Hello! Today we’re talking about yoga poses for runners… no wait, I have that mixed up. We’re doing RUNNING poses for Yoga lovers.

Yoga is really good for everyone, okay most people (I’d estimate 98.3% of the world). And yoga is especially good for runners like me who never stretch. It requires a lot of time stretching to combat super tight quads and hips from mile after mile after mile!!

Running Poses for Yoga Lovers
Pigeon is my favorite yoga pose to stretch out my hips. That is where I am the tightest and has resulted in some knee pain in the past.
But here are a few Runner inspired poses that area kinda yoga-y, kinda runner-y, kinda sorta Monican-y.
Good luck!
1. ‘Calm before the storm’ (waiting for the coffee to kick before a morning run…)

2. Side stitch!

3. Shit, I dropped my gel.

4. Ponytail tightener.

5. “Where did you fall?”
“Over there!”

6. Give me a minute…

7. That bird pooped on me.

8. Your friend is sick of taking pictures.

9. The Hitchhiker.

10. Post-run happy dance!

Ha! I’m late to the party but this is hilarious 😀 Ignore the haters up there. The “where did you fall” one had me cracking up!
This is great! So funny 🙂
Ignore the haters up there – best thing on my feed this week
much needed giggle today!
Love this, running and yoga are supposed to be kind of fun, after all! Half pigeon with a quad stretch is definitely my favorite runner-y yoga pose, and “ponytail tighter” is my favorite yoga-y runner pose!
Last night! I try to attend a class after work or if that fails, self service aka home practice.
This is so funny!! haha 🙂 Im particularly enjoying the expectation/reality meme haha!
I was a little confused by this post based on the title but then got it once I started to read through it. This is hilarious and totally made me LOL at my desk. I even sent this to a friend. Don’t let the haters get you down. I enjoyed this!
Hahaha I loved this! Pigeon is my favorite too! Also, I’m definitely a next level yogi master at the “Give Me A Minute.”
“give me a minute” happens more than I care to admit!
Give me a minute is my go-to pose after a race.
love pigeon pose!!
Pigeon all-day. cute post
Thanks! Yes, it sounds like pigeon is the most popular pose for runners! We need it.
haha that is awesome! i may have done the “give me a second” on my tempo run the other day. classic runner poses. general yoga i love the pidgeon too its great but my nemesis is the frog, that one gets in inner thigh area something fierce!
I have to look up frog! I don’t know most poses off-hand. Should I try it?
Hahahahha…this is awesome!! Smile, laugh and have fun …
I do pigeon daily but solely for stretching purposes. I have never officially done yoga. I ran yesterday too. today I will stretch and try not to sit all day.
Me too. I try to do pigeon when I stretch and it feels so good.
What IS this post? It might be better to not post at all if you don’t have real content, in my opinion. This just totally turned me off to your blog and I’ve been reading for a long time.
It’s just supposed to be fun (like most of the stuff on RER). Sorry you didn’t dig it.
Ignore them…it was very cute. I like a bit of fluffand fun in my day.
This is your blog. Do you!
Thank you Harlan 🙂
I’m with you! Useless content