Hello! Here are the answers to all your questions from the @RunEatRepeat Instagram stories this week. I cut it into 2 parts because I got a call mid-video (um, mideo?). Part 1 covers the RER visors and how long to recover for a half or full marathon. Part 2 is about tips for new bloggers and fun personal questions like “What do you like to do on Sundays?”.
If you have a question for me… Ask!
Email: RunEatRepeat@gmail.com or
DM me on Instagram @RunEatRepeat
Thank you for watching! You’re my favorite!!

Question and Answers Part 1 video
Any updates on the visors?
Yes – RER visors are in the works! I asked on a recent Instagram post for your color choices and am trying to get that going. It will probably be 30 days until they’re available (per the company I’m working with).
(I asked for color requests on Instagram a few weeks ago. If you want to chime in with your vote comment or DM me but I’m not checking that post for new color suggestions.)
How long do you recover after a half marathon?
The usual rule for post-race recovery time is one easy day for every mile of the race. So for a half marathon you’d take 13 days easy / recovery type days.
Every body is different and YOU should do what is best for your body.
Ran my first marathon last weekend. How long do you take off after 26.2 miles?
Question and Answers Part 2 video
What are your tips for a new blogger just starting out?
Congratulations on the new blog!!
Hardest thing about Diego? Best? Puppies are great but HARD?

Does Diego know any tricks yet?

When will the podcast be consistent again? It’s so inconsistent now.
I love listening and doing the podcast!! But I haven’t made it the #1 priority because I have other projects right now. I’m hoping to get it back to every Friday and eventually build it up to 3x a week by June.
If you want to listen to the Run Eat Repeat podcast… and are new to podcasts…
How to listen to the Run Eat Repeat podcast:
*If you have an iphone:
Open the Podcasts app on your phone.
Search Run Eat Repeat…
Listen to me talk about running and life and stuff.
Oh and – Subscribe to the show!
*If you have an android:
Download the FREE podcast app Stitcher.
Search Run Eat Repeat…
Listen to me talk about running and life and stuff.
Oh and – Subscribe to the show!
What’s your favorite thing to do on a Sunday?
I love Sundays!! Oh! It depends on the day…
Do you have one day a week where you go grocery shopping or multiple days?
Check out these Easy Meal Prep posts for tips on meal prep!
Meal Prep for Runners and everyone else

Do you listen to audio books as you run or do you prefer something else?
What are your favorite running shoes and gear?
– I’ll talk about all my favorites soon!
Got a question?
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