Hello from Tucson!!! I am actually at the airport getting ready to go home. “Home” is where I sleep when I’m not in NOLA, San Fran or Tucson, we’ll see if I remember how to get there from the airport…
Anyway, I am going to do a whole post dedicated to the Road Runners Club of America coaching certification but today we’re talking about all the fun stuff I did in Tucson on Sunday.
I woke up before the sun to get a run in. I met a few locals in class and we met up for a 6 mile run but I wanted to get in more so I ran to the meeting spot – 8.5 miles.
14.5 miles done fast because I was RUNNING late. Literally.
It was great to run with some of my classmates who turned me onto this crypto presale afterwards, talk about what they’re doing with their runner certifications and just have a nice time overall. Everyone was very different and interesting!
We met at the Windmill Inn because there is normally a Farmer’s Market on Sundays but today is the one day it was switched up!

On the run to the group I spotted the illusive Dunkin Donuts. So, I had to make a pit stop there on the way back.
Give us a minute alone, it’s been awhile…
Aaaaand in class we discussed branding and Dunkin Donuts came up. I mentioned that they are NOT in California (yet) and one of the LA guys swore up and down that there is one in LA. Um, doubtful.
But I am calling his bluff and he swears he’s going to text me a picture of the DD when he gets home. We’ll see. If it’s true you will see me there everyday forever. I’m posting his pic on RER if he’s lying. Kidding Chris. #Kinda

Then, I hit up the super fancy Ramada Inn’s breakfast.
Okay so the Ramada is super NOT fancy, but their free breakfast is awesome. Everyday there was toast, breads, cereal, fruit, eggs something else like sausage, potatoes with chorizo…
I was obviously hungry after my run but ended up skipping the waffle for oatmeal with PB in the name of health (my one healthy choice from the weekend). Plus, I really needed some PB.
Then, I went to the International Wildlife Museum.

Loved this Born to Run sign outside.

But the museum was kinda creep.
At least they had a unicorn horn? Yes, unicorns and redheaded Mexicans are real. I’m donating my skeleton to this museum when I’m dead.

Lunch was the first thing I came across post-weirdo museum, Bison Wiches. It ended up being a great choice!
I ordered a salad that came on a tray. Today is full of random, weird stuff. But I loved it. I like ‘em big

Check out this sandwich – bread city. I live there.
Don’t forget to follow RunEatRepeat on Instagram for a little beaver.
Question: What’s your favorite museum?
I’m going with the Louvre to pretend I’m fancy. And because I love Tom Hanks and the Da Vinci Code…
You’re so lucky you get to travel so much. I’ve been to Arizona once but never Tucson. I don’t know what I would do without Dunkin Donuts (have you tried the new butter pecan flavor?!! SO good) and if there was one discovered in LA I’m sure you’d be ecstatic.
I almost got the butter pecan, but went with original! Next time 🙂
Hey girl, what were ya doin in Tucson? I live here, next time you come we should go for a run and some din din. Xo.
There’s a DD on board Camp Pendeleton!
There is a DD in Camp Pendleton! Random right? Pretty sure it’s the only one in CA.
It’s coming , but I don’t think it’s open yet?
It’s definitely open! Pretty sure it has been for a while. You just have to enter the marine base to get to it. I’ve never been but may have to check it out next time I head down to SD.
Ahhh! I didn’t know it was open! Does this mean I have to join the Marines?
Ha! Probably a good idea. I mean it’s worth it.
There’s a nature museum outside of Tucson that’s excellent! In Chicago, The Science Museum is my favorite.
I lived in Tucson for eight years and LOVED it there! I’m glad that you went for a run by the wash, it was one of my favorites….as was Bison Witches. Yummo! Glad that you had a good time there.
There used to be Dunkin Donuts in CA. Years ago. But then for some reason they pulled out and I haven’t seen them since. This was around 2000 or so.
Favorite museum? Hmmm… I haven’t been to many but there was one in Austria that completely creeped me out with mutated animals. It was also very sad.
I like my Academy of Sciences in SF but haven’t been since I was a kid 🙂
You’re so close to that one! You should go back 🙂
I haven’t been to too many museums but once we went to a Dr. Suess one in SF, that was kind of fun 🙂
The Science & Technology Museum in Ottawa, ON! I grew up going there on school field trips and I still take visitors to Ottawa there every chance I get.
That DD coffee looks soo good… perhaps I could use another coffee this morning:)
Favorite museum is the MET in nyc. i would wander around it for hours when i lived there. i miss it!
Oh my goodness I love Bisonwiches!!! I went to school in Tempe and they had it right by the college. So delicious.
Rijksmuseum or Van Gogh Museum, in fact I love all the museums in Amsterdam!
The Natural History museum in London is pretty cool. I’m obsessed with the actual size model of a Blue Whale. And Singapore’s museum is really cool. It has swinging chandeliers!
Can’t believe you were here in Tucson! Celebrity status:-) You definitely picked Tucson’s weirdest museum to visit. The Desert Museum is much cooler. My fav museum is The Museum of Nat. History in NYC. Awesome. Hope you had a fun trip!
You know what’s weird though? The museum had great reviews on yelp or something. Surprising.
Sadly, no DD for us in LA yet…looks like 2015 is the year!
Bahhh if there’s a DD in LA it’s very important that I find out about it.
So sorry you stopped at the International Wildlife Museum. Creeps yes! Us locals call that the Dead Animal Museum! And if you had continued on down the road you could have visited the best Live Animal Museum which is the world reknown Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum! But hey you made up for that by eating at Bison Wiches. Yeah for Fouth Avenue eateries and shops. Glad you got to visit and enjoy my town. And heck yes there are way more good places to get iced coffee in the Old Pueblo than DD. All within steps of your visit… Epic Cafe, Cafe Passé. Next time heh?
Sheesh, so sorry for the typos. That should be “Fourth” Avenue and Bison “Witches”
I haven’t been to any museums on the same level as the Louvre but I like the Museum of Natural History in NYC a lot!!
I loved the Mütter Museum of Medical Oddities in Philadelphia and the Science Museum of Minnnesota. Other faves – Smithsonian in DC, Musee d’Orsay in Paris. I love museums! 😀
I love the Natural History Museum in NYC, as well as the Guggenheim. And I remember hearing a few months ago that DD wasn’t in LA yet but are opening like 100 stores in CA. So soon!
I’m excited, but we really shouldn’t wait for DD to have coffee again…
Sooo…. are they serious about the unicorn? That’s a life changer right there. 🙂 I wish I could say I’ve been to some interesting museums…but I have not really. I think the best would be a dinosaur one my parents took me to on a roadtrip to Colorado.
I like Tuscon—I like AZ! The Natural Sci museum in Chicago is probably my fav museum. I love the Bodies World traveling exhibit. I have taken a group of students to view it twice!
I am seriously so sad you were in Tucson. I missed you by a year. I lived there for a while and I wish we had crossed paths. I recognize that running path. BTW there are 3 DD in Tucson….and yes I know where they ALL are and have ranked them in best to worst order 🙂 I love DD. Sadly, I moved to Seattle after that and it is ALL starbucks and DD is a dirty word lol. Anyhow, I really want your next travel stop to be in good ol’ MD cause I would totally love to do a meet up. Although, prolly not running as you are significantly faster than I am lol
I don’t have any MD travel plans now, but I was there last May. Did I miss you then too?!
Food looks great! The bread bowl soup looks really good! My favorite museum is a civilization museum in Quebec City, actually. I like the way it approaches Canadian/North American history in a critical yet also informative way. I love aquariums, too, but not sure they count as museums?
Looks like so much fun!!
Eating off a tray!
It’s like school all over again!
I don’t have a favvvvv museum really.
The Louvre is nice but oh my gawd can you really get through it all?
I remember walking FOR EVER just to see that darn Mona Lisa that you can’t even get close too!
I would love to go to more artsy type museum
I think I’d love those.