I think I’ve given up.. on life, on my weight, on my cat, on my dreams of being a weather girl, on everything. Here are some signs…
Vegas barfed while I was eating and I just kept eating and ignored it like it was no big. (No need to play ‘where’s the barf’ in this pic, I took it before that happened.)
I’m breaking out like I’m at the peak of puberty again and am considering moving somewhere that would require me to wear a ski mask at all times.
I watched several episodes of Below Deck 3 times now.
Opened up the trail mix just for the M&Ms. But still ate all of it, of course.
Considered hitting up Jamba Juice twice yesterday and/or getting two smoothies at once because I wanted a tart one and a dessert one.
Am obsessed with my new sad jeans with a drawstring elastic waist band. I went back and got another pair.
(With Sanuk shoes and a comfy pull over, it’s like a lazy dream.)
Have been watching the Food Network non-stop to get ready for Thanksgiving. (When I’m not watching Below Deck.)
Refuse to share ice cream with my cat no matter how cute he looks. It’s all mine Vegas!!
I totally feel you. This time of year leaves me with zero motivation most of the time. Very cute kitty btw 🙂
I bought my son jeans like that at the gap because he will only wear sweatpants! Where did you get yours? I would love to have a pair of those comfy pants!
Our one is basically bulemic and pukes all the time….especially during the night. I often ignore it hoping I won’t wake up and step in it. Also pull on jeans are where it’s at. They are like maternity pants without the hassle of a baby. 🙂
I don’t see the problem… hahaha 😉
Today was shoulder day and 25 min of cardio intervals.
I feel as though my life has been made up of these moments lately. I’m making it a priority to strike a good balance in my life right now. Hope you get out of your funk soon!
Onwards and upwards!
I’m pretty in love with the idea of draw string jeans!! Please share where you purchased such wonderfulness…
aside from the drawstring jeans…i pretty much am with you, i think thats just life though. although can i just say…being over 25 ACNE LEAVE ME ALONE…like seriously what is that about
I love Below Deck! I’m so sad to see it go for the season =( It’s my dream to one day have enough money/date someone with enough money to charter a boat and spend my entire trip hating everything with Kate.
Pretty much all my jeans are elastic/jegging type things. I just hate denim, especially since I have such big calves that pretty much mean I have my circulation cut off anytime I swear skinny jeans. I also pretty much live in yoga pants. When I actually put on proper trousers my flatmates always ask me who the special someone is… oops!
Currently addicted to Chopped and the Holiday Baking Challenge on FoodNetwork.
PS – need more deets on the drawstring jeans! #yesplease
You are so funny’. I hope you are okay too.
If not, if you truly feel low, please consider looking at the moon cycles. I’m a firm believer the fluctuations affect us in hundreds of ways. Your energy will return. Hugs from Oklahoma!
ps– POTM check in: only 31 miles to go to reach my goal. This short term daily focus has really helped me curb holiday snacking thank you.
Totally right there with you. Would love to just naaaap and eat ice cream all day, and just got back from a long weekend vacation back home….. i’m pretty sure all I ate were pizza and ice cream, and walked maybe a total of a half mile between Thursday and Sunday. I’m a hot mess right now!
Oh gosh does this ever sound like the college life!
Ok, so we all have days like these. But we get up in the morning, we put on a new happy face and we tackle the world like we’re the boss. You’ve been going through a rough patch. Don’t be too hard on yourself. I hate when my face acts up. I’m 46 now, I’m not supposed to get acne. So when I do, I’m really really annoyed. I think you’re entitled to a day or two once in a while when you eat what you want and you do what you want to just take care of yourself. Tomorrow, drink an extra glass of water or spark and put a smile on your face, even if it’s a plastic smile. I remember having some horrible days and having to just say, “Lord, help me get through this day and remind me that you are in charge. Help me to love again. Help me to forgive. Help me to smile.” It took some time, but it worked.