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That looks like so much fun!!
Congrats on another race under your belt. Ragnar sounds like fun! I hope it fits into my schedule some day!
That looks like so much fun!! I want to do a relay soooo baddd!!!! 🙂 Can’t wait to hear all about it! 🙂
Looks like a fun race and so jealous of all that NUUN!!
Looks like everyone had a good time, I want to do a relay sometime! Btw, I met my husband at that Miller’s Field 🙂
I think you forgot the most important step in Run Drive Sleep Repeat: EAT!
That looks like such a fun time! Are you happy you did it even though you refused 10x? Your pink running skirt is the cutest, especially with the little ruching in the side.
Phew! You made it! Never a doubt! So, looks like you had a night leg? Not sure how well I would’ve done…I’m ascared of the dark, too! That may or may not of been my quickest leg of the relay! Lol! Great job!
Love the Boston shirts..thank you! Looks like you are all having a blast!
Looks like so much fun! I’m running my first Ragnar in 2 weeks!
Totally serious question: There is a blonde girl in your 5th (?) picture an orange 4/15/13 Boston shirt wearing the cutest running capris EVER – black with xx at the calves Any idea what brand they are?
I have been obsessed with these since I saw the picture. Athleta tic tac toe capri!
I love all things Ragnar and MUST do So Cal one day soon – it’s my old stomping grounds too! Looks like y’all had a blast and kicked some serious butt!
I am completely unfamiliar with the logistics of this relay business, but I am pleased you guys are eating super delicious looking food! And now I go to look into this Ragnar craziness.
Looks like a blast! Congrats girl!
Looks like a fun race. I love all the nuuns!!! 🙂
I LOVE Nuun too!!! I love your team’s stash! Hope the Ragnar goes well rest of the weekend, it looks like so much fun (minus the running in the dark part)!!!
Looks like a blast!! Keep running! 🙂
Looks like a fun weekend. And thanks for the massive tater tot craving! I miss those lil taters.
Looks like so much fun! I so want to do a relay!’
Congrats on kicking butt, ladies! It looks like you all had a total blast, so good job! 🙂
Looks like you guys had a blast! I’ve never done a relay, but now I kinda want to. The idea of being part of a team in a race sounds really fun to me. I hope you’re resting your legs and relaxing after all of that work! And getting some sleep, too. 🙂
Looks like fun! I’m not sure if I could handle the lack of sleep. I am a bit of a baby.
Loved every picture! And your braids are so cute on you!
looks like it is going well!
Being on a relay team looks so fun! (I guess it has a lot to do with WHO you do it with!!)…I was asked to be on a team for Reach the Beach in NH but declined- I don’t think I could handle no sleeping!