Before I get into the sad details of our dying fish…
Breakfast was Pumpkin Oat Bran topped with PB and granola. I am curious how long oat bran without PB would keep me full because the combo really sits like a brick in my stomach.
I am loving this pecan granola by the way…
Marathon Training: 4.5 miles – I just wanted to run a bit, but didn’t have much time and my legs are tired so this works 🙂
The night before last Ghost Face Killa passed away. Then, last night Chinchilla was found lying on the bottom of the tank. We buried them outside (that was Ben’s idea, I’m a flusher) and said something nice about them. It’s really sad because Chincilla has nine babies that are now motherless 🙁 We don’t know why they both died, two days in a row, but we’re looking into possible problems with the tank, feeding, temp…
Banana Hammock is really depressed…(sorry the pic is blurry, he wouldn’t stop swimming)
I have a conference in the city today. Wish me luck 🙂
That is the most scrumptious-looking bowl of oats!!! <3 pecans!
Does the tank have a heater? Maybe the dropping temperatures are keeping the water too cold. Be careful with heating the water too much, though!
RIP fishies : (
*your a ‘flusher’, lol. I know the fish died but I couldn’t help but laugh at ‘flusher’.
Aww, so sorry to hear about your fish.
Sorry to hear about your fish — 🙁
Boo to the fish dying! I am so sorry. I know it’s hard to lose a pet.
Aw, sorry about your fishies!!!
Aww sorry about the fishes 🙁 I still remember when my fish died when I was 4. I had to go to preschool that day, too. I was not a happy camper
aww! I swear i cannot keep a fish over a week!
Yay, i’m s flusher too usually, but one year my friend gave me a tiny turtle…he passed on so we buried him 🙁 Good Luck with your conference.
Have fun in the city!! You will probably be right by my office! ha
Aww how sad!
Awwww I’m sorry to hear about your fish. We have a little cemetery in our backyard where we buried our dog about 10 years ago. It’s near a plum tree and rose bush and since then we have had to add a hamster and then about a week ago my sisters frog died (I think… I haven’t talked to her about it since she thought it was dying but my dad said it looked like the ground had been dug up over there so we’re thinking it did die.) I don’t want to bring it up to her and ask though because she was crying last time I talked to her about her frog 🙁
Hopefully banana hammock will start feeling better soon 🙁
At least they died having kick ass names. P.S. Can you tell me about oatbran?? I only know oatbran as a cold cereal. What am I missing here?
R.I.P fishies 🙁
Sorry about the fishies!
Good luck with your conference today. I am sorry to hear about your fishies 🙁 that’s sad. I hope that banana hammock’s sprits lift soon.