Hello from the sky! I am on my way back from NYC and will have the New York Marathon recap soon. But first, here is my Saturday fun and the Pile on the Miles Week One goals.
New York Saturday
Saturday morning I slept in a bit (much needed after the red eye the night before!) but woke up in time to meet SkinnyRunner at City Sports for a shake-out run.
It was supposed to be 2 miles, but we ended up doing 3.5. I usually don’t run the day before a marathon, but I wasn’t going for time at the race so it was okay.
We are quite the pair of #fail runners this weekend – I forgot my Garmin for the marathon and she lost her bib after the expo. #GetItTogether

The event was hosted by Mizuno and they gave everyone a tee shirt that you could personalize. SR talked me out of getting the lyrics to Wrecking Ball on my tee so I went with plan B.

The company provided breakfast after too. I don’t think the shoes were for consumption, but I can’t really keep track of what’s Paleo these days.

After the run I strolled home looking for food and taking in the sights.
Rockefeller plaza! I would have went ice skating except I kinda didn’t want to break my ankle the day before the NY marathon hello.
I did need to carb load though and found this FREE CEREAL booth at a street fair.

Bodega breakfast.

The name of the game was carb loading. I did my usual Chinese food banquet.

The night before the race I laid out my clothes and decided on what to wear. I was tempted to wear my new shirt, but decided I didn’t want long sleeves.

Motivation Monday
Pile on the Miles Week One Goals
Leave a comment on this post with your goals for THIS WEEK (Sun-Sat).
US residents will be entered to win one of three CLICK protein powder prize packs! Just leave a comment with your goal to be entered.
International & US readers can be entered to win an RER t-shirt. (Specify “international” at the end of your comment so I can put you in this drawing but not the CLICK one.)
Question: How many MILES or Minutes are you going to walk/run/bike/move this week?
Closes 11/7/13 at 8am PST. Click giveaway open to residents of the US only. Tee-shirt giveaway open to all – international readers must indicate ‘international’ on their comment so I know the appropriate giveaway. No ‘int’ and I will assume you are in the US.
Sorry so late, my goal for week one was 13.1 miles!
Whoops! Super late! My goal is 10 miles for week 1!
Soo late in here…
Anyhow, gunning for 16 miles!
Oh and international, really not on top of my game this week…
My goal for the week is 35 miles, so far I am at 25 with a 10-miler planned for tomorrow!
26 miles already run with 18 more planned at the weekend. Tapering for a race next week so i’m on track for my goal of 100 miles this month.
International 🙂
My goal is 12 miles and I have already done 5 so far!
I want to get in 10 miles this week!
My goal is to get 34 miles in this week. International (Canada)
Goals = 2days strength, 2days easy run, 1 speed work out, 1 long run
I am also racing Sunday! So my goal is to get through my long run (with the race as the middle miles) without dying AND have my knee be pain free!
Mile total = 27
I am resting after running a 10k last Saturday, so I’ve been going to spinning & doing strength training this week. However, I’d like to get at least one run in, so I’m aiming for 3 miles this week!
I am going to try and run 30 miles this week. I am starting to taper for my half marathon on the 17th. I can’t believe how close it is!
I ran the NYC marathon on Sunday…so I took a few rest days…so 40 miles is my goal.
I am international…:)
My goal is 26
Goal for the week is 20 miles
25 miles this week!
I am going to walk/run at least 10 miles this week.
35 – 40!
Goal for the week is 15 miles.
Going to aim for 5 miles this week plus I have softball on Thursday and Saturday. I should be doing more miles but my legs are a bit sore.
I am running ten this week, plus 3 days of crosstraining! Last week I made it to spinning 3 times and got a good run in.
My goal this week is 10 miles. Too bad Nov. 2 doesn’t count because I ran my first marathon and that 26.2 would’ve made this week look awesome!
My goal for the week is 14 miles!
Shooting for 8 this week!
my goal is 25 miles a week and I’m at 15.14 already 😉
I haven’t done much yet to work toward my pile on the miles goal so this week I am hoping to get off my butt and run/walk at least 10 miles to get started.
My goal is to run/walk at least 12 miles this week.
I am aiming for 5 days of workouts this week. 1 down 4 to go! (International)
34 miles over 4 sessions this week. Half Mara training going well 🙂
International x
I pledged to walk at least a mile daily. Have done so since signing up.
Goal for the week; get up in the mornings and run. It’s a busy week with the kids so this is going to be a challenge. The time change doesn’t help.
My goal for this week is a minimum of 10 miles!!
With everything going on in my life right now, my goal for this week is just to get out everyday and run. No excuses!
10 miles, still recovering from my marathon 🙂
So much busy that I almost missed the window here! My goal for the week is 30 miles — feels weird to say that after a few weeks of high mileage during marathon training, but it will feel good to run it!
First week goals = 16 or more hrs training
My goal is 8 miles this week. I trail ran 4 on Sunday! 4 more!
My goal is 20 miles this week.
15-20 miles!!!
i would like to hit 13 miles this week.
I’m gonna go with…45 miles, including both running and elliptical..ing?
My goal is 40 miles!
My goal this week… about 10 miles. I just ran a half on Saturday so I’m trying to take it easy and recover.
My goal is 15 miles this week….
I did 13.1 on Sunday and plan to do another 6 this week.
My goal this week is 25! Keeping on the lower side as I have a 50K on Sunday!
I think I’m supposed to do 20 miles this week. I need to double check my calendar. Sadly, I’m already behind 🙁
43 miles for me!
I plan on running 25 km this week. (International)
My goal is to run 15 miles….4 down, 4 tonight, and 7 to go! (international)
I am going for 14 miles this week!
9 miles!
I’m a little confused… I started clocking my mileage on Nov. 1st, but I guess my goal for Sunday to Saturday would be 27 miles. I’m going to out of town and in a non-runner atmosphere Saturday-Sunday so I won’t be getting in my long weekend run!
15 miles for me
I plan to run 11.5 miles this week 🙂
My goal for this is 10 miles!
I plan on running 25 miles this week (25/week for Pile on the Miles!). I did 6 this morning – so onto a good start!
This week my goal is 13 miles.
My goal this week is to do some form of exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
I plan to run 25 miles and do at least 2 spin classes.
I plan on running 8 miles this week 🙂
I am shooting for 12 more miles by Saturday!
My goal is 15 miles!
My goal this week is to make all my scheduled runs and to run the Half Marathon (Wine and Dine) and not get hurt.
I’m doing 3 hour long spinning classes this week and 4 tabata sessions on the treadmill.
The goal is 23miles this week!
My goal this week is 12 miles! Woo hoo.
This week the plan is 31 miles. I got a lot going on so we shall see!
I’m hoping to run 27 miles this week.
For this week I’m looking at 18 miles.
I hope to run 25 miles this week. Had a 5 mile race on Sunday when I would have normally done a long run so it might be hard to reach that goal. Did well in the race though so I’m happy about that!
4 miles/day average = 40 miles!
Run at least 20-25 miles and do 2 yoga sessions – woop! woop!
My goal is 3 runs this week!
My goal is to get around 15 this week. However, I’m going to do some speed work at the beginning of the week, so we will see how that sets me up for the rest of my runs.
My goal is 25 miles this week!
Going to stick to my 5 days of running, every day of walking, and ensuring I get to my running club’s track workout tonight to work on my speed for the T-day race in t-minus 23 days!
I’m gonna try and run 25 miles this week!
At least 60 miles this week! With a half marathon thrown in on Saturday.
I’m going to run 17, and walk at least 4 – so 21 total this week!
Going for about 20-25 miles this week, with 3 days of strength training & 1 day for yoga. Gotta keep it balanced yo!
My goal is to run 3 miles this week, do the elliptical for 30 min 5x and always do 10 min of yoga after each workout!
My goal is 15 miles this week, got 4 in last night.
My goal is to move (run, walk, whatever) 35 miles this week.
12 miles for the week along with hitting 10,000 steps on all days. So far so good.
My goal is to run 15 miles this week! 3 miles down, 12 to go!
My goal for this week is 14 miles!
My goal this week is to walk 10 miles.
I’m doing an easy week b/c I have a half-marathon on Saturday. Doing an easy 5-miler tonight, 50 mins cross-training on Wednesday, then nothing but some easy yoga Thurs & Friday. Hope to do a hike on Sunday to stretch out my sore legs. 🙂
My goal this week is to run/walk 4.5 miles this week. Getting back on the wagon is so hard!
My goal is 26 for this week!
~12-15ish…taking it easy after a tough half on Saturday.
I set a goal of 100 miles this month! This week I plan to do 28 miles (I ran a half marathon Sunday).
I forgot the miles could also be biked though so this might increase!!
Run 10 miles…on my way there with 4.25 yesterday.
My goal for the week is 20 miles!
This week I’m planning to run 30 miles and switch up my workouts a bit- adding in Spin and Bodypump one time each!
First week of 1/2 marathon training begins! My goal is 8 Miles this week!
My goal for this week is 10 miles!! I did 4 on Saturday only 51 left for the month YIKES!!!!
I have a 20 miler this weekend training for Dopey! My goal is to finish and feel good after!
My goal is 20 miles of running this week with 5 miles of walking my pups! 🙂
My goal for this week is 30 miles :).
My goal for this week is to go on a post-dinner stroll of at least 1 mile with DH every night, for a total of 7 miles.
My goal for this week is to get 4 consistent days running. I am having a hard time since cooler weather is rolling in.
I’m shooting to run 13 miles this week.
My goal is to run 22 miles, and to bike at least 3!
I have to withdraw from POTM and I’m super bummed about it. Possible femoral stress fracture says NO RUNNING! :(((((
15 miles!!
My goal for this week is 15 miles…slowly working my way back into it after my marathon!
My goal this week is 15 miles, spin class x 2.
I am going to run 10 miles this week and skate for an hour. 🙂
I’ll be running my first marathon this coming Saturday so my goal this week is 35.2 in total!
To run 8 miles.
10 mile goal for week one!
My running goal is 30 miles. If the weather’s nice at lunch or it stays light enough late enough, I’m hoping to ride as many miles as I can get in. I’m heavily favoring running these days, but I don’t want to pay for it when I have to start racing my bike!
My goal is to run/walk 15 miles this week.
NY looked great!! 10 miles this week and at least 2 resistance workouts. International
My goal is 20 miles! 5 down. 15 to go!
I am aiming for 30mi this week 🙂
My goal this week is 17miles give or take. 🙂 I better get on it!
Aiming for 16 miles this week (which sounds better in kilometres…)
my goel is 10 miles for the week
20 miles this week.
my goal is to run 20 miles this week. (international)
Tapering for a marathon in 2 weeks, so I am hoping for 20 total-pain free miles! Let’s hope my IT Bands listen to my requests!
20 miles. I did 10 on Sunday but tweaked my knee!! Hopefully I am good to go by Saturday because I have a 10k 🙂
International (because I have a huge stash of Click :)!!!!)
Trying to hit 20 miles running this week!
I’m aiming for 20 miles this week.
My goal is 25 miles 🙂
My goal is to run 18 miles this week, and actually do that speed work I keep saying I’m going to start!
My goal for this week is 31 miles!!!
Goal is 18 miles. Already got 8.25 down after running a 10K (for a PR!) plus two on Sunday.
My goal for the week is 30 miles of movement. It may be a little difficult since I ran a half last Saturday that I raced pretty hard. I’m also donating blood today.. We’ll see what happens though. So far I have 1.25 miles from swimming yesterday. =)
My goal is to run at least 5 miles for now. Maybe add to it later. Rolled my ankle a week back, so trying to take it easy right now.
I will run 17km….internationnal
My goal this week is 15 miles and running 3 times while I’m on vacation! (International)
Going for 10 miles this week!
My goal for this week is 30 miles
My goal is 9 miles.
34 kms planned for this week. (International)
International! I’m going to do three runs (one long, one easy, one tempo) and two strength training sessions this week. And use my foam roller every day!
My goal is to run a 30 (isn) miles this week!
10 miles this week!
My goal is 60 miles this week!
to stay on track, 25 miles
I’m aiming for 30 this week! Nice work in New York! I had so much fun watching on TV and am definitely puttin my name in the lottery for 2014.
I’m aiming for 80-90 km this week. Nearly back to where I was pre pelvis break. Exciting to build my mileage back up!
congrats on the NYM! My goal this week is 20 miles – still in recovery mode from my own marathon. (international? – it’s an APO address in Germany)
my goal this week is 35 miles (fit bit walking plus runs) 🙂
need to get in 3 bicycle rides (weather permitting) on MV for the holiday weekend. Also will do lots of yoga and schedule in some 3 mile walks. Need to average 15 miles this week. Has been much colder here in New England…..refreshing! Have a good week, everyone!!
My goal is 21 miles this week.
My plan for this week is not less than 40 km of running + 45 min of swimming. International.
There are so many comments here, this is amazing! Does it have to be running? My plan is 9 miles on the elliptical, 4 on the treadmill, and 2-4 on the bike (15-17 total). Thanks for the inspiration!
Goal for this week is 9 miles running and about 25 overall
I’m planning on running 20-30 km this week. I finally finished my internship and I want to take advantage of the next months to increase my mileage – and your blog will be my biggest inspiration 🙂
I am aiming for 20 miles this week! Thanks for the inspiration, Monica!! 🙂
Trying to keep up with the monthly goal of 20-min walk/day and 5 runs a week. Vow to go to track with my running club Tuesday night, even if below freezing.
20 miles!
My goal is to run 20 miles!
I am planning 38, but we are expecting family this weekend, so who knows.
My goal for the week is 25 miles. 9 down so far!!
My goal this week is 18 miles.
My running goal is 18 miles this week. Finding my groove again!
Eeek! My goal for this week was going to be to run 25 miles. But Saturday while running in CP with Run Gia Run’s Run Club, I hit a rock, did an ankle roll, bruised my knee, sprained my ankle, AND ripped my Lulu crops! Tears abound. I will need to reassess my goal this week. So, my new goal will be to heal this thing! 🙁 P.S. Congrats on your marathon!
My goal is at least 18 miles this week but I’m hoping my work schedule allows for 25 miles. Already got 7 done today 🙂
My goal is 25 miles.
My goal is 6 miles of running this week (International)
Totally going to do 13 this week!
I’m aiming for 15 miles this week.
My goal is running 15 miles this week.
My goal is 18 miles this week!!
I want to run every other day and go to the gym the days I do not run. Each day I’d like to hit 5 or 6 miles with an 8 mile run on Friday… or Saturday. Thusly: by Sunday evening I want to have 25 miles in this week 🙂
Shooting for 30, includes two half marathon training runs!
I’ll run 25 miles this week. I’m almost 20% there already. 🙂
Revised goal after having to quit a marathon yesterday due to stomach flu and hip pain — go to two yoga classes and get an appointment with a physical therapist.
I’m gonna try and run 18 miles. This week. I’m running the Vegas Ragnar this weekend and I know I’m gonna be running at least 16 miles. I’m hoping to go for another run before that. 🙂
I’m still taking it easier on the running and upping my cross training but I do have a 5k next weekend so I want to do at least 2 runs of 3 mi or more this week in preparation for it. I also want to do one day of swimming, one day of weights and maybe a HIIT circuit in there too 🙂
25 miles on the agenda for the week!
25 miles
I’m aiming for 15 miles this week
17 miles this week!
My goal this week is 10 miles. 🙂
6 miles this week!
8 mile goal this week!
My goal for this week is 30 miles.
I will run 21 miles 🙂
I’m shooting for 8 miles this week. I’m on week 2 of C25K so my main goal is to stick with my M/W/F workouts. I average about 2.5 each workout so I should hit my mark if I do a little extra each day…right? Right!
Run 8 miles !!!!!!! That’s the goal…5 to go!
I wish I could run but my knee is injured! ): My goal is 14 miles walking
My goal is to run between 25-30 miles this week!
aiming for 10 miles this week!
My goal is 30 miles this week. I’ve already done 16, so I am more than half way there. Woot!
My goal is 24 miles this week!
My goal is 22 miles running
30 miles!
6 miles running!
My Monthly goal was 93 miles, so my goal for this first week is 23 miles 🙂
My goal is 13 miles!
My goal is 8 miles this week!
My goal for this week is 20 miles!
38 is my goal this week! So far so good these first 2 days! Have been working on my biking skills to mix in with my runs.
38 miles that is ( ;
My goal is 10 miles this week.
Run/elliptical for 20 miles….
35 miles of running this week…. a high for me, so I’m happy about it. 1 spinning class (no actual miles but should count for something), and a bit of walking around. (I’m INT but could provide a US shipping address if that makes a difference..)
My goal is to run 30 miles this week!
I plan on logging 35 miles this week.
Goal is 3 days of running after CrossFit this week
one down, two to go
25 miles! Should at least start on pace to reach my month goal. 😉
An easy 15 for the week is my goal!
My goal is to run 20 miles this week.
PS: I’m LOVING this challenge…. can we come up with a new one for next month? 🙂
My goal is 25 miles
My goal is 16 miles!
15 miles this week
The goal is at least 15 miles but hopefully more like 20. 🙂
My goal is to run 25km(3 runs), 2 boot camps and 1 yoga class. 1 Bootcamp down!
My goal is to run 18 miles
My goal is 20! 10 split up during the week and 10 miles on Saturday!
15 miles… god my goals have gone down in the past 2 years
My goal is 6 miles but I have a friend coming to visit so that may distract me. But maybe I can get her to join me for a run 😉
My goal is to walk 8 miles.
My goal is to walk my dog at least 3x a day for at least a mile each (huge goal since I’m leaving for work at 6am and not getting home until after 8pm) and to run/walk at least 20 additional miles.
My goal this week is 25 miles and Jillian DVD at least twice!
This week’s goal is 17-18 miles.
My goal is 11 miles for this week!
I’m hoping for 25 miles this week. Plus adding in weight lifting more regularly to my routine (3x/wk)
i’ve done 6 so far, so my goal this week is 25!
My goal is to run 10 miles this week, and get in some miles in my spinning class (I have no idea how far I ride, so I’m not including those miles)!
20.5 miles this week for me! Also hoping to finish an 8.5 miler in under 70 min.
My goal for this week is 15 miles.
My goal for this week is 22 miles.
I’m going for at least 12 miles of running and some extra cross training this week 🙂
I’m trying to run 4x this week including a 10 mile run!
My goal is to walk and not run with my bum it band! Resting is the only way I’ll get out running again. I want to walk three three milers.
I’m running 20 miles this week, including a half marathon on Saturday! Eeek, I’m very excited!
My goal for this week is to run happy. I’m just getting over a sinus infection turned walking pneumonia, and I’m very much a “I hate myself because my pace was off” kind of runner. I want to reconnect with running on a personal level again before I resume my 50 week marathon training plan. My aim is to find that balance between enjoying running while still being able to push myself and NOT to let my mentality go down the drain over a slow mile 4 when I still have 6 to go.
50 weeks is a long time and my long runs before starting the program were already up to 16 miles, but I refuse to suck at my first marathon.
My goal is 12 miles!
Starting the week off with a terrible cold, so I missed out on my long run yesterday. Looking to still fit in 10-15 miles of running and 5-10 miles of walking for at least 20 miles of movement between the two!
My goal is to run all my miles FAST. I am working on speed!
I’m feeling 30…ran the inaugural pittsburgh 10 miler on Sunday, and I have a half ultra this coming Sunday..I suck at the taper!
My goal is to run 30 miles but the week is off to an insane start so I would be happy with 25-28.
Hoping for 35 miles this week… wish me luck 🙂
My goal for the week is 12 miles–I’m five down and hoping walking around Disney World later this week will cross off a lot of those miles for the week!
My goal is to run 15 miles this week! (International)
I’m shooting for 20 this week!
The plan is 10 miles
I’m tight and sore from a half marathon this weekend, so this week is all about rest and recovery. I want to do pilates at least 3 times this week, foam roll 3-4 times this week, and drink at least 60 ounces of fluid every day.
My goal is 30 miles! Hopefully the weather cooperates!
My goal this week is run 10 miles. Thanks for doing this, and helping to get me back on track!
My goal this week is 15 miles. I can and will accomplish that! The fall leaves are so beautiful that it’s hard to resist not running outside.
My goal is to run 8 miles this week!
Go to the gym at least 3 days by sunday!
My goal is to run 15 miles this week (international)
I’m going to run 20 miles and bike 40. (It’s Monday afternoon and I haven’t done any of that yet… but we’ll get there…)
My goal is 10+ miles for the week & 2 body pump classes.
My goal is to run 30 miles this week. I ran 7 on Sunday and 4.5 today. I know I can do it with a long run this weekend!
My goal is 19 miles this week! Tapering for a marathon 🙂
My goal for this week is 35 miles, with a long run of 10-11 on Saturday.
Training for the week: 4 mile easy run, 4 mile speedwork, 7 mile pace run & 17 mile long run = 32 miles for the week. Plus my goal of not missing any runs is in effect!
My goal is to run 30 miles this week.
My goal is to run 19 miles, swim once and strength train once. Already have the swim and 4 miles done!
My goal is to jog/walk two times this week for 30+ minutes!
I’m going to walk/run 5 miles this week.
10miles but mostly waking
My goal is to run 12 miles this week…
20 miles
Gym at least 4 times this week!
26-30 plus a day of cross-training!
Goal is 25 miles this week. It should be more, but I tweaked my knee yesterday and need to sit out the first half of the week. I’m in the US but only want to be entered in the shirt giveaway. Thanks!
My goal this week is to run 25!
12 miles run and lots of walking, but I don’t really count walk miles. I’m from Canada too, eh!
My marathon training plan calls for 14 miles this week!
19 miles this week!
My mileage goal for this week is 33 miles.
I’m planning on 28-30 miles this week! 🙂
My goal is 25 miles every week, so if my knees won’t hurt I can run 100 miles in November
12-16 miles this week
My goal for this week is about 40 miles.
This week’s goal is 15 miles of running and swimming!
I’m going to run at least 16 miles this week.
28 miles of running planned for this week!! 🙂
My goal would be anything over 5 miles!
My goal is 6 hours of walking/running this week!
My goal for this week is only since I’m tapering for Ironman Arizona on November 17th. I’m starting to freak out that it’s getting so close!
Congrats on NYC!!
I’m scheduled for a 17 mile run as part of my marathon training so my total goal will be 25 miles walking and running.
I´m aiming to run 10 miles for the week. And I´m international….viva mexico!
5 miles run 2 miles bike. And 5 miles walking with pickles.
My goal this week is 10 miles. I ran my first half yesterday so I’m ahead of my goal for the month!
Love the shirt!
I am an international commenter. 🙂
I forgot to answer your question. 🙂
I plan to run about 25 miles this week, with a 26 mile bike ride, and about 10 miles of dog walking.
My goal this week is to run 12 miles and go to 4 yoga/pilates classes.
The goal is 40 this week!
PR’d at Monumental half marathon last weekend, and plan to do a couple easy miles on the treadmill, then the Wine & Dine half at Disney this Saturday. So mileage goal for the week will be 15.
My goal this week is to run 12 miles and hit a class at the gym twice.
I want to hit 30 miles this week!
My goal is 15 miles this week 🙂
My goal for this week is to run/walk 9 miles.
My goal is to run 18 miles this week.
My goal is 33 miles for this week! Week 2 of marathon training for Carlsbad and ASICS LA 🙂
My goal is to run for a total of 20 miles this week.
My goal is 40 miles!
I plan/goal/hope to complete 79 miles this week.
Also, I’m from the U.S. and would love to win the CLICK protein powder prize!
Thank you.
I am going to walk/run 5 miles this week.
Damaged ankle during 16km run on Saturday so rest & ice! Plan for this week – rest Mon, rest Tues, swim Wed and hopefully spin Thurs. 5km jog Fri & Sat. **International**
Goals this week are 7 miles (3.2 done already!), and 2 hours of strength training. #POTM
I want to walk/run 25 miles… And plank my way past ladt weeks two minute hold.
My goal for this week is 17 miles.
Training starts toorrow, so I’m going for 21km this week.
(I’m in Canada, so add me to the International group).
My goal for this week is 20 miles
My goal is 20 miles this week!
My goal is to run 19 miles this week!
Run 3 times this week
Minimum 10 miles this week.
My goal this week is to run 24!
my goal is 30 miles this week as well as 2 days of yoga and 2 days of strength!
My goal this week is 9 miles.
Hoping for 20 miles!
My goal for this wek is 9 miles.:)
Oops, this WEEK.
I WILL run 19 miles this week!! 🙂
My goal is to run 10 miles, speed walk 10 with my cardio stroller group (we train with our babies in the strollers) and do 2 spinning classes. ( International).
My goal is 25 total running and biking miles!!
I don’t see my post from earlier so sorry if this is repeated. My goal is 30 miles for this week.
To be on par for my November goals I plan to run 10 miles this week (and hopefully get at least one day of prenatal yoga in)
My goal for this week is 12 miles.
Goal — 6 workouts, 25 total miles.
My goal this week is 25.1 miles! whoop!
I plan on doing 10 miles this week.
My goal for this week is 15 miles plus turbofire workours!
I’m thinking 25 for the week
I’d like to wog(walk/jog) at least 20 miles this week!
My goal for the week is 27 miles.
My goal is to run 22 miles!
run 6 days this week!
My goal is 12 miles this week!
I want to run 25, and walk an additional 10 with the pup
My goal is to walk/run at least 3 miles at least 4 days this week.
Going for 25! I was going to take a short break this week, coming off of 3 race weekends but Pile on the Miles re-ignited the flame! Thanks for doing this!
My goal is 8 miles!!!
I’m going for 25 miles this week!
16 miles!!! One down so I have 15 to go….woohoo!!
I’m shooting for 20 this week!
My goal is to get in 35 miles of running and walking.
This sounds really bad compared to everyone else’s but if I can do 8 this week I’ll be really happy!!
My goal is to run three days and workout three other ones!
run three times this week.
I’m aiming for 7 miles this week. Not much, but you gotta start somewhere! (International here, greetings from Holland!)
My goal is to continue following my half marathon recovery plan and work my way back up to the mileage I was previously getting!
My goal is to run 15 miles this week.
15 miles
My goal this week is to focus on cross training. I plan to work out 5 hours.
Melissa 🙂
12 miles this week.
I have been having some hamstring and hip issues so hopefully this week I can hit 35 miles ( I usually do 50-60 except the last two weeks :/ ) and 4 x 75 minute cross training sessions
18 miles this week
My goal this week is 20 miles!!
I want to do at least 7 miles this week!
my goal is 15 miles plus at least 2 yoga sessions 🙂
10 for me this week!
My goal this week is to run 6 miles!
My goal this week is 40 miles. I start my first marathon training next week!
My goal is to get 10 miles in this week.
I’m planning on 40 miles the week… had a really good long run on sunday (18 miles!)
My goal this week is 10 miles! Secretly hoping for more 🙂
My goal is 15 miles!
I’d like to run 10 this week. I’m doing p90x but trying to keep some mileage in the mix 🙂
Aiming for at least 40 miles this week 🙂
I am going to run 10 miles this week! Woo-hoo!!! 🙂
My goal is 50 with 18 running and the rest walking assuming I don’t have baby #2 this week (due Friday!)
ran 3 today, think I can get in another 7 more. Also doing bootcamp and zumba to spice things up!
I’m shooting for 13 miles this week!
My goal is 16 miles and to order that weather shield thing for my stroller so my boy and me can keep running outside in the cold (just for short runs, though, don’t want him to freeze!) – got our first dusting this morning!
My goal this week is 30+ miles + 1-2 spin sessions.
My goal is 12 miles this week!
Congrats on the marathon. I liked the #GetItTogether hashtag 🙂 I ran 3.5 miles on Sunday, am leaving for Punta Cana (woohoo) in 2 days so hope to run there and take advantage of warm weather…getting cold and dark in PA!
My goal for this week is walking at least 5 miles.
My goal is to run 11 miles this week. I did 4 this morning so I’m. Off to a good start’
My goal for the week is 10 miles. Luckily my new rescue dog and running partner is keeping me motivated since it’s getting cold out!
My goal is 21 miles for this week. Congrats on another marathon!
My goal is to run 15 miles this week. I already got 8 in yesterday so this should be easy peasy!
My plan is to run 18-20 miles this week. The Cajun Cup 10 k is Saturday 🙂
I’ve got 40 miles on the docket this week for marathon training. 10 already done so far!
I’m planning on running 15 miles this week. 9.3 of that will be a 15K race I’m doing this weekend!
Just ran a half mary yesterday (3.5 months post baby) and it kicked my butt so my goal this week is 25
I am going to short run 2 days this week and run a 10K on Saturday (Cajun Cup)! I plan to do my PT exercises all other days.
Running 12 miles this week! So glad the sun rises early so I can get these in before my day starts!
Between working and schooling both full time, I’ve had very little time and energy to run lately:/ this week I’m hoping to jump back.on the train with 20 miles!!
I’m hoping to do 10Miles this week. (I’m international) 🙂
My goal is 3 miles this week!
My goal is to do a 12 mile run and 2 shorter runs. Hoping to run at least 20 miles this week total!
My goal is 25 miles
My goal is 10 miles.
After running my first half marathon I took a break from running. Training was tough on me and very time consuming – I’ve been focusing a lot more on strength training and spinning, but I’m finally ready to get back into running again! I’m excited.
Still running easy after Marine Corps so I’ll go with 16 miles for the week.
HOPING to run 18 as I SLOWLY return to my weekly average of 25-30, but have nagging twinges in hip, hamstring, posterior tib….ugh!!
Shooting for 10 miles this week.
I plan on running 33-35 miles! First week back since my 1st marathon! Already finished 13 of those mile.
Well, I did a run/walk recovery combo on Sunday after my long run on Saturday, so with that (4.75 mi), my goal for this week is about 25 miles of running + walking (mostly running, hopefully).
My goal for the week is to run 15 miles.
My goal for this week is 11 miles, with two yoga sessions on top of that. Restorative yoga, of course.
My goal is 15 miles running and 10 walking for the week!
My goal is to hit 15 miles this week!
26.2 miles and recovery. I’m sore after my second marathon yesterday. I need rest! Shave 10 minutes off my finish time – woot!
10 miles and three workouts at the gym 🙂 Busy week for us with kids activities so I’m HOPING I can get that all in!
My goal is to run 15 miles this week!!
I love this challenge – keeping me motivated through the Fall! My goal is 4 runs this week for a total of 20 – 30 miles.
Well my life is a new kind of crazy this week so I will go for 5 miles as my goal. This is big for me right now. Promise.
Walk lots of extra miles when I can and get some good training runs in. I was supposed to run 10 yesterday and it didn’t happen…(opps) but I don’t want to go crazy this week with an upcoming half this Sunday.
15 miles for me this week and 4 kettlebell workouts!
My goal this week is to stick to my training plan (I haven’t been doing so well with that!) and log all 20 miles.
10 miles this week, and I’m already one day behind 😛
My goal for this week is 28 miles (I know random)!!
My goal is to run 3x – 1 long run, 1 medium run, and 1 short run! Hoping to be around 20 miles total.
My goal is to run 3 times, minimum of 3 miles per run!
My goal is 19.1 miles: 6 easy taper miles, and my first half marathon — DIsney’s Wine and Dine Saturday night!
My goal this week is to get in 2-3 runs and between 6-9 miles. I am traveling 3 days for work so it will be interesting to see how that works!
My goal is to run 10 miles this week! I’m hoping to do them outside if the weather cooperates.
Congrats on the marathon! So, so proud of your accomplishments.
I am hoping to get at least 8 miles this week. I don’t feel like that is very much but I am going on vacation so I hope to incorporate some movement in addition to the touristy activities!
10 Miles this week…starting with an easy 5K after work today!
My goal is 25 miles this week!
Last peak week. I have a few more than this on the plan but want to run at least 40 this week!
Goal is 15 miles for the second week after my first half!
My goal this week is to run 40 miles.
I’m tapering for the Las Vegas Rock n Roll Marathon in 2 weeks, so I’m glad to be cutting back. I also have a ten mile race on Sunday with the Mermaid Series. It’s in San Francisco and we’ll be crossing the Golden Gate Bridge. Should be awesome!
My goal for the week is 20 miles. 3 down, 17 more to go.
I need a 25 mile week, including a 10-miler. My “long” run on Sunday wound up being only 8.5. Sad trombone.
My goals for the week are to run at least 15 miles with my dogs 🙂
My goal is 10 miles this week
My goal this week is 12 Miles. I have to maintain a goal of 12 miles to meet my goal of 50, plus I’ll have to find 2 miles somewhere. Maybe I’ll find them this week 😉
My goal this week is 7 miles! I LOVE this…it’s keeping me honest and pushing me!
Loved your Paleo/shoe comment! LOL! Awesome 🙂
My goal for this week is 20 miles!
12 mi running, plus a new planks, lunges, squats, & push-ups routine I’ve laid out for myself
My weekly goal is 20- kicked it off with a 13.2 mile long run yesterday!
I wish I could be piling on the miles 🙁 hopefully in another 3-4 weeks I will be piling them on, but for now until my leg feels better it will be weights and occasional short cardio session for me.
42 miles this week(walk/run)!
My goal is to run 28 miles this week!
My goal is to do 12 miles, including meeting my friend Jen for a run one morning before work!
Goal is 10 miles this week!
My goal for this week is 10 miles. I ran the MCM last week (my 1st) and got horrible hot spots/blisters on both feet. There are just now feeling better. So far I’ve run 1mile and walked another mile. I plan to run 3.5 n Tuesday & Thursday with a longish run on Saturday
I plan on walking/running a total of 21 miles this week! I had a 15k yesterday so I was able to get a good chunk of that accomplished 🙂
My goal for the week is 15 miles through a combo of running and walking. 🙂
I want to do a total of 30 miles run/walk/ bike. Plus 2 days of weights and yoga!!
My goal is run/walk 15 miles. I guess. Unless it also includes Friday and Saturday last week?
Knee problems I hope the PT will help me conquer, so 8 miles of run/walking this week for me.
16 mile goal for the week. Trying to get back into running, thanks for the fun motivation!
I’m going for 6 miles this week!
My goal is to make it through my first week of half iron training, even with my knee giving me some crap.
My goal is to run/walk 10 miles this week! I got three in yesterday so only 7 to go!
10 miles
That’s a great post: looks like a lot of fun.
My Pile on the Miles target for this week is 35K. I have a 10K run on Saturday, so I’m hoping to bust that target!
And as a Scot’s lass, I’m international.
My goal for this week is to run 15 miles – so far I’ve run 9.25!
I’m going to walk 35 miles. (UK – international)
After my 8k race this weekend (first race since early Sept and it went super well!) I’m aiming for 10 miles – two 3 mile runs during the week and a 4miler long run during the weekend.
My goal is to run/walk 30 miles this week (including going away for a wedding Friday through Sunday)! Piling it all in at the beginning of the week!
my goal is to go on daily walks 🙂
10 miles this week.
My goal this week is to run/walk 15 miles 🙂
25 miles
My goal is to run/walk/elliptical 15 miles this week. Just ran my second half marathon in 2 weeks so I need to take it easy!
My goal is to do 300 minutes this week. It should be a good mix of elliptical, spinning, running, and bootcamp!
my goal is 1 hr of running
My goal is 12 miles for the week. If I actually follow through with my training schedule I should be able to succeed!
My goal is six miles plus at least four ab workouts!
I Plan On 15 To 20 Miles Plus 3 Weight Training Sessions.
Ran for the first time in 8 weeks this weekend, it felt WONDERFUL! NO PAIN! 🙂 I got a stress fracture I got while trng for the Chicago marathon and have been biking like a mad man to stay strong! My hope is to get in 6-10 running miles this week! I will also have two sessions with my trainer….who is making me STRONGER!
My goal is 70 miles this week! In order to stay on track with my monthly goal. Most will be cycling miles.
My goal for this week is 15 miles. I am also international
My goal is 18 miles.
Aiming for 10 miles this week – gotta get going on it!
6 days of working out this week, lots of swimming and biking!
My goal for this week is to stick to my training plan, which has a total of 5 running days (24 miles total– keeping it realistic because I’m moving this weekend), 1 day of cross training, and 2x strength training. I was super proud this morning because when I got to the gym, I realized I forgot to bring my work clothes with me! But I still hopped on the treadmill, and then made a mad dash to Target (yes, in sweaty gym clothes) to find something to wear to work. I was SO tempted to skip my work out, but I made it through.
15 miles for me!
30 miles (plus 100 hip bridges a day)
Not feeling too sore from Warrior Dash this past weekend, but I will take a break today and just do stretches. From Tues- Saturday this week my plan is to run 12 miles and do 2 Shred DVD workouts, Level 3.
My goal is 3 runs for a total of 18 miles
I ran 26.2 miles yesterday (NYC MARATHON yay) so my goal is to take it easy and do some yoga this week! I think I’ll put my sneakers on for about 3 miles on Friday or Saturday, just to be sure things are still working. . . .
My goal is to run 20 miles this week.
My goal is 10 miles for the week!
10 miles this week!
My goal will be 32 miles but marathon No. 2 is in there.
This week’s goal is 20 miles
My goal this week is to walk/run 12 miles 🙂
My goal for the week is 40 miles-considering I had a 20 mile run yesterday while dreaming that I was running NYC with my friend Mary-it shouldn’t be too far out of reach!
My goal is to run 10 miles this week!
My goal for this week is 20 miles! Also, I plan to fit 2 strength training/cross training days in.
My goal is 22 miles – taper week!
This week’s goal is 3 workouts at least 1 of which being run/walk for 2 miles each. The others being on the bike for 4-7 miles each.
My goal is 20 miles this week! : )
My foot is being a bit cranky this week but I hope to log 12.5 miles….that would be 1/4 of the 50.
My goal is 15 km this week. International
I want to try to run 25miles this week!
I will shoot for 30 miles – it’s taper week for me.
I havent ran in so long so for this week i’m aiming for 10 miles! I’m international btw (Canada)!
My goal is 18 miles! International runner.
My goal is to do 20 miles, including a 10 mile run on Wednesday to prep for the Philly Half next week!
My goal is 16 miles this week!!
My goal for this week is 26 miles.
My goal is to run 36 miles this week!
My goal is to run 27 miles this week… plus a few walking 🙂
I want to run 20 miles throughout the rest of the week.
My goal for this week is to run three times. I just got back into it from an injury, so I’m not going to push my luck! 🙂 Miles-wise, 6 total.
Goal this week is 10 miles, plus I did a Spin class this morning and a Bootcamp class yesterday.
Hi Monica!
My goal this week in run 25km on the tredmill. Im an “international”
My goal for the week is a grand total of 3 miles… the Monumental Marathon in Indianapolis (where both a 16 year old woman and a 49 year old woman had Olympic qualifying times!!!) was my very first marathon and I LOVED IT, so I am determined to not hurt myself afterward so I can do it many, many, many more times 🙂
10 Miles this week
My goal this week is five miles. I’m still trying to take it easy on my poor injured knee!!
I plan to run 50 miles this week. That’s pretty big for me but I know I can do it!
15 miles! Training for a half marathon!
My goal is 25 miles (25×4 = 100, which is my goal)…. If I get more, great!
ten miles and three strength workouts!
My goal is to actually obey my plan and do a cut-back week. I hate not seeing my weekly mileage go up, but I know it’s needed in order to stay healthy. No more than 15 miles this week!
My goal for this week is 20 miles running. I kicked it off this morning with a 2 mile run worked into my strength training. (So, since the 1st I’m up to 10.5!)
My goal is 8.25 miles!
My goal this week is 30 miles running and 15 walking the streets of Edinburrrrr (it is cold here!)
My goal this week is between 25 and 30 miles.
My goal is 15 miles this week!!! Nice run at ING Marathon!!!
My goal is 20 miles this week, starting with some today. I need to get moving!!
My goal this week is to run and bike 20 miles total.
My goal is to run/walk 38 this week! I ran the monumental half marathon on Saturday, so it might be a stretch, but we’ll see!
My mileage goals for this week is 23 miles, but I missed my run yesterday, so I am already 3 behind- hoping to get those in tonight!
15 is my goal for the week!
Goal for this week: 10 miles….and bonus for a walk with a friend (I don’t do that enough!!)
My goal this week is to run 18 miles
My goal is 2 runs around 3 miles each.
Hi there! My goal is 5 miles of running. I have my 3rd 1/2 on Sunday so I’m taking it easy. I’ve been a major klutz lately (almost broke a toe, fell in the shower, stubbed a toe walking in a forrest etc. etc.) 😀
I’m still pretty miserable from my first half marathon, so I’m not sure what I’ll be able to muster this week. If nothing else, I’d like to go on at least three long walks (maybe I’ll get some jogging in if my joints cooperate).
My goal is 25 miles total on my Fitbit, and running 7!
This week I am shooting for 35. Already have 7 out of the way! 🙂
I’m in for 25 miles this week. On the way to a 100 mile month!
My goal this week is 24 miles!
My goal for this week is 32 miles. I ran 8 miles yesterday and I have the Wine and Dine half marathon on Saturday night. That means I need to squeeze in 11 miles between now and Saturday.
My goal this week is 15 miles. I have a half marathon coming up on Sunday the 10th, so this is a taper week for me!
My goals are 41 miles, 1 long run, 1 track workout, 1 tempo run, 3 easy runs and 1 rest day
My goal is 10 miles and 3 days of Crossfit!
My goal is going to be 40 miles. 35 will be from running the other 10 will be a combo of running, walking, and cycling.
This is my first time participating in POTM and I am so happy to have this to keep me motivated. I am hoping to run/walk 54 miles this week.
My goal is 15 miles; I ran my first ever 15k yesterday so need to get in 6 more by Saturday. I am also shooting for 2 weight workouts this week.
My goal is to run 25 miles this week.
My goal is to run 16 miles this week!
My goal is 10 miles this week 🙂
My goal for the week is 25 miles and 2 strength trainings.
I am going for 9 this week, at least 3 of which I will be trying to do outside, which is a big deal for me since it is freezing and I hate the cold with a passion!
10 miles, I think. I broke my toe at MCM last week and am just easing back in now.
10 miles for the week!
25 miles is the goal for the week
International: Anything over 20km is fine. The bad weather and the fact that it gets dark at a ridiculous early hour makes running outside not that appealing at the moment.
12 Miles for this week.
To date I have 18 miles in November… so lets say my goal is to be at 30 by the end of this week. I can do this.
My goal this week is to run 23 miles. Mileage goes up next week with half training back in swing!
I am going to try to run at least 10 – 15 miles this week. I just finished a trail marathon on Saturday and my tendonitis has really flaired up in my right foot… so I am going to give it a solid 3-4 days of rest before I get back out on the road.
I love your hotel room view – pretty cool!
My goal is to run 10 miles this week.
My goal for this week is 50 miles.
My goal this week is 28 miles!
My goal is 33 miles. A mix of running and walking. Or trudging through snow if the forecast is right.
I am still recovering from an IT band injured suffered during the berlin marathon but I plan to do 50 minutes of aqua jogging 4 days this week and a couple of hours of biking this weekend. (international)
my goal is 15 miles! good luck everyone!
25 miles, run 20 and go on a hike and a couple evening walks!
My goal this week is 20 miles!! I better get to runnin’!
My goal is 20 Miles! Bring it on! Congrats on the NYCM!
Shooting for 25 miles this week!
Going to try to get 8-10 miles this week
Goal is to walk 10 miles. 2.5 down, 7.5 to go! We’ll see how I do with no childcare and a toddler who is slowly boycotting the Bob…
I plan to run 20 miles this week!
My goal for this week is 31 miles. So far I am at about 6 1/2….
33 miles for this week’s goal, including a half marathon on Saturday.
I tought my race season was over after my marathon in September, but I wanted to try this race for fun and bought someone bib last minute. I managed to shave 5 minutes of my last PR in an hilly (and cooold!) course, so yay me! I’ll take it cool this week since I’m sore and I’ll probably run 20-25km.
Kilometers because Canada, so International pleeeeeease 😉
25 miles is my goal.
I ran a 5K on Sunday, and I’m hoping to run another 8 miles—so I’m shooting for 11.1 total.
My goal is 31 miles.
My goals are to run Tuesday – Friday and strength train at least 2-3 x’s this week!
10 miles and 2 spin classes this week =)
My goal for running this week is 30miles 🙂
I hope to get in at least 6 this week. 🙂 My goal for the whole month is to do 50, which might be a little too lofty! I have been cross training and doing strength, but I have been taking time off of running to recover from shin splints before my next training schedule begins.
goal will be 19+ miles. Its my first week of marathon training so my first week has me starting there. If I dont miss a run its a good week for me!
My goal is to run 20 miles and cross train at least 3 times. This past weekend I took a spin class Friday/Sunday and ran 6 miles on Saturday.
At least 6 miles and 120 minutes of circuit-style workouts.
My goal is to eat clean and try to focus on getting good workouts in 🙂
I did 3 today and am hoping for 5 tomorrow and another 5 on Thurs. Them I’m off on a long weekend getaway – so prob won’t run any more than that! I ran 7 on Saturday, so I’m not too concerned with taking a few days off 🙂
My goal this week is at least 15 miles with a long run on Wednesday and Saturday!
My goal this week is 20 miles. Trying to rebuild after a tough 1st half marathon last month.
My goal is 15 miles.
Hoping for 25 for the week!
My goal is 25 miles! and to set a PR at my 10K on Saturday 🙂
25 miles
Bouncing back from a medication that caused some joint pain so I am shooting for 15 miles this week!
Trying for 36 miles this week!
35 miles!
Due to knee pain (annoying) I am going to try and walk/run 8 miles this week. Hoping for a decent run this weekend (fingers crossed).
7 miles is my goal.
my goal is 11 miles 🙂
My goal is 9 miles for the week! Already got 3 in this morning!
My goal for this week is 25 miles!
20 MILES!!!
I’m just aiming to run at least 3 times this week. I’ve been sick and need to get back in the swing of things.
My goal for this week is to run 12 miles. I’m already 5 in, so I’m hoping to make it!
25 miles and 100 each per day of push ups and sit ups:
That’s the plan anyway 🙂
I plan on running 11 miles. Can’t wait for the Vegas Half coming up!! Maybe I will ‘run’ into you!
I’m running a marathon next Sunday and already did 12 miles yesterday so I’m hoping for 8 more running miles this week and then some cross training. I NEED to get back in the pool!!!
My goal for the week is 20 miles – give or take 🙂
18 for the week!
I am going to work on recovery (roll/massage/CT) then the goal is a 7 mile LR on Saturday to prep for the RnR San Antonio in 13 days!
Between walking and running my goals is 40 miles this week.
Run 20.5 miles this week including a 8.5 mile run.
My goal this week is 15 miles!
Mine is to do yoga twice, to recover from my race, and get out there for 2-3 recovery runs!
My goal for this week is 12.5 miles and to do squats and lunges at least 3 days.
Goal for this week is 23 miles.
My goal is 20 miles this week! I got in 2.5 bright and early this morning, so I still have a lot to go. But I’m glad I was able to get to the gym before work this morning…this challenge is already keeping me accountable! 🙂
My goal is 15 miles. 6.2 down (two 5ks on Sunday), bring on the rest!
My goal is 25 miles for the week…
My goal is to nail my last pre marathon long run on Saturday and run 40 – 50 miles total.
My goal for this week is to get at least 21 miles in. I found a Hal Higdon training plan I’m following for my next marathon and in this training he has me running more than I have before and I’m going to try my hardest to get in each run!
My weeks goals are 15 miles!!
International 🙂
Sunday I ran my longest yet…7 miles. I have a 5K this Saturday. I think my goal this week is 15 miles. I want to run a 1/2 marathon next year…I am a new runner : )
You weren’t going for time and you still finished in 3:41?? Amazing! Just found your blog and love it! Congrats on the marathon! My miles this month will include my usual 4 with my running group on Wednesdays and hoping to do a 8 and possibly 9 miler for wknd long runs…never been further than 7 in my life but I’m starting to build up my distance so I can one day be on your level. 😉
My goals for the week.
1. Run 21 miles.
2. Cross train at least twice this week.
Goal for the week: 10 miles running, 10 walking. Let’s do this!
I’m slowly building miles up again since my ITBS seems to have subsided a bit, so I think I’ll go for 20 miles of running this week.
I’m gonna try and hit 15 miles walking and running this week! So far I have put in 3.5 miles!
My weekly goal is 18 miles!
12 miles this week!
I have a crazy week of travel ahead, so I’m aiming for only about 10 this week, and I honestly won’t be too surprised if that’s lofty! Aim high though, I suppose 🙂
My goal this week is 14 miles!
Walk 15 miles, run 16 miles
My goal for this week is to run 25 miles!
My goal is 26.2 miles total just running! 15,000 steps a day also.
My goal *was* to run 30 miles this week, but I’m sitting on my couch with a raging head cold and a bad runner’s knee flare up, so my goal has changed and I will now be spending my week recovering! (Like you, I’ve been racing a lot lately!)
My goal for this week is 10 miles!
My goal for this week is 10 miles.
My goal is to run 14 miles this week!
I’m hoping for 5-8. You all have motivated me so much this weekend with the marathons and some doing an ironman. I have no excuse but to get in gear! Here’s to starting!
I already got 10 in, so I’m going to say 22-hope the weather cooperates!
My goal for the week is 90 minutes of running — hopefully broken up into three 30 minute runs. Still working on recovery after my broken foot, so need to keep things slow and steady and not rebuild too fast.
I’m looking at starting training for my first marathon here pretty soon (eek!) so this week I’m just looking to solidify my base — going for 8.5 miles and two zumba classes 🙂
My goal is 35 miles this week!
It looks like you had an amazing time in NYC! I am ready to go back!
I intend on walking about 5 miles this week. Here’s hoping! 🙂
I completed my first week goal! Kind of. The original goal was to run 7 miles on Saturday and have Sunday as a rest day, but things came up and plans changed, so I squeezed in a 3 mile run on Saturday morning and did 4 miles Sunday. So still a total of 7 for the weekend 🙂
My goal this week- 25 miles!
My goal is 13 miles this week!
my goal this week is 12 miles. I have already done 7 of them!!
This week, I hope to run easy until Saturday, where I’d love to nail another marathon PR! As long as I finish, though, I’ll have met one of my big goals for the year and will be eligible to join marathon maniacs. Woot woot!
(Please exclude me from the giveaway part AGAIN- more food allergies)
My goal is 7 miles running and to workout 5-6 days this week!
My goal this week is 15, but only because I have a pretty epic girls trip to Miami planned from Thursday to Sunday and I don’t anticipate much time for running those days. I will be stepping it up big time next week
I am going to run 25km and power walk 15km. (International)
aiming for 20 miles, including one run >6 miles! school has been busy, so i’ve been limited to the gym lately. :/
My goal this week is 21 miles.
This week my goal is 8 miles. 3 down yesterday and I’m hoping to go on a nice 5-miler Saturday morning. Finger crossed for pretty weather
My goal is 20 miles!
Yesterday I walked at a 4mph pace for 2.62 miles (one decimal to the left for all you marathoners!). I plan on walking two miles each day, either during my lunch break or after work.. so for a total of about 15 miles (walking).
8 miles
23 miles!
My goal is 25 miles!
I’m going to walk 5ish miles this week. I ran all out at the Monumental Marathon last Saturday and got my shiny new PR. However I am turbo sore, so I think Hal Higdon’s zero week makes a lot of sense right now.