I like my eggs like I like my exercise – Runny 😉
What? They can’t all be winners folks.
I am still craving eggs and tonight I wanted runny eggs with toast for dinner. I don’t make the best looking eggs, but I think I make some pretty good tasting ones.
With a side of my other recent obsession – green beans eaten as fries. Eaten with more ketchup than I’d like to admit.
First they’re regular…
I chomped on this bar randomly throughout the day. I hate the name, but had to try it after I saw it on several blogs. I wasn’t a fan. But that didn’t stop me from eating it. Wouldn’t get it again though.
And dessert – Annie’s Bunny Cookies Cereal. They should just sell this stuff in the cereal aisle because I know I’m not the only one eating it like this.
Ben sent me this picture he found on reddit, I’m not sure who to credit, but I love it – a corn muffin stuffed with broccoli!
I feel snacky, but know I’m not hungry. I’m hoping some hot cocoa or seltzer keeps me busy until bed time.
Good Night!
ahahaha i flipping loved your runny joke. still laughing.
I love ketchup. I eat TOO much of it. I think it’s because of the sugar in it and I am a sugar junkie.
I’m too scared to make runny eggs – how do you know they’re cooked enough??
I’m in love with those muffs!
I want to try runny eggs…but i dont know how to cook them…super scared
I have egg issues. I only like egg salad and scrambled eggs. That is all.
The eggs look yummy to me!
My Grandma called them “dip dip eggs” and I was always excited to spend the night at her house because I knew I’d get an awesome breakfast in the morning. And ice cream after dinner. 🙂
Green beans with ketchup? That sounds delicious…. (ketchup is good with everythinng!)
I am definitely going to try the cookies as a cereal. They look delicious.
Hey there!! Just wanted to stop by and say I love your blog and your story! Very inspriring! I live in Socal too, and for me trying to remain healthy here is very hard. The pressure to be “hollywood” can sometimes be crushing, but I admire the path that you are taking! 🙂
Keep the faith
I have a fear of runny eggs! Apparently it’s pretty common … that’s what I like to tell myself. I think that picture of the muffin with broccoli in it is so cool! Does Ben know you or what? 🙂
I used to hate runny eggs until recently. My mom use to make us “dippy eggs” when we were little and I would eat them almost every day. I think I got burned out from them but now I love them again.
I love the idea of cookies eaten like cereal. Like Cookie Crisp, but better.
I’m in the minority here, but I do not like runny eggs. My grandma used to make me runny eggs and I would pass them off to my sister because I was timid and didn’t want to tell her I didn’t like them.
Cute pun 🙂
I’ve actually never thought to eat Amy’s Bunnies like that. Thanks for the inspiration!
Haha, I liked your joke. I also love runny eggs. It is the ONLY way I will eat egg yolk.
Haha my boyfriend showed me that pic on reddit earlier, love it!
hahah i seriously LOVE your corny jokes!!! they put me right at home- bc my dad is the king of corny-ness. your kids will appreciate it one day! (your future kids i mean!!) and i love runny eggs, seriously my fav. i dont like them scrambled nearly as much. brilliant to put those cookie bite things as cereal. have a great weekend!