Hello! How’s it going?
This morning I got out for a tempo run. But first, yesterday’s eats…
(What? You don’t dress like a pirate for your interval runs?)
Yesterday I headed to my mom’s to help her prep her classroom (she’s a teacher). Then, I hung out with my little brother (read: ate his VitaGummi Bears).
Monday nights call for a drink, normally margaritas but this time it was wine and ground turkey cooked up with cauliflower. Super healthy so it cancels out the wine.
New Mizuno tee.
Inteval run: 800m speedy/ 8 out of 10 effort, 800 jog back. Repeat.
My ProCompression visor doubles as a lint trap. Fancy.
See, I knew I should have worn my pirate hat…
Smoothie plus tortilla with half butter & sugar/cinnamon, half cashew butter.
Run Eat Repeat Gear – this icon on the sidebar will take you to my Spreadshirt shop with all my RER gear!
Question: What is (was) your workout today?
Shawna says
i ran 6 miles in the am outside before work…first time i’ve run in 4-5 days b/c of stupid tendonitis that’s killing my lifeeeee.
Sue says
Short trot around the lake in a local park followed by a Chest & Pecs strength training with my trainer. Life is good! 🙂
Kelly says
I did 3 miles on the treadmill plus a 3 mile with my sister 🙂
Becky @ Ok, so here's the plan says
I’ve been sick, and today was the first day I was back to eating normally so I didn’t run. Tomorrow it’s back to running again! 🙂
Linda @ Fit Fed and Happy says
I SWEAR you have the best GIFS!
cheryl says
Track workout…10x400m with 200m recovery–with warm up and cool down 6.8 miles!
runeatrepeat says
Nice work! That sounds like a great run.
Ashley says
Hung out with my girl Jillian M. for a morning yoga work out, then did a short run after work 🙂
Laura says
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure 800s would be intervals and not a tempo run. Even tempo intervals would be longer than a half of a mile. Going faster on a Tuesday does not a tempo run make.
runeatrepeat says
Yeah, this workout was technically an interval workout. I am slowly building myself up to tempo runs AND also hate speed work so I didn’t feel right calling it speed – I don’t really use the term interval enough, but that’s more appropriate.
Running Rosa says
I ran 12 miles at sub-marathon goal pace and it felt great! It helps that there was no humidity and a cool breeze, a welcome change from the previous 2 months!
How many 800 repeats do you usually shoot for? I did 6 the other day and someone told me that was too much.
runeatrepeat says
I do about 5 or 6, but that’s just because that’s my threshold right now. I think ‘real’ Yasso repeats do work up to even more than that.
JS says
This is not a Yasso workout. All 800s are not “Yasso’s” (he did not invent the distance). A “Yasso” workout is one where near the end of your marathon training, you do 10 800s at the “same” time you want to run your marathon in. i.e. if you want to run a 3 HOUR and 21 MINUTE marathon, you strive for 3 MINUTES and 21 SECONDS for your 800 repeats. Generally, if you are in good shape for your goal marathon time, you should be able to complete 10 800s in this time. I believe it is Bart Yasso that noticed the coincidence of how this works, hence the name “Yasso’s.”
Running 800s is just an interval workout and how many you would do would depend on: (1) the speed you were doing them; and (2) your current level of workout fitness. As a rule of thumb, when you are starting speedwork, you want to only do 1-2 miles of “work” at a time (4 800s are 2 miles). As you do more and more workouts, you can build to 3 miles of of “work” and then 4 miles, etc.
Monica, I thought you were a RCRR certified run coach? I know this stuff just from reading books and magazines about training. I’m not a certified coach.
JS says
*edit to say that the number you do could also depend on the rest in between each interval. (shorter rest = more difficult workout). There are specific purposes for each workout and specific purposes for the speed / amount of rest / number of intervals.
runeatrepeat says
I do 800s to work up to doing a complete Yasso workout – it was my mistake to refer to them as Yassos, but this post wasn’t meant to be a speed/interval lesson – it was just a quick mention of what I did, I only spent one or two sentences on it. I know the official Yasso workout and have actually talked to Mr. Yasso himself about them. I’ll see him this weekend actually and will apologize for smearing his name/workout with this mistake. Thanks for the feedback though – I didn’t realize how seriously some people take how I mention my runs and I’ll be sure to name them properly in the future.
Sonia Campos says
But I could be wrong.
JS says
No, you are correct. A tempo is a steady state run of a longer distance (usually between 2 miles and 7 miles) done at a medium to hard effort without stopping. Shorter, speedier repeats (usually anything 1 mile or less) are intervals. These workouts are different and are done for different, specific goals.
Sonia Campos says
Umm, I believe these are intervals and not tempo runs.
runeatrepeat says
Yeah, technically it’s not a tempo run, but I don’t want to call it speed work either since it’s not at a speed repeat pace. I’m just starting to get back to speed/tempo runs and this is my ‘in’.
Kenzie says
I do Tempo Tuesdays too! This morning was a PITCH black out, no pirate sightings 😉
Blake says
I met with my awesome trainer for some circuit training! I’m really trying to build some strength before I increase the mileage!
Kelsie says
Woke up at 6:30 and swam some laps in my apartment pool. 4 laps + 10 ledge ab crunches, Repeat 5 times. Then did 15 ledge tricep dips + 15 squats in the pool, Repeat 5x.
Water workout in this Texas summer are amazing.
Sam says
I might have to borrow that workout from you- I love the mix of laps and strengthening!
Kelsie says
Have at it! It’s a good one. I posted a better one on my blog a few days ago:
Deborah Brooks @ Confessions of a Mother Runner says
Looking good missy! I did a slow 4 miles today.
Leslie @ Life Begins @ 30? says
It’s super hot and humid right now, so I’m opting for a quick 2 mile run + a barre class today.
Meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles says
I ran five miles and did a bit of core work plus part of the Pure Barre routine as best I could recall on my own lol.
kristin @ W [H] A T C H says
speed work for me today!
Sam says
I also celebrated Tempo Tuesday: 1 mile warm up, 6 miles at tempo effort, 1 mile cool down. Then I plundered my kitchen for some breakfast booty. Arrrrrrrrr.
If only I had known that Tempo Tuesday was pirate-themed I would have supplemented my post-run oatmeal with some rum! Run, Rum, Repeat?
A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel down the front of his pants. The bartender looks at him and says: “Do you know that you have a stewing wheel in your pants?” The pirate replies: “Arrrr, it’s drivin’ me nuts!”
runeatrepeat says
This made my day!
AdjustedReality says
AM, run about 10k (2 tempo miles, the rest easy). PM, long spin class with a short run after. Yep, it’s tri season!
Molly @alsoranagain.com says
I was a sloth this morning and failed to wake up early enough to go for a run. I’m planning to go to a TRX class instead.
Rob Runs says
I was all set for 3 miles at lunch today, then I had a dental emergency and replacing a missing tooth in the front of my face seemed more important. There’s a possibility I’ll log some miles after work but there’s a stronger possibility I’ll just drink beer instead.
Kristin says
Assuming the rain holds off today, 5 mile “easy paced” run!
and I want gummy bears now….
Erin M. says
I ran 4 1/2 miles. .it was good!