Hola peeps. How’s it going?
Vegas and I are doing our thing…sipping iced coffee and whatnot.
After that I went for a run because I need to stay in half marathon shape. There are A LOT of races coming up!!
Then, I refueled with eggs and Sriracha… boom.
I also made an amazing Fudge Protein Muffin in the microwave. I randomly threw it together and it actually came out good! I was pretty excited about that. Recipe coming!
Is anyone out there training for a half marathon? Other distance?? Tell me!
I’m pretty excited today and not just because of all that iced coffee I drank!! There are a ton of road races coming up around these parts and I have new race discount codes to share with you!!
I randomly stumbled upon this Avocado Half Marathon and knew just by the name that it was right for me. I can’t confirm there will be avocado at the finish line, but I will probably carb-load with chips and guacamole anyway. Potentially a margarita too…
Avocado Half Marathon April 12
20% off with Discount code : AVORC20
The code is only good until the 31st so sign up now if that’s your jam.
There is also a series of races north of Los Angeles that are awesome! I ran the Shoreline Half Marathon last year and that’s one of them. It was GORGEOUS. Here are the options:
Ojai, CA
Ventura, CA
Shoreline Half Marathon July 13
Ventura, CA
20% off those races with code: OLIVAS2014
Okay. Which ones can I put you down for?
Question: What are you training for? A race? Life? Pizza eating contest?
Are you doing to the R&R San Diego this year? I’m coming from AZ to do the full- it will be my second one this year and ever! Love your blog- it’s inspiring! 🙂
I’m doing a Marathon relay in May and just signed up for my 3rd half for September. Not officially “training” yet, but it’s (finally) starting to warm up in Michigan, so I’m excited to run outside again.
LOVE your blog!! So I am training for my 1st 1/2– San Diego rock-n-roll on June 1st. Excited but very intimidating! So I have a question for you. I am also going to do more later in the year: Disneyland 1/2 in August, Arizona Halloween one in Oct, and Disney Princess after the first of the year. What kind of training do you do to maintain between 1/2’s? I am going to do some between but mostly 5 & 10k’s. I first started running just over a year ago. I started running with the couch to 5k app. Believe it or not running that 60 second interval at first was hard. Now I cannot believe that I will be running a 1/2! I have never been an active person. I love running and especially love the fun of races!
I have my second half marathon ever one week from tomorrow. My longest run was supposed to be last weekend (14). Due to silly circumstances, I only did 10 on Saturday, followed by 4 on Sunday. I wonder if that counts for 14? Time will tell!
I’m currently in half marathon training and am ACTUALLY following a training plan for the first time. Weird.
I just got back from California (first time there!) and I already miss it! I wish I were around to run one or a couple of these races. Right now I’m not really training for anything in particular, but I’d like to run another half marathon sometime this spring. Maybe a full marathon sometime??
Ventura is my home, so I hope to see you there! I’m registered for the Ojai too. 🙂
so jealous of you and your Cali races, but thankful it should hopefully be warming up here in NYC soon! my next race is the Brooklyn Half in May, which is a really great race. i can’t wait til it’s warm enough to drink iced coffee again here.
Just finished Lozilu LA Mud Run 5K and signed up for Marvel Half at Disneyland in November!
Just ran my second half last weekend and though my time wasn’t great (pretty hilly) I feel great, so that’s a big win! Training now for half’s 3-5. RnR Portland May 18, Dirty Half in Bend Oregon (trail, elevation and BIG ass “hill”) with family June 8, then RnR Seattle June 21. And doing Run Like a Mother 5k on Mother’s Day with my daughter (who gets a free reg fornplacing 3rd last yr in her age group!). I’d love to run a race in California, just might not be until winter or next year.
Thank you so much for the discount codes, that’s awesome! Do you ever end up running in northern CA? I’ll be doing Napa to Sonoma this year and would love to hear from someone else who has run that one. I’m also looking for another half to do in the fall, any good suggestions? 🙂
I dont suppose you have any discount codes for an east coast race? -_-
Not right now, but I’m working on it 🙂
I just ran the half marathon I have been training for last weekend – now I need a new goal!
I’m training for a half in the next few weeks! Honestly your srircaha eggs always look so good!
I’m so jealous of all the races you get to have in California ALL THE TIME! But this Midwestern girl gets them in when she can. I have a half this Saturday; the Southern Illinois Spring Classic (we’ll see about the “Spring” portion!). And then next weekend I have my very first back-to-back half marathons. The one on Saturday (in Indiana) will be hilly but the one on Sunday (in Ohio) should be flat. I’m nervous and excited at the same time for this new challenge!
Training for the half at the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon. Only five weeks to go… really wanting to tame this race. It gets the best of me every year!
I am the same way with a race out here – Long Beach. Every year it kicks my ass. Every single year.
Hope you rock it!!!
Training for a faster 10K!
I’m training for the Rock N Roll Raleigh Marathon…its just 3 weeks away!
If only I was in running shape, I would totally do the Avocado half in Fallbrook! I have family there (yay host housing!) and it’s such a beautiful area!
I’m training for the Brooklyn Half in May!!! Super excited! I just did the She is Beautiful 10k in Santa Cruz this weekend. That was so fun. There’s one in SB in the Fall, you should totally run that!
I would love to head down and do an Avocado half but saving all my pennies for Brooklyn. Next year there’s a Napa half marathon that I’d really like to do.
Do you happen to have a discount for America’s Finest in san diego????
I am training for the Napa Zooma(10K). Hoping for a 1/2 in august.
I am training for a half-marathon at the end of May in Ottawa, Canada.
Come run RnR San Francisco with me and Stuft Mama next month! 🙂
Right now a wing contest ;). These races look fun and I wish I lived in CA!
I’m always “training” for something, by which I mean I’m always registered for a ton of races and cramming in miles last minute. Next week I’m registering for the Philly marathon so there goes my whole summer!
I’m training for my very first half marathon in mid June. That’s assuming that winter is finally over by then. Here’s hoping I can get my knees to co-operate.
Holywood Half next weekend baby!!!
Laguna Hills Memorial Day Half
Peace Love and Run (San Diego) 5k
then start training for the big one…Disney World Marathon 2015! EEK!!!
I’m currently training for my first half marathon in May in Boston!
I’m training for the Nike Women’s Half in DC at the end of April. It’s my first half and its a huge adjustment going from working out to stay in shape to working out/training for a half marathon!
Training for my 1st marathon the Marine Corps Marathon on October 26!
Loved Marine Corps last year! Good luck!!
Do you have any tips?!?
I’m training for a half marathon in Napa in June!! This Michigan girl can’t wait to be on the west coast. Plus you get wine after 🙂 hopefully they have it at the aid stations too so I can stay hydrated lol
I am 20 Wks pregnant with #3 so my max right now is an hour of running. I’m on day 54 of a running streak though. Mentally, I’m training for labor and to bounce back for Spring Marathon training 2015. To keep me interested, I’m eyeing some 5ks. SoCal has some awesome sounding races. This winter has been a bear for the south east!
Did my first half this month (SD Half Marathon on March 9) and am now training for my second (SD Rock n Roll Half- June 1)! Finished the first one, and this time I’m training with the goal of improving my time. Goal is under 2 hours- very excited! 🙂
I would love to run a half with you but I am on the east coast. I am running the Nike Women’s Half in DC on April 27th, can’t wait!
I am currently training for the Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon in May. It will be my second half marathon of 2014, and I’m very excited!!
I have my first half this sunday! It’s the day before my birthday so it’s kind of a birthday present to myself. I can’t wait!!!
A half in July, and my very first marathon in sept. I’m afraid.
Im training for the Long Island Half in May. This is my second half ever and my only goal is do better that the last one!
I’m currently training for the Disneyland Half that is in August, but Im also doing a race a month this year, every month except July(I might run one if I can find one that works around my work/vacation schedule)
Im running my first race ever this saturday its a 5k at the zoo in my town, Im super excited! I got a zebra print running tank top and a purple sparkle skirt from sparkle athletic!!
Then Im doing:
April: The Color Run(5k)
May: The Color up RUn(5k)
June: A local 10K
August: DL Half
Sept: Neon Run(5k)
Oct: still trying to find one
Nov: a local Turkey Trot
Dec: Metro PCS Dallas half marathon!!
I just started running in December and have fallen completely in LOVE with the sport!! Running is definitely my happy place!~
First a strawberry race and now avocado? Race directors are BRILLIANT!
I might run Ojai, I ran the Seaside half with them in Feb and it was a great experience. Also, I want Avocados.
I am training for the Lake Placid half in June. Work schedule and stress this time of year and a back injury have hindered it a bit. But the room and race are non-refundable so I am confident I will get back on track! It will be my first half so I am excited!
I’m training for a sprint duathlon and a 10K! Trying to go for shorter and faster races
I’ve never commented before cuz I just started reading (I was loyal to SR until she quit the internets, so I had to find other ways to stalk her, haha). Your blog is great though, so I’m happy to be here now! I’m running the Geist Half Marathon near Indianapolis, IN in May! I haven’t run a half in 3 years, so I’m a little nervous. But I’ve been training like a beast, so I think I’ll rock it. I’m also doing my first Olympic tri on June 1st and another one on August 24th. I think that’s all the big racing I’m going to do this year though besides little trail races with my local running club.
Hello Erin 🙂 glad you found me – I’ll try to get SR to make more appearance on RER!!
Signed up for my first half marathon. I’m running the Beat the Blerch race in Washington State! I’m looking forward to the training leading up to September. My only other race is a 5k a month back. I’m going to run another, and then a 10k by June. Hopefully I stay injury free!
I am training for Broad Street Run (10mile) with 40,000 others here in Philly
I had a free entry to Ojai last year but didn’t make it up there-there was some tennis tournament and hotels were super pricey so the planning didn’t work out.
I just had a baby so I’ve only got 5k on my radar for now. A half is the farthest thing from my mind although seeing that Surf City 2015 registration is open makes the planning wheels start turning.
Once I’m recovered from my foot injury you can sign me up! I live just next door in AZ. I’m actually considering a mini thriathalon now.
I just started to train for a 10k that I have in a few weeks…. Hopefully it gets a bit warmer for that (I’m in MI), and then on June 1st I have my 2nd ever half marathon that I need to train for. The 1st one went horribly…so I’m hoping for a better outcome for this one! 🙂
Well, if I knew then what I know now =). I’m already registered for the OC Half, I used your RnR San Diego discount (muchos grassy ass), and I’m heading up north to run the SF Half in July. If you have one for the LB Half to complete the Beach Cities challenge, I’ll take it! You won’t find any long distances in AZ during the summer, so I’m having to take my talents to the left coast this year. And that, I don’t mind…so excited for all the mini vacays.
I am training for my first 10k! I keep running into snags because my calves just KEEP CRAMPING… everytime I try to increase my mileage and it blows- guess I need to eat more bananas!
Make sure to start every run with some walking or slow jogging! Every time I start out too fast, my calves cramp up. It took me awhile to figure this out but now starting slow really helps. Good luck with the 10k! It’s such a great feeling to run further than ever before!
I really want to try my first half marathon but I have been running for the grand total of twice in the last year (!!!) I’m picking it back up and hoping to go for a half marathon this time next year 🙂 training on 5km now and that’s my limit for a while! xxx
La Lingua : Food, Life, Love, Travel, Friends, Italy
I’ve got a busy few months – 1/2 in 2 weeks, 10 miler the week after, and then my first triathlon of the year the first week in May. 🙂 Avocado half marathon sounds awesome, I would DEFINITELY be expecting chips and guac at the end.
Gah! I totally want to do one of these (the Fallbrook one would be close! also I wish there were avocados involved). I’m itching to do a half marathon, but don’t think I’m ready yet. Or maybe I’m just scared?
i’m not training for anything at the moment, but i love the idea of an avocado half marathon. that’s even better than a watermelon half marathon 😉
For now, I’m training for life. Hopefully in the near future, I’ll be training for a 1/2.
I just raced a half and now I’m training for a 10k — but not just any 10k! I signed up for the Bolder Boulder which is arguably the best managed 10k in the US (seriously, it’s so great) but it’s also at 6000 feet… so altitude is a thing. Lots of hill and interval training in my future!
I just raced a half and now I’m training for a 10k — but not just any 10k! I signed up for the Bolder Boulder which is arguably the best managed 10k in the US (seriously, it’s so great) but it’s also at 6000 feet… so altitude is a thing. Lots of hill and interval training in my future!
I used to train for life, until I got a bit addicted to racing and now I train for races. Yep, races won over life. Smart.
How weird it would be to not have avocado at the Avocado Half Marathon.. that wouldn’t make any sense.
I REALLY want to visit CA and run a race (and drink margaritas) with you!!!
Currently training for the Whidbey Island half in a few weeks, then marathon relay leg in May and a trail 10K in June. After that I buckle down and start training for a big 1/2 PR attempt the first week in August. I have a back up half the middle of Sep just in case it’s blazing hot here in Aug (it wasn’t last year, so I’m hopeful because I LOVE the course and feel like it’s a good PR course for me!).
I’m training for the Historic Half marathon in Fredricksburg, VA in May. It was my first half three years ago, and now I’m trying to hit a 1:40. But it’s difficult to train for a hilly course when you live in a very flat place. Treadmill city, womp womp.
Wish I lived closer and I would for sure be interested in racing some of these!
I’m training to PR in a half marathon at the end of April (and I’m pacing that group–it will be a big deal and I’m ALREADY nervous). Then there are always bike races and an Ironman at the end of August!
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Now if only it were back to back half marathons. Avocado and then watermelon. You would be on cloud 9!!
My big race is the New Jersey marathon on April 27th.
I’m doing the love run half in Philadelphia this Sunday.
And I have the Brooklyn half on 5/17.
My cat used to like salad dressing. He would lick it off my salad if I didn’t pay attention. Lol
Sadly, I am injured so no running for a bit. but that means no more halfs until October because it’s just too hot to run them after April in Florida. Seems like there are a lot of half marathons in Cali in the summer. What is the average temp there in the summer and is it humid? I hate running here in July and August, it’s so hot and humid.