This morning I had another wet run. I did 6 miles and had the most random thoughts today including:
“I wonder if I could make sure I get pregnant to have a baby in the winter so it gives me enough time to get back into a bathing suit so I don’t miss out on summer at the beach…”
“I bet these people going to work think I’m crazy for running in the rain…”
(While running by a cemetery) “If someone I knew was buried here I would run this route every morning so I could tell them, ‘Hi'”
“My dream job would be a magazine editor in Orange County…”
“I wonder if any of my readers really give a F what I think on my runs…”
After my cold, wet run I grabbed a few handfuls of shredded wheat. Then, it was time for a real breakfast. I just threw together a big bowl of cereals, banana, cottage cheese, soy milk and PB.
I have been holding on to these Nature’s Path Toaster Pastries since the company sent them to me a while back. I knew Matt would love them and it’s a special treat since we don’t normally give him things like this for breakfast.
While they are organic and made with real fruit, it doesn’t mean they are “healthy”. Here is the nutrition information – 200 calories for 1 pastry, 1 g of fiber and 3g protein – not a very goodbreakfast if you want to stay full and avoid a sugar crash!
I took a couple of bites. They are good, but not great. It tastes more like a dessert than breakfast. If I am going to “spend” 200 calories on something quick and easy I would rather it be a Larabar or something like that with staying power.
I am off to enjoy the drizzly day with my family. I think we’re going into D.C. to sight see 🙂 Happy Wednesday!
I always clear my head or think about random stuff when I run. Mostly I think about how my future will unfold…deep, I know. ….and yes I give a French Toast what you think when you run.
Love the random thoughts!
I just find out you live close to D.C!! we are quite close , I’m in college park maryland 😀
the breakfast looks awesome – a big bowl of everything!! I am not a big fan of toaster pastry….even from Kellogg, they are just way to sweet for my teeth…I hope they can have a adult version which is not that sweet!
have a wonderful holiday,
I agree on the toaster pastries…..I really like to get a bang for my buck when it comes to calories!
<3 your running thoughts! letting your mind wander and come up with things like that is awesome 🙂
Haha, I love your running thoughts!
Toaster pastries are always too sweet for me.
I agree that a toaster pastry is a toaster pastry is a toaster pastry. If anyone wants a healthy one, they should just make toast with fruit jam.
Ha ha! Yep, I have the most random thoughts and coversations with myself when I run. Usually nothing all that earth shattering….. typically pointless stupid stuff. But I enjoy the “me” time and hanging out with my thoughts. 🙂
Yep organic & natural doesn’t mean healthy!
I also have strange thoughts throughout the day but always forget them when it comes time to blog.
I’m with you on the toaster pastries. Might as well just eat a donut…
I agree about the toaster pastries….not worth it and you will be hungry in an hour!
Love the running thoughts, I always think such random things while running!
I giggled at your thoughts on your run. I have some oddball thoughts during my workouts, too 🙂