Ann Trason (the best ultramarathoner ever) was in our coaching class! Can you believe it?!
Went to Renee’s Organic Oven for dinner and had the Thai Curry Pizza. Yes.
See you in a bit with more!
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How were the chocolate chip cookies???
Did you see Gina The Fitnessita while you were there? She loves Renes Organic Oven. 🙂
Unfortunately we missed each other 🙁
Ann Trason is fantastic! So jealous that you met her – and probably got to hear some great stories!
Those mountains in the background are beautiful! Looks like you’re having a blast – and learning about ITBS 🙂
Hmmmmm Thai Curry pizza
Cookies = amazing.
Ultramarathoner; how cool. Always amazing to meet anyone who runs over 26.2 miles. Especially since up until late last year I didn’t even know of such crazy folks lol.
The pizza was surprisingly good!
Looks like you’re having a blast! I am thinking of signing up for this class just for those cookies.
At least I won’t be alone. Meeting an awesome ultra marathoner would be nice too. But cookies…. makes it all worth it.
OOOOOHMAAAGAASH!! Ann Trason!! I’m FREAKING out right now. You lucky lucky girl! LOVE her! Was she teaching it or observing?