Maybe this will finally teach me to stop cussing…
We’ve all seen those funny autocorrects where your phone changes what you meant to say into something that is either perverted or offensive or so random the recipient thinks you’ve lost your mind.
Everyone I text with knows that I exclusively use voice text so there are a lot of random mistakes but you can usually figure it out.
My personal favorite autocorrect was when I tried to tell Ben that there was chorizo in the fridge and my phone told him “Jody Sow” was in the fridge.
By some Christmas miracle I’ve been able to avoid really embarrassing myself via text. I think that’s because the universe saves my embarrassing moments for in-person interactions with people. Fantastic.
Yesterday my brother sent a group text to me, my Mom and Dad with videos of my niece having fun at a park. It was super cute!
I was also texting my best friend at the same time. She was directing me to do something I super didn’t want to do so I responded with the f word 2X. But for some reason I was still on the text thread with my family and responded to my niece’s picture with the f word!!
I didn’t even realize until my brother responded confused.
The good news is I was at the supermarket at the time and between my guilt and brother being confused and my dad sending shocked face emojis…
I proceeded to start laughing uncontrollably in the frozen food aisle. I couldn’t get it together and when I tried to stop laughing my eyes just started to water and it looked like I was crying so I had to just let myself laugh. I never care that I look like a weirdo but I think I was making people uncomfortable because they couldn’t tell if I was laughing or crying?
It was hard for me to correct my mistake while I was still laughing but I did manage to tell my family that I was sorry.
The moral of the story is: this is all Cindy’s fault for trying to get me to do something I don’t want to do. And I should probably stop using bad words.
So busted!!
Oh my gosh, that is too funny. Only a true friend/loving family member will forgive a heinous auto-correct mishap!
PS – I love your toenails!
The run was a good, albeit hot, 14.5 miles. I once texted a black friend “I owned you” instead of “I owe you” when he had done a favor for me. Not really cool for a white southern guy to say that. I’m lucky he didn’t punch me in the head, but he was a true friend and we laughed about it. Whew!
Wow your face looks different! Is everyone in LA getting Botox? Lol
Yes, it’s a requirement to live in Orange County. You can basically get it at the supermarket (next to the soap).
Well now I’m laughing so hard I’m crying…but I’m at home so only my cats are looking at me like I’m a weirdo.
This is totally me!!! And when auto correct corrects my curses I get even more mad (at my phone as if that makes any sense?!?!)
My mom and I were once texting back and forth about my sister….and we weren’t being particularly nice (don’t judge us!). My mom accidentally sent a text intended to me to her!!! All of a sudden I’m getting texts from my sister asking why and to whom mom is saying nasty things about her. That was not a comfortable situation at all.
Oh no!!!!!