I was going to make another taco salad for lunch today, but I was craving a sandwich too. So, I decided a wrap would give me that sandwich “bite” while letting me stuff it full of taco salad veggies – the best of both worlds!
I piled lettuce, salsa, mushrooms, sprouts beans and guac on a wrap.
Then, wrapped it up and dipped it in more guacamole! Love it!
This morning breakfast was boring, oatmeal. I know you have seen 548 million pictures of oatmeal in your travels through the blog world. Boo.
Mid-morning I made a protein smoothie.
I’m trying figure out the best timing for my meals and snacks. I don’t realize it very often, but when I wait too long between meals I get really shaky. And, I always get hungry around 6pm and snack the evening away instead of waiting until dinner.
I want to see how different timed snacks can help me not get hungry until 7pm so I can eat dinner with Ben 🙂 Because really, I end up eating with him anyways…
My latest Breathe post – Subtle Signs of Stress…
The wrap is extremely drool-worthy. Absolutely love it!
I’m intrigued by the protein smoothie…looks delicious. =)
Great article. I hold my breath without even knowing it. I try to check in with myself once in awhile.
I can’t keep guac in the house… I eat it all in one serving! However, if I could.. I would totally steal your wrap recipe!
nice looking lunch
I too am trying to find when the best times for me to eat are- I am also trying to choose foods that keep me fuller longer
have a great eve
That wrap looks so good. It’s making my crave black beans like no other. I am constantly trying to switch up snacks and meals to try and find what keeps me the most satisfied. It’s weird I am fine between bfast and lunch but I want to snack so much and get cravings all afternoon.
i was going to ask the same thing 😉 but wraps are sooo good no matter what they’re called
mmm.. love the burrito. mexican is my fave. good luck figuring out some snack timing!
Isn’t a “taco salad wrap” also called a burrito 🙂
Ha! No, Mexicans don’t put that many veggies in their burritos 🙂
You got me Hallie. But really, I use this wrap bread that’s rectangle so I don’t feel like it’s a tortilla. And if it’s not a tortilla, it’s not a burrito.