Question: When you run do you feel like you’re running away from something OR to something?
This morning I had to tell Matt and my Mom bye and it was really hard. Ben took them to the airport and I was alone before my run. I didn’t want to leave for the run because I didn’t want to be alone (even though I already was) with my thoughts.
It got me thinking…I would rather run to something than away from it. I am running towards a healthier body, a better marathon time, a peaceful mind and a successful career.
Are you running to something or away from something?
My run was pretty fast – 4 miles in 34 minutes. I was supposed to do 7 miles, but I ran out of time stalling before I left. Plus, I have to walk to work today 3 miles! So, it will even out in a way.
Waffle Sandwich for breakfast 🙂 These are the best! Two Kashi waffles, PB&J on each side and sliced banana in between. With blubes.
Have a great Wednesday!
Suggestions Please: There will be some new changes to the blog soon. What do you want to see more of?
– Running info/My training/Other training programs
– Healthy Eats/Recipes
– Intuitive Eating
– Health News
– Random Jokes?
– Sex talk
I appreciate the feedback and want to make the blog better for my readers 🙂 Thanks!
I like the discussion of intuitive eating!
I would love more running info. I am just starting out as a consistent runner and I would love tips on how to build up to long mileage, how to train to get faster, pitfalls in running, etc. Your intuitive eating challenge is cool too. After I read a good book, I like to rereads bits of it ecah day and try to live it- it really helps get it in your brain and life.
I’m always running TO something. Mostly back to my apartment 😛
Okay, I had waffles this morning, and you’re making me want them again. That looks delish!
All of those blog topics sound great to me! 🙂
Healthy recipes and sex talk get my votes 🙂
Your breakfast looks awesome!!
I run away from things.. away from stress and away from doubts!
I’m always up for reading about recipes or new ways to eat old things. I never thought of making a PB,J&B sandwich with kashi waffles but now I want to
I’m interested in the running as I’m trying to get back on the road after a break (as I’m still a beginner its really hard) and that inspires me; but most of all I like the Intuitive Eating and Healthy Eats posts best!
Hi there! I’ve been following along for a while and have really enjoyed following your journey toward intuitive eating. I continue to work on that myself. I am just starting to venture into this blog world, and it is inspiring bloggers like yourself that made me decide to join in. All of the topics you write about are great to read because so many of us can relate to what a good run feels like or what a frustration mindless snacking can be. Thanks for your honesty. I hope I can deliver the same…after figuring out the technological aspects of blogging!
I run AWAY from my former self! But wait, I’m also running TO the healthy me that I want to become. Damn, does that mean I’m just running in circles??
More healthy eats and random jokes, por favor!
I think I’d like to see all of the above! Maybe not the sex, that might get personal, but the rest would be good.
I am running to a healthy body and longer life 🙂
I love seeing the healthy eats and running info! But, I will like your blog with whatever you do. Hmmm, don’t know about sex talk! LOL
happy waffle wednesday to you! sex talk, duhhhh 😉
i totally copied your breakfast this morning, but i gave you a shout out! thanks for the great idea.
check it out here:
really love intuitive eating info!!!!!!!!!!!! esp with your experience/background spin to it.
and keep posting about running!!! 🙂 great job on your run, too, that is fast– i always think that if i am going to run a shorter distance if i run it faster than that is pretty close to equivalent!! unless of course it is the “long run” then can’t really do that. heh. sorry about having to say bye! i used to cry whenever i drove away from visiting home… and they are only 2 hours away!!! i totally know how you feel.
def more on your running! oh and since we are are pervs sex talk please! hahaha just kidding. How about try a contest with a giveaway? Like a month long intuitive eating challenge, where we send you our eats/feeling for the day (good or bad thoughts) so we all can learn how to re-eat. I know my intuition is a bit off these days.
love your blog the way it is tho!
I really like to read about your feelings/experiences with Intuitive Eating. I’m going through a similar transition myself, I’ve been counting calories for years and last week I decided to stop. Hopefully for good. It was taking over my life…
Recipes are good too and I always love looking at healthy food pics.
It depends on what type of mood I’m in when I go running. If I’m in a good mood, then I think about my goals and working towards a better body or running time. So then I’m running towards something. If I’m in a bad mood, like I had a bad nights sleep or got in an argument with the boy person, I’m running away from my apartment and all the bad energy that’s there. Sometimes it helps me run and sometimes it doesn’t. If I’m sad, I feel like I’m running slow, but when I’m mad, look out! It’s like my ass is on fire!
I would like to see more of ALL those things on the blog. I truly enjoy your blog and it’s not because of the meals or training plans. I feel like your personality is what makes this blog so enjoyable. As long as you keep being yourself, the blog will be awesome!
Now that I think about it…When I am running fast (not that often) I feel like I’m running away.
I would love to hear more about healthy eating and recipes as well as your path through intuitive eating. More more more!!!!
Your breakfast just made my stomach grumble even though I just ate!
I love the training stuff because I want to train for a half eventually but I’m clueless about speed work and the like.
I also love your stuff on IE. I don’t think I could do it but I want to see how you handle to know if I could even try it. I too have been dieting for so long I don’t know if it will work for me not to.
I usually run AWAY.
I love the intuitive eating and training plans! More please!
I’d love to hear more about the intuitive eating process. I’m working on that myself and you really inspire me!
What a fabulous breakfast!
i suppose the only time i feel like i’m running towards something is during training. lots of times i use running to release my stress so i suppose that counts as running away from stuff…
i’d like to see more random jokes because they always make me laugh!
i also need to try that waffle sandwich, looks yummy!
I’m really interested in Intuitive Eating (LOVE the way you are putting together your challenge and summaries!), healthy recipes but also training plans, because there’s always something to learn and I will need to start training for a relay marathon soon…
Depends on my day. If it’s stressful running away from my problems. Other times I’m trying to run towards something but never reach it.
I like healthy meal ideas for a girl on the go like me or random jokes!