Last night I needed to snack bake. My favorite baked good is chocolate chip cookies but I ate all my chocolate chips (shocker). So, I made my almond cupcake recipe and stirred in some cocoa. Plus, I made frosting with PB and agave. Very good.
My day involved food shopping (which I enjoy just as much as clothes shopping) and cleaning. While cleaning Ben stopped me to ask, “Why are we getting rid of Vegas?!”
You know what also went in the trash? My calendar that I didn’t realize ends with June! #fail
I happily drowned my dinner in ketchup.Roasted broccoli, chicken dog and fries.
Search me Sunday! This week’s list of searches that brought peeps to Run Eat Repeat…
how to wear a visor with bangs – probably the only successful search of the bunch! Pin them back.
- extremely low calorie – Sorry, you came to the wrong place
- wedgies at the gym – Weird, I say “murph” never wedgie
- not now, im making toast – Why are you on the internet – your toast is burning!
- how to avoid eating chocolate when tired – If you found the answer to this, let me in on it
- confessions of persons eating unhealthy – I’m considering changing my tag line to this now!
- went swimming in bahamas now weird tingle – Sorry girl, sounds like your summer fling went wrong
- how to use a dildo – Maybe the girl from the last search is onto plan B?
Note: If you ever search my blog for something and after 45 searches of something like… “why did Ben settle for Monica” and cannot find an answer – just ask in the comments. I read all of them
Plans for the rest of the evening include:
Snuggling with
VegasBen -
A big ol’ smoothie
Finalizing my 2011 race calendar! I’ve been putting this off because of upcoming travel and work schedules, but it’s hanging over my brain.
What kind of calendar ends in June?? And Vegas makes me miss my kitties!
Always love the searches, so silly! And please don’t throw out Vegas, he’s a QT.
My 120 pound bullmastiff puppy named Vegas would like to cuddle with your Vegas 🙂
Haha, I get such a kick out of your searches. In regards to the last one, does your blog moonlight? 😉
4. Learn how to use a dildo
Why in the world would a calendar end with June? That’s ridiculous.
Hahaha, those searches are awesome! People are so weird.
hahaha you crack me up!
Ah I love seeing people’s google searches. Nothing stays private on the internet 🙂
These searches are hysterical!! How they lead to Run, Eat, Repeat is way beyond me!
haha vegas 😀
Those searches are hilarious. Someone found my blog the other day searching for: licking sweat off my face. Ummm, ok. HAHAHA
Oh my lord! Those searches are HILARIOUS!
Someone found my blog through “dog barricade” the other day and I couldn’t help but to think of your random searches haha
I LOVE going food shopping too!
LMAO!!! (As usual!:)
Hahaha that’s awesome. Hopefully my summer turns out better than “tingle” girl’s did.
I am almost speechless about those searches. At least it wasn’t she used a dildo found in the Bahamas and now she tingles? I am just wondering why a healthy living blog would get those questions, but clearly these people have bigger issues than their choice of blogs to search?
Your cupcake looks yummy! 🙂
Hahaha! I just laughed out loud at the Bahamas search.. funniest shit ever!
I love looking at the traffic logs for my blog too! Make sure to post what you race calendar looks like!
Those searches are too funny!
Haha those are some good search terms. Honestly, looking at that at the end of every day is one of my favorite parts of having a blog. Such random stuff people search for!