the bad lighting reading a book or wasting time on instagram!
Yesterday was a recovery run in the rain. This morning was filled with high intensity circuits at 7am! Ready for the Detroit Turkey Trot on Thursday!
I’m hoping to do some lifting and /or run 3-4 miles before class! Started a new job today so we will see what time I get off and what I have time for before class!!
3 speedy miles this morning between a night shift and my day job! (That sounds sketchy, but really isn’t!)
5 miles on my lunch break today!
I ran 4 this morning AND— I’ve stretched 7 days in arow!!!! That’s HUGE for me…& as much as I hate to admit it, the stretching feels really good !
Cardio hodge podge with 1 mile run, 10 minute elliptical, and 10 minute bike, followed by some HIIT strength training!
4 miles and weights planned for after work!
5 km Monday! It’s -26 here so it was a treadmill kinda day 😉
5 miles!
18 miles! 18 miles! Wahoo!!
Walking to and from school today even though it’s blizzard-ing…
Strength today! Probably a full body burner.
tabata sunday!
Six miles this morning!
Oh sweet Jesus, I have been eyeing a pair of Lulu pants for MONTHS! Fingers and toes crossed. I’m hoping to sneak in 3-4 miles tonight and I had a nice hour yoga session this morning which felt amazing after my 6 miler yesterday.
Strength training! Did a leg workout at the gym with machines and Dumbbells.
Running 5 miles tonight and really hoping the weather clears up so I can do it outside!
No actual miles today, since it’s my lifting day. But tomorrow’s miles will be 5…does that count 😉
Just 1 or 2 in the treadmill before personal training.
I haven’t missed a scheduled run day yet! 30 minute run today, next one is tomorrow
Work and being sick blew last week’s workout plans but I plan on taking a class today! 13/15
2 mile run
Today I am hopefully breaking in some new running shoes!
Spin class, abs and a 30 minute walk.
I think I pushed my foot too far yesterday… sigh. Gonna do floor barre at ballet tonight. At least it’s something!
I did back-to-back long runs this weekend (20 / 13) and I am feeling mighty sore….taking a rest day. I did hit 200 miles on Sunday for the month, only 50 more to go before I reach goal!
8 km run today!
Did 7 miles just before lunch today. Wind was brutal, 20+ mph with 40+ mph gusts. Got home to find that 2 panels of my fence blew out with probably more to come!
5 early miles with another 6-7 walking throughout the day teaching P.E. classes!
My running has been derailed with the unexpected passing of my Dad. Hoping to get myself together n get moving again.
Strength day today, with a class after work
Rowing today!
9 miles!
I went to Crossfit this morning and taking my dog on a walk tonight!
ran 3.5 outside this morning!
I ran on Saturday so today is a rest day- just a lot of walking.
Did a 5 mile workout on the treadmill on Saturday (1 mile warm-up, 4 miles alternating sprints with jogs every minute) and easy 5 miles yesterday. Today, I’m shooting for 6-7 miles this evening. This week’s goal is to run 4-5 days between 30 and 35 miles 🙂
This past weekend I ran 4 miles on Saturday and rested on Sunday! Today I am doing yoga and an easy 2 miles. This week my plan is again do 15 miles!
I ran Saturday and had yoga yesterday so today is a rest day. I’m also coming down with a cold – just in time for the holiday! 🙁
Despite having a paper due today and getting a total of 3 hours of sleep, I went on a 6.5 mile run this morning! It woke me up better than the coffee!
Today is a weights day…upper body. Yay monday and yay for lulu 🙂
4 miles today and looking forward to trying out a new podcast while I run!
Had a race Saturday and slow 6 mile run yesterday. I am feeling DOMS in my quads so today is a rest day!! Will do some body weight exercises before bed and that’s it!
PR’ed this weekend in Philadelphia HM 1:30.59. Today is a well deserved rest day!
Just finished an 8 mile run!
circuit training in the morning and 3 miles tonight
4 miles after work
did an early 3 mile run today and weight workout after work.
Just a small at home workout for me today
5k on Monday!
just a short and sweet 3 mile run this morning.
Bodypump this morning!
3 miles it was a slow weekend!
Headed out with my running buddy for a very windy 5-6 miles this afternoon. Should be fun as the temps are dropping….N O T
3.5 miles and kettle bell training today
35 min hilly run!
I ran my big run, 6miles yesterday, sooooo I may stick to the bike and strength workout today so I can be fresh for my 5miler tomorrow!
5 or 6 miles this afternoon 🙂
Glad the blog is working properly again!! I ran 8 miles yesterday and did a tough spin class this morning.
Today is my rest/easy day, so I did 30 min of Power Yoga this morning, and will be taking my 4-yr old for an hour walk in the stroller after lunch.
5 miles tonight with a meet up group!
I’m finally becoming accustomed to my new morning workout routine. Today I did Back + Cardio!
Spin class before work!
gym workout for me tonight.
7 miles this morning and an afternoon swim!
I have my bag packed to get my miles in after work! It’s going to be 65 degrees here today–crazy, it was 12 degrees last week!!!
Today is going to be a pretty easy day. I am planning on doing Jillian Michaels Yoga Inferno.
3 mile run!
Today will be an easy run on the treadmill while I catch up on some Netflix!
rainy running miles today….turning to snow. keeping my goal this week!
I have 45 minutes of weight and 65 min of the elliptical! Love lululemon!!
30 minutes of running and some abs after work tonight!
Yesterday was 8.19 miles outside, so today will just be some walking or a short, easy run after work.
Today, I plan on 80 mins of strength-training PT/OT for a wrist and knee injury, then maybe running intervals after.
Strength training day for me!
Had a great Spin class this morning. Going to get in a leg workout after work, too
Did a fun shoulders & ab workout this morning followed by some weak running.
KILLED my five miler yesterday. I am so ready for my 10k! Today is a planned rest day, woohoo!
Early morning walk with the pup and a few more miles at lunch today.
Hot yoga for me!
T25 Cardio this morning & ran 4.25 miles yesterday!
I only race in the Lululemon Pace Setter skirt!! I ran 4 miles this morning.
After two weeks of temps below 10F, it is 65 degrees today!!!! So, of course I ran outside. 4 miles.
Today I am running 6 miles in da colddddd. Definitely will be planning out the remainder of this week’s workout schedule so I can stay on task and focused 🙂
3 miles on the treadmill as we’re getting snow today!
Crossfit tonight!
4 miles after work, on a rainy, warmish day in Boston.
Last week I had bronchitis and was unable to run 🙁 Today will be core and arm workout. I can’t wait to get back out there!
Rest day, hopefully will get 3 mile walk in during lunch!
3.5 miles today!
I have a babysitter for a couple hours after work today so I’m hoping for 6 miles after school
It is cold and windy…so indoor biking it is!
Day 6 of 30 Day Shred, plus a four mile walk.
7 miles on the treadmill this morning. It was super slippery outside in Minneapolis- dangerous!
Heading to a ‘Gentle Yoga’ class (<— for real the name!) after completing the Men's Health Urbanathalon yesterday! My legs are sore from 11 miles and 15 obstacles, so hopefully the yoga does its trick!
4.5 miles done at the crack of dawn
Not able to run lately due to injury so I woke up and went to spinning, 19 miles on the bike!
I walk on the treadmill and did shoulder exercises today!
I’m doing a serious strength training session tonight and hopefully shaking everything out with a mile on the treadmill! 2 miles tomorrow morning bright and early 🙂
Walking with my todler with a stop at the playground for some body weight strength training.
5 Miles after work and MAYBE a yoga DVD after. We’ll see how the evening goes 🙂
Spin class and abs this morning!
2 mile walk at lunch and yoga tonight!
Played ultimate frisbee for an hour yesterday! and my team won putting us in second place for our league!
Ran 25 minutes first thing in the morning with my favorite dude and favorite dog!
After 3.1 miles on Sunday morning I made sure to fit a quick 2 more in before my Monday morning body pump class!
Did 8 miles saturday, and 3 miles + circuit training sunday. today is a rest day! 🙂
Did 3 miles of hill training on the treadmill yesterday so I’ll be doing strength training today!
Never had Jello shots before? Really??
It’s taper time, so 3 miles today for me and obsessive weekend weather-checking.
3 miles in the dark this morning!
Crossfit and stretching planned for after work.
7 miles this morning!!
Ran 4 miles on the treadmill then body pump class this morning!
It’s my birthday so I’m piling on the miles by eating cake, oops I mean rest day.
i went to a bodypump class this morning!
Walking the beach today!
Today is a rest day, I’m super sore after Orange Theory yesterday.
2 hours at Crossfit today 🙂 1 regular WOD and then 1 strictly cardio WOD.
Taking a rest day after a killer workout yesterday!
I did BodyPump today.
Well it’s pouring here in MA so i don’t think i will be able to run outside, but i will be going to crossfit tonight!
Intended to get 4 in this morning, but thunderstorms and 30mph winds stopped me. So resting today 🙁
Warm 4 miler this morning. It is 66 degrees here right now and going up to 70 and Wednesday they are calling for snow! What the….???
day off for me today! just ran the philly marathon yesterday– such an awesome race!!
30 minute bike ride and then 45 minute yoga session. Happy Monday!
going to a circuit training class tonight! my legs are still sore from my 10K on saturday!
I’m going to run with a new running group tonight! They have two options – a 3 mile and a 6.2. Since it’s Thanksgiving week I want to burn extra calories and will do the the 6.2!
Love the birthday party dress!
Four miles to prep for the 10k turkey trot Thursday
Even though I want to rush home to see my family for this holiday break, I am going to get my miles in for the day with a run!
Pilates mat at home tonight, then grocery shopping for Thanksgiving!
I ran the Philly Marathon yesterday (and PRed!). Today is a rest day, for sure!
Tried for 5 today, but only made it 3. Going to try for the extra 2 when my daughter is in gymnastics tonight. fingers crossed
Three mile run after work!
Today is a very well deserved rest day! Stuck at the office all day and every time I get up it feels like I’ve been hit by a truck (believe me, I have been hit by a truck, this is what it feels like!) Will do some foamrollin’ tonight. And drink wine (run yesterday, wine today, right?)
Rest day for me today after biking yesterday. Gonna make a new playlist for my Pumpkin Dash race on Thursday!! Let’s go…
Crossfit after work
Yoga and upper body
Injured, couple more weeks of rest so its yoga for now. Does that still count?
Today I did 7mi repeats!
3 mile recovery run today 🙂
2.5 morning run. not a great run, but a bad run is better than no run!
i finally forced myself back on the treadmill after a rough weekend of holiday parties and being snowed in all week. it was tough!
45 minutes of yoga this morning. My plan is to run 20 miles this week, which will happen! Count on it!
Monday’s are usually a rest day but since Turkey day is looming, I’ll probably take a Spin class after work.
No miles today, did 4 yesterday though. The #fitandfestive challenge with Trainer Paige started today. I did the full body strength workout she posted, so I got some moving done!
4.1 miles this morning – gotta get some calories burned before I start making pies this week!
Started the week off with 3 miles on the treadmill and a strength class!
Working towards 3 miles after not being able to run due to medical issues. I’m ready to get back into it!!
I organized a community wide Turkey Trot for Thursday so today I’m going out to run the course. I’ll probably run it twice, just to be sure it’s been well broken in!
4 miles yesterday……
I did a 3 mile run this morning!
3.1 this morning and insanity tonight!
Started off my morning bright and early with 6am Pure Barre followed by an 18min HIIT run around downtown 🙂
Ran the Route 66 marathon yesterday! So today is a rest day. 🙂
Strength Training this morning, and hopefully a nice long pup walk after work today.
A 15 minute warm up on the eleptical than 30 minutes of leg strength training.
5 mile run this morning – felt great!!
I run 7.5 miles yesterday! Today, going to a bodypump class after work
T25 and 3 miles today.
Lifted weights this morning; running after work.
Doing 3.5 miles after breakfast today.
5 miles on the treadmill, it was rough. I don’t think I hit my groove until I was 4.8 miles in.
Walked 2.3 miles with my dog before work and headed to a strength class at the gym after work!
Did 4 miles yesterday, rest day today!
I biked 10 miles yesterday. Will get a few 3 mile runs in this week to keep me honest as I navigate a busy holiday week. 🙂
Jell-O shots are the best. I usually break them out at 4th of July bbqs.
This morning I warmed up on the elliptical before completing a low impact (knees…smh) chipper-ish workout I made up. Lots of push-ups have my arms shaking now!!
Just about to head out for 9 miles.
half marathon yesterday and a 5 miler on thanksgiving!
Rest day today, but I got in 13 miles over the weekend! Making the promise right now to do some strength this evening.
4 miles with my 12 year old.
Today is a rest day, but I might fit in a yoga video too.
Rock climbing and 5 miles on the treadmill!
5 miles today and some serious stretching!
My goal is to up my mileage this week. I’ve got spinning tonight and then it’s back to pounding the pavement tomorrow!
45-minute full-body workout followed by 40 minutes of cardio (elliptical I guess). And then off to check out Christmas markets :).
Started with Core/strength. Yoga later after work.
Cardio and legs for 1 hour 🙂 NO PAIN NO GAIN!
Today I squeezed in a 7 mile run before work, and plan to pile on 3 more after work. Woo!
Yesterday I did a Pilates session with my husband and today I’m gonna try one of the new classes at the gym
4 miles this morning before work!
5.5 miles and strength
Going to my interval training class! I’ll end up running about 3.5-4 miles depending on the inclines!
Taking a walk at lunch, and I hope to avoid being blown away by these 50 mph wind gusts! Strength training and tacos tonight. 🙂
4 miles on the elliptical this morning!
3,5 km on legs that felt like big logs of wood… did not stretch after the 5K race on Saturday and instead fell asleep 🙂
1 hour BodyPump class today!
A hike in Palm canyon then resting by the pool!
I ran 4 treadmill miles to start the day.
Training for my half marathon on Turkey Day! Gotta earn that stuffing! 🙂
I’m going to do a rainy three miles today followed by a nice hour long heated yoga class.
Yoga tonight! Classes have been focused on gratitude and heart opening lately…so perfect for starting off thanksgiving week right!
I skipped my morning workout, but when I get home from work I plan on hitting the gym to cross train. Ive just joined this blog, and im just beginning my training for a 15k.
A brisk lunch hour run.
Today I ran 10 miles before work!! Your weekend sounded super fun.
Today, I will be foam rolling after 11 miles yesterday!
Running 5 miles in NJ before winter and snow come on Wednesday. Ugh.
Yoga and a quick treadmill run today!
Today is busy and pouring rain in VT, I will be doing a yoga video.
A sweaty 8 miles to start the week!
4 miles on the dreadmill because it was too hot out!
Had two good workouts Saturday and Sunday, so I plan to rest today and get a few good runs/cross training in later this week, plus a turkey trot on Saturday.
Today was early morning body pump and 2 miles on the treadmill!
treadmill after work!
Pilates and a 6 mile run!
3 mile in prep for Thursday’s Turkey run!!
Another hotel gym workout this morning – 1 mile on the treadmill and 1 mile on the elliptical followed by some abs
Went for a very rainy 3 mile run this morning and planning on using one of my yoga dvds tonight!
10 miles today! And…when do you announce the Mizuno winners?
Ran 3 miles this morning to burn off yesterday’s cookies…
5 miles after work!
Yesterday I ran 7.5 at a 7:40 pace, so today I went to CrossFit and worked my way through squats, presses, and an 8 minute metabolic conditioning workout. Wheeeee.