I don’t know if I’ve ever told my running story in a post, so this might be news to you but I started walking/running on a treadmill. I bought a treadmill with my own college part-time job money and used it for over a year before I ever ventured outside. (Story for another day.)
I ended up running that treadmill into the ground and having the motor replaced! Thank you Sears.
I finally had to leave my personal ‘mill behind when I moved out of my mom’s but still like them to warm up at the gym. When my treadmill died I helped my mom shop for a new one. And truth-be-told I really want one to walk on during my trash TV marathons so I’ve been shopping around.
Tips on How to Shop for a Treadmill:
A. Check Craigslist or similar resources a few months after January for New Year’s Resolutions that have turned into forgotten dreams. Their loss, your tread!
If you buy a used one, ask about their warranty and check if it is still valid. You can also look for comprehensive treadmill servicing in case you need help to repair or maintain your treadmill.
Try it out at various speeds and inclines. Let it run for a few minutes. Check the belt and make sure it is centered and tight on the base.
Before you buy it – look up reviews. (See checklist below.)
B. If you are looking to buy a new treadmill…
1. Set your budget. Treadmills can range from $300 to one million dollars (give or take).
2. How much space do you have? Does it have to be a folding model to be out of the way? I have a garage gym and this is the best heater for a garage gym.
3. It’s important to consider the size of your gym and whether you need a compact, foldable model to save space when not in use. A garage heater with adjustable settings will allow you to control the temperature to suit your workout environment, ensuring comfort during colder months. Additionally, maintaining your garage door, including scheduling professional garage door spring replacement service when needed, is crucial for safety and functionality in your workout space.
4. When you’re setting up your gym, make sure the garage door is well-insulated to help maintain the heat. If you’re noticing cold drafts or higher energy bills, a garage door replacement could improve insulation and help keep your gym warm during those colder months. A solid, insulated garage door makes a big difference in energy efficiency and comfort.
5. How much will you use it? If it will get a lot of mileage you need one that can take a beating and you may want to pay for additional warranty.
6. Test ‘em out! Before you buy something online, go to a few stores and get on them. Pay attention to:
Put the incline all the way up. Does that work for you?
How fast is the highest speed? (In case you wake up tomorrow as Ryan Hall.)
How loud is it?
Does it fold?
Is the belt long enough for your stride?
What is the motor horse power? Do you need more/less?
Get on it – are the menus/buttons easy to use/reach?
Is there any extra features you want?
Are there any features you don’t really need so you can downgrade to save money?
What are your ‘must haves’? Heart rate monitor? Touch screen?
Does it come in pink?
5. Make a list of your top two or three favorites and then price them.
6. Check Consumer Reports for reviews. Ask around and someone you know may have a membership for the ratings.
The fanciest of them all right now is the Pro-Form Boston Edition Treadmill. Hey, if I can’t get to Bean town, at least I can virtually run the course on their crazy HD video workout. I bet it’s better than my TV!
“Condition for the historic marathon using our high definition video workouts of the actual Boston race course. Track your real-time progress using Google Maps™ Street View on our 10-inch full-color touch screen display. This exclusive ProForm® treadmill automatically simulates every hill and dip with inclines up to 20 percent and declines of 6 percent.”
Fancy, huh!
Anyway. The point is, if you are buying a treadmill shop around because it’s a big purchase. And then learn how to dance on it because that’s what all the cool kids are doing these days…
That guy is better than me. And I’m at peace with that.
Question: Treadmill: LOVE or HATE it?
Disclaimer: This post is part of the Runner’s World Half Blogger giveaway partnership. I was not compensated. All opinions are my own.
Didn’t you get an entry into a giveaway for a Boston Marathon treadmill for this post? Shouldn’t you disclose that? Don’t you think that impacts your recommendation of the Boston Marathon treadmill? As a reader, I feel deceived by not being given this information… I feel like if you’re being given something (including a treadmill giveaway entry), you should disclose it. Anything less is misleading your readers.
I hate running on treadmills but once in awhile it is the best option, like during a blizzard. Sometimes I think it would be nice to own one but I would probably never use it!
Great tips! I wish I would have known what to look for several years ago when I bought my treadmill…I would have definitely picked something else. But with as many miles as I run on it, our days together are numbered and I’ll be looking again soon!
I actually prefer a treadclimber or elliptical to reduce the impact on my knees. But the treadmill I have at home, and the nifty ones at the gym in my office building are great when I need them!
I bought a treadmill a couple years ago, back when I ran all the time. As soon as it got home, I stopped running so much. I still have it because I do get the urge every now and then to run, but mostly it’s a huge thousand dollar piece of furniture in my livingroom.
I love my treadmill! Sadly I can’t bring it to Uni with me, but I am so nervous to run outside 😀 I know I am over-thinking it – but still.
I call mine the “dreadmill” so ya we aren’t the best of friends but it’s a love/hate relationship, I live in the northeast so during winter and early spring we re-kindle that friendship for a few months.
I’m actually in the market for a treadmill and have sort of seen that a good sale will compete against Craigslist at any time! Also, there are stores that re-sell sports equipment that might be worth a look.
love it- makes speed work easier for me! but running outside is still the ultimate 🙂
I have a love-hate relationship with the treadmill. I find it excruciating for long runs but awesome for speed work.
LOVE my treadmill – Landice L8, my 3rd (and has a lifetime warranty).
At the moment, coming back from a (non-treadmill-related) running injury so not yet back to daily runs on it, but had gotten up to 80mpw on it and longest run so far 25.2 miles.
I used to love it, but now that I run more than 3 miles and have discovered the great outdoors I can’t stand the thought of getting on one . It is way to boring. My friend does have this fancy one at her gym. That sounds like the Boston marathon but you pick what city you want to run and it virtually takes you through that city. So I will probably try that one out.
I have a love/hate relationship with my TM… hate the way I feel like it slows me down, but love it on freezing/desert days! It took me forever to find a T-mill I liked – I was super picky. I ended up paying more for it, but have had it for 2 years & still glad its the one I picked. Worth the extra cost sometimes.
I definitely appreciate treadmills. You can run on them in any weather, and I save my runs on them for when the weather is nasty outside. I always feel like I run faster outside, so I tend to do long runs and speed work and all other runs outside if I can. But I am not afraid to hit the tready when it’s cold, rainy, snowy, dark, early, humid, etc. 🙂
The only run I really like them for (outside of weather conditions) is tempo runs. Nothing like well-paced, incremental speed increases. I am definitely not that consistent on my own.
I spent the summer running outdoors in the heat and one day tried to go back to the treadmill but I hate the gym in my building so much that I ended up getting off and running outside in the rain. The heat’s stuck on so the room is really hot/stuffy/smelly and the tv is stuck on MTV2 if it works at all and I’m stuck on a treadmill so it’s like the 6th or 7th circle of hell in there.
I am semi shopping for a treadmill now. I kinda love running on them 🙂
LOVE IT! I am a mother of 2 little boys and work full time, whereas I love to run outside too, most of my mid-week runs take place on my TM @ 4:00 in the am. I am training for my first marathon and in order to get my miles in the TM is where it’s at. And honestly I don’t mind-I love to run no matter where it is, I get the same feel good wo and I actually enjoy my pace and stride runs more on the TM b/c I know exactly how fast I’m pushing myself:)! By the way, that Boston TM is amazing!!!!
I started out running on the treadmill too until I fell; after that I headed outdoors. I’ve started using them again a few months back when it was too dangerous to run outside because of the haze – mainly walking and really slow jogs. I’m still scared of running on them.
Ironic timing on the post. We JUST bought a “new” treadmill off of craigslist. Someone had to get rid of it due to financial hardship. Sad.. but we’ll take it! We got the Nordic Track Pro C900. Love it like I love Peanut Butter. A LOT. I always dreaded my runs on my old rickety off calibrated, stuck on an incline treadmill but for the first time I am looking forward to having a backup during the colder, darker winter days. I still love running outdoors but it is nice to have the option to run inside in your ugly sweats and sports bra. 😀
Oh and I totally dance like that on my treadmill… …. ………. ….. mmhmmm
I LOVE my treadmill!! I’m actually on my 3rd treadmill in just under 15 years – I’ve burned 2 up. Last Sunday I did a 44 mile run on my treadmill!
Did you do the 44 miles all at one time?
I haven’t run on a treadmill in forever! I prefer running outside, but in the winter or when the weather’s nasty, I sometimes wish I had a treadmill.
I almost thought you were going to say you were compensated with a new treadmill….oh, wouldn’t that be awesome! 😉
Ugh… I hate the dreadmill! I used to only run on them too but then found the great outdoors and have refused to run on one since 😉
I bought my treadmill from my boyfriend’s aunt and uncle…for $75! Clearly they gave me the family discount. It’s super old and doesn’t have any fancy features, but it gets the job done. Best $75 I ever spent!
Also, don’t buy a treadmill that you plan on putting in your unfinished basement when the floor joists are set less than 7 feet above the floor (aka at least 6″ too short). Running with your head in the 16″ gap between the joists where all the spiders live is… not ideal.
Good tip!
I actually did this for the first year we had a treadmill, funny! We moved and have a finished basement now. Best tip is to see how loud it is. If you want to watch your favorite shows while you run/walk you may be surprised how loud you will need the volume.
Prefer to run outside, but will do a treadmill run here and there, especially when it’s really warm or really cold outside. I’ve been thinking about getting one too! But it’s a lot of money so we’ll see…
I do not like the treadmill. My stride seems to get screwed up and I think I heel strike more. I get totally bored for any distance but because the weather can be so horrible – 100 degrees with similar humidity or 10 degrees with ice – I am working on using it for speed and hill intervals.
I hate the treadmill! I will run in rain, snow, 90 degrees before running on the treadmill. Pretty much the only time I will run on it is if there was a huge snow storm and the streets haven’t been plowed or if it is icy.
I love my treadmill. When it’s snowing or too hot, I can always run in my basement and watch Netflix.
I *used* to hate the treadmill. But now that I’ve got one in the house in front of a TV with my AppleTV so I can watch Netflix and YouTube(Ask A Monicans!). We splurged and got a really nice one–but with the amount I run, it is totally worth it. Saves my ass when it gets dark, or crazy-ass hot here in Texas!
Still, outdoor runs are #1! So stoked the weather is cooling down a bit for my runs 🙂 which means…OMG–Pile on the Miles should be happening sooooooon!
I have one at home that I got on Craigslist…when I called the phone number it actually was my neighbor 4 doors down so easy pick-up :). I love to walk my dog, but not much of an outdoor runner. I love having a treadmill at home for trash TV as well 🙂 or as a warm-up before I do Yoga at home!
Hate the “dreadmill!”
I really don’t mind the treadmill – I hate hot weather and I hate cold weather so the treadmill comes in handy in Chicagoland 🙂
My gym just got Woodway treadmills and they are awesome – very easy on the knees and joints. I have been running on the Woodway to ease back into running after my hip injury.
LOVE it way more than I should. I use it as a crutch when the weather isn’t ideal.
Hate running on a treadmill. I started running outside and the treadmill is so boring, even if I have TV, ipod and a magazine. I have only used a treadmill about 10 times ever. Mostly on vacation or when it has been too hot out and I HAD to get in the miles.
Depending on what I’m listening to, my pace can swing like a pendulum when I run so it’s really hard for me to use a treadmill and not get extremely frustrated/injured. I’ll use it if it’s raining or there are too many tourists out to make a street run worth the drama.
Re: the Boston Marathon treadmill. It may be cheaper to rent an apartment in Boston for a couple months and run the actual course 🙂
I like treadmills for speed workouts and mixing up my workouts. Some of my favorite workouts use running for 5-10 minutes then get off and do strength, then back on. I like outside if it’s a steady run!
I can’t wait to hear which kind you get 🙂
Holy crap thank you for this post! That checklist is suuuuper helpful. I’ve been thinking about getting a treadmill off craigslist.
Also: that dude’s skills are pretty sweet.
I have a treadmill and love it. I paid a bit for it, but the options and warranty are worth it. It’s great for bad weather and I figure once I have a baby it’ll be great to use during nap times and all that.
I’m OK with a treadmill when on holiday, in the hotel gym; or on really wild, wintry days. But there’s nothing better than running outdoors, IMHO 😉
I’m mixed when it comes to the treadmill. Sometimes I can’t stand it. I’m trying to like it more because I’m not sure how I feel about another winter of snow running.
I think you mean the “dreadmill” – I only dreadmill it up when absolutely necessary…aka monsoon, tornado, apocalypse (you get the idea).
Since I moved up North I have become a much bigger lover of the treadmill. I usually use it 2-3 times per week depending on my workouts. You really begin to love it when it is your only way off running without having to shovel away the snow or falling on your butt from ice. So Even though I prefer running outside – the treadmill is also my BFF!
Great tips! It seems like most people you see with treadmills in their homes are either barely used or extremely worn out.
One day I will be able to splurge and buy a treadmill…this is going to be SO helpful 🙂 I wish I had the space in my tiny apartment…
Holy cow at the dancing treadmill guy! That’s a talent!
I LOVE using my treadmill during the hot summer weather, or on super rainy days. Give me my Kindle Fire and Netflix, and I can go for miles 🙂
This is an awesome post, and so helpful!! I was using a treadmill made in the 80s that I found in my ex’s parents basement (true story) and ran it into the ground. I have been keeping my eye out for cheap ones online, but mostly one that will fold-up since I am living in a smaller apartment now.
I’m from the south and I’m currently training for a half- so it’s been way too hot to do long runs outside! I’ve been hittin’ up the ‘mill every weekend until this past one. The weather was finally nice enough to do 6 miles outdoors (which is a longer run for me!). I use the treadmills at my school gym, which are fancy with TVs. I watch my Honey Boo Boo and burn calories!