Hi! How are you? I just wanted to check in and share some of the runs, eats and repeats from this weekend. Share yours with me on the Run Camp FB group or tag me on IG with #RunEatRepeat so I can feel like we’re hanging out.
It was raining like crazy on Friday. I tried to stall my run hoping it would stop, but it never did. I finally just decided to be brave and head out. Southern California is not built to take all this rain so the path was already flooding.

I ran 6 miles and when I got back home the ends of my braids were completely knotted.

Vegas spent all day wanting to go outside to check if it was still raining.

I spotted these new yogurt dipper cups by Yoplait– have you seen them? I actually spotted these at the 99 cent store which means whatever store ordered them couldn’t sell them. So, I’m not sure if they’re just coming out or a trial run.

I tried both of them (you know, so I could share my thoughts). I liked the banana yogurt, but not the pretzels it came with. I think I would have preferred a lil graham cracker situation.

I confessed on Insta Stories that I used to sneak into the Abuelita hot chocolate box and nibble on it.
(This is Mexican hot chocolate and it comes in thick discs you melt in milk. Most of the time we had the usual hot chocolate packets growing up, but sometimes my fam would make this.)
Now that I think about it… there’s no way I ‘snuck’ bites of the chocolate and didn’t leave obvious bite marks.

Friday night was pretty wild…
Vegas and I hung out on the couch and I ate roasted cauliflower covered in cat hair. Just like I like.

On to today…
I started the morning with Mango Strawberry Spark, checking Instagram and handfuls of cereal.

This morning I ran 17.62 miles. I was shooting for 20 but I had to cut it short to take a friend to the airport mid-morning.
It was an okay run, not as good as last weekend. My legs felt heavier.
Oh, and I ran into a big issue with fueling…

It’s a little chilly here, not freezing though. But I’m not made for cold weather. Seriously.
Proof: I took Gin-Gins candies as fuel for the run and I could not open them for anything.
I tried to rip it down the middle. Nope. I tried to bite at it. Nope. I tried biting and ripping it at the same time. Nope.
I couldn’t get a good grip on it for anything!! My hands were not working and I really struggled to get a good hold on it and open it.
More than anything it was really stressing me out. No bueno. I finally got two open but it took so much effort I couldn’t stay chill.
Anyway. I made it work.
Also… the path was super muddy on the under passes. SUPER DUPER MUDDY. I didn’t realize on the way out, but on the way back a nice cyclist stopped me and warned me.

In other news… check out this sample. Love it.

Run Camp Week 2 Check In

It’s Run Camp day 14!!
How did you do this week?
Did you stick to your running plan? Why / Why not?
What were your challenges this week?
What did you do great?

Challenge –> Make notes of where you could improve and where you were awesome on your log to wrap up the week.
It’s about progress not perfection. Keep going keep going keep going.
Get a blank Running Log for next week here.
Do you sell Spark? Where do you get your spark from?
Yes, I get it here: http://bit.ly/RERSparkMix
That’s the link to buy it and I think it goes to the cherry flavor automatically. Let me know if you have any questions on it. I like mango, green apple, fruit punch…
(True confessions, I used to eat the Nestle Quick powder mix like it was candy. I might add a super small amount of milk to make a thick pasted and gobble it up. I tried it with hot chocolate mix, but the cocoa is meant to be mixed with water, not milk and it didn’t taste as good as the Quick.)
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog