Hello! I started my day with a grumbling belly and a few handfuls of the new Fiber One cereal. The company sent me to try it because they found out from some database that I’m a cereal killa.
Ben made a soy chorizo scramble and I ate it
Then, I went to Zumba!!! I am loving Zumba and am toying with the idea of getting certified But, I don’t look the part since I dress like a girl who got lost on the way to tennis practice…
I need to get some grocery shopping and cleaning done since there is a busy week ahead! I’ll see ya in a bit
Question: Thoughts on Zumba? Have you tried it?
I had to throw away the box of 80-cal Fiber One that I got at Fitbloggin. I thought it was terrible. And I LOVE their other products, so I was really disappointed.
I feel your pain. I teach dance to kids and enough goes into that let alone needing to have an entire hour of captivating choreography. You can reuse songs for a while, but I think you need to change it up too. I always want people to be comfortable, but not bored either. And you need to know it know it because with Zumba you do every step. No time for memory loss lol!
Hi! I got certified to teach Zumba almost 2 years ago. Unfortunately, I’m not currently teaching because I just don’t have the time. It can be a lot of fun, but you definitely need to time to either learn choreography or actually do choreography yourself. This is why I’m not currently teaching, Zumba-ing in my bedroom at midnight trying to update my class is NOT a good look. I absolutely love taking class though, what a fun way to burn calories, and the time flies! My boyfriend owns a group fitness studio and teaches Zumba, so my life is most definitely Zumbafied.
I know what you mean, I spend a ton of “off hours” time planning workouts for my clients. And I used to coach cheerleading – I would always be choreographing new routines at home.
I never have. They didn’t have it at my last gym and they have it at my new one, but it’s at like 8pm. Who in the world wants to work out that late? Obviously some people, but not me.
There’s classes at my gym that start at 7:30pm – call me an old lady, but I think that’s like midnight!
I just started doing Zumba and I am loving it. It’s have helped me step up my cardio! My instructor does this fantastic 90 min body conditioning/ Zumba class, where we do about 45 minutes of cardio conditioning and sculpting followed by Zumba, I am a sweaty mess after but it’s really fun!
You should get certified, I’d love to take your class!
I LOVE ZUMBA! I’m in full swing with Roller Derby so I usually only get to go once a week, but when we go to off season I get to go 4-5 times a week! You are so spunky I think you would make a great teacher!
LOVE Zumba! My favorite group exercise class ever! You don’t need Zumba gear–just be cheap and get yourself one of those coin skirts, hahahaha.
Zumba classes are SO different, depending on the instructor. I did one at 24hr Fitness and loved it. Signed up for a series through the City and hated it. If you’re fortunate enough to find an instructor who will actually TEACH, along with music that works for you, it’s a great workout.
I am not a big fan of zumba. Too frilly for me to feel like a real workout. I love hot yoga though, especially the day after a long run. What did you think of the new Fiber One cereal? Is it any good?
It’s as good as a “sweet cereal trying to be healthy” can be 🙂 Didn’t change my life, but I like it.
I am a licensed Zumba instructor, and I teach 3 regular Zumba and 3 Aqua Zumba classes a week! Obviously, I LOVE Zumba!!! I actually just got back from the Zumba Instructor Convention in Orlando (I definitely have way too much Zumba gear). As far as the cargos, I actually buy the capris and leggings because I don’t love how that cargos look on me, but everyone else loves them. I remember your first encounter with Zumba, so I’m really glad that you decided to go back!
I did the certification and have my B1! It was really, really fun. I was a dance team captain in high school, so it was like flashback to that, but WAY more fun. The course is really easy, online one day, costs about $230 when I did it. But then you have to pay $30 a month for ZIN and add in zumbawear so it adds up. I’m crushed because despite doing some bomb choreo I never got to USE it. I started a full time crazy job less than a month after getting certified, that I didn’t expect. But I’m still really hoping I can teach someday 🙁
I’m surprised they offer it online! All the ones I’m looking at are in person. You’re solid because of your dancing background, but I feel like so many wouldn’t be “naturals”.
At least you got a full time job – that’s great!
I’m stupid. I meant to say sign up online, ONLY one day. Forgive my idiocy. Deifnitely in person 🙂
and the course was awesome because some people were dancer background people and others were like, 50-something moms who had taken a class at curves once and wanted to learn! It ran the gamut. But it was SO fun. If you have the $500 (with the course and the ZIN and some gear) you should totally do it. And sell yourself early to clubs, there’s so much competition but you’re so awesome I’m sure you could find a job no prob if you wanted 🙂 yay zumba!
I totally should have realized the mistake! I’m dumb.
Yes I am right now, I also live in a small town, place where I wanted to teach has rumba teachers already, and so did a couple others I checked, I am even looking to sub , hopefully!
Please don’t wear cargo capris. I imagine you will start walking around like a hip hop diva and excessively chicken necking and finger waving when you talk! 😉 I picture you becoming Rosie Perez from White Men Can’t Jump!
I don’t know, cargo capris might be part of the deal – it seems like everyone wears them!
Zumba is not my thing! All of my friends love it, but maybe I’m just a white girl that cant dance lol. I bought Zumba Wii and that is probably why I hate it. A real class does sound like fun!
I’ve tried Zumba…and I hate it. I only gave it one shot so it might be the instructor/class structure that I hated. But then I have no coordination or rhythm so I am bound to suck at Zumba! 😉
The first time I tried it I didn’t like it either. Try it again 🙂
I have seen the commercials and so want to try it! I didn’t even know you can get certified. Hey, I am thinking since I am Hispanic I may have some rhythm. Probably should look into that 😀
Love that cereal, and you could totally rock teaching zumba, I can see you in those bright colored zumba clothes, shaking it! ha!
You should get certified! I am , looking to teach somewhere though : )
Are you finding it hard to find somewhere to teach? I’m wondering since it’s so popular…
Haven’t done Zumba, but a girl friend of mine got certified and LOVES it! That gear looks so funky fresh… consider buying some. It will make your blog THAT much better (hard to do seeing as it’s already the BEST)
Well, if it will make my blog better than I have to do it! 😉
I tried it at my university and I am now obsessed with it. At first I felt super awk bc of my long limbs flying about and looking crazy..but then I realized that everyone looks similar so it’s okay..
I am so terrible at Zumba but my sister is a certified Zumba instructor and LOVES it!
I Am loving that cereal on my salads!
That’s the second time I’ve seen that cereal in the bloggy world today…I need to try it!!
I love Zumba! I take it twice a week. 🙂
Yum! I got that cereal to sample too 🙂
And yes, I do zumba! My gym offers a Flirty Girl (more pop/”club” dance moves) and zumba combo class that I like.
I heard Flirty Girl was scandalous 😉 You go girl!
It would probably look a lot more scandalous if I knew how to dance! I think our version is a little watered down – no props! But I like it just the same.
I’ve never done Zumba and I’ve been a dancer all of my life. I just fear that I cant get my hips to move the way they want you to move them! I’m a ballerina at heart 🙂
Is that cereal any good? I’ve been tempted to buy it but worry about it tasting like cardboard.
It’s super sweet so eating it with a something like soymilk might be a little much. But, I like it 🙂
I absolutely LOVE Zumba! At first I was nervous about not being with the steps 100% of the time or looking like a white girl trying too hard to shake her tail feathers. However, I soon realized that everyone is so focused on themselves and having fun. I always leave Zumba in the best mood!
Just tried it for the first time this morning..loved it! I was worried I wouldn’t be able to keep up (from a disastrous past experience with KB), but the instructor was really helpful, so it was a total blast. Will TOTALLY be going back…though I looked like the girl that got lost in the middle of her run..might have to work on my Zumba “look”.
I love Zumba as well. I started in December last year, in my home and it helped prepare me and find confidence in myself to start using a gym and working out outside. I’ve only been to one zumba class, but I plan on many many more. So much fun.
I LOVE Zumba. I totally credit it with getting me on track to loose weight. As a former dancer it was one of the only activities i felt confident doing when I started working out.
Then my favorite teacher left our gym and this crazy militant girl started teaching. She does at least 5-10 min of jumping jacks per class and yells really meanly so I don’t go anymore. 🙁
Oh no! Zumba is supposed to be fun – that’s not good.