Hey. How’s your day going?
Mine is going well because I started it with a run. It’s kinda my thing.
I have always said I sweat like a beast. It’s the grossest.

Now I know there area a lot of people in the world that play like they are bad at something or have a bad feature/habit/trait – when in reality it’s not true and they just have less than stellar self esteem or think it’s cool to say or want a compliment.

Well. I am not that person. If I say I sweat like a beast you better stay away from me after a run unless you want to get drenched as a walk by dripping like I just got out of the pool.

Exhibit B: I BROKE my earphones. The plastic piece was loose yesterday and when I went to push it on they cracked. I blame my salty sweat – because you know it’s not from the rain out here! (And I didn’t drop them or anything.)


Cat nap. He likes to sleep in the closet. I like to yell at him, “Vegas come out of the closet! I am accepting of all love!!! You do your thing! I love you.”

I don’t think he gets the joke.
The Dos and Do NOTs of Running Your First Marathon
The Oatmeal shared Dos and Don’ts of Running Your First Marathon and it is the best thing I’ve seen online all week!

I shared this solid tip from the post on Facebook and a few people were confused because they thought it was the opposite. He is being FUNNY – don’t go out too fast or drown yourself at water stations.

My favorite long distance racing advice is:

I have been saying this for years now and can’t remember where I heard it first. Maybe Steve? I dunno.
And in case you’re super confused by life, liberty or half marathon / marathon training. Here is some past advice…
Marathon Training Tips:
5 Mistakes Runners Make During Marathon Training
Marathon Race Day Tips from Coach Kastor
Question: What is the BEST advice you’re ever gotten?
What is the WORST advice??
Absolute worst advice: Run through the pain. After learning that lesson, I now eat ice cream on the couch through the pain. Progress!
Such a salty sweater too but until reading your blog I never considered proper fueling for salty sweaters, thanks!
I couldn’t stop laughing when I read that yesterday! Truest truths…. 😀
Glad to be part of the crowd that understands them!
I’m a sweaty runner too. My earphones haven’t cracked but they seem to like, er, short out?! haha
Hilarious! I think it works for other races too besides marathons. I try to jog through water stations… why?!
IM SO SO SO appropriating the slow down mantra.
Hilarious post, i just love Oatmeal too! 🙂
Smile! Coz it automatically relaxes your entire body and puts you in a good frame of mind.
Please tell me you’re coming to Beat the Blerch in September! It’d be a blast to see you there. 🙂
I didn’t even know about it – looking it up now!
I’m a sweaty Betty myself and I have killed many a pairs of headphones! Check out Yurbuds, they are sweat resistant and easy to clean!
I had a pair of those and I think Ben stole them 🙁 Busted.
I went nuts for that oatmeal link. I laughed so hard! Comedy is funny because it’s the truth.
I’m the biggest salty sweater ever! I see girls put their iphones in their sports bras and I think to myself that would be a surefire way of a ruined phone if it were between my girls.
Not only do I get the white stuff all over my face but I end up with salt marks on my shirts after marathons (i guess the sweat evaporates leaving the white residue.
I used to drop a couple hundred bucks to get keratin treatments for my hair to loosen my curls. But it never lasts the 3 months it’s supposed to because salt breaks the keratin down. Oh well.
Hmm best advice? Celebrate the small victories.
Worst advice? Try online dating….AY AY AY! What a bunch of rif-raf…..although that might actually turn into best advice….i am going on date #3 this weekend with someone who is very much a good match. 😉
Yes – I would never be able to put my phone anywhere on my body.
Online dating is great advice! I’m a fan 🙂
I too am a sweaty runner and I mean hella sweaty. I dont think Im a salty type of sweater but after running I can literally take my shirt off and ring it out.
Best advice I ever got: Don’t overshare (I obviously didn’t listen)
Worst advice I ever got: Go ahead, no one’s looking. (oh yes they were)
Ha! Love that advice.
OMG those are hilarious! They need a ports potty one.
Yeah! That’s what he missed.
I’ve seen a couple people posting the Do’s and Do Not’s today and it has had me ROLLING ON THE FLOOR. Totally love it!
HAHHA I love your Vegas comment!
haha those aid stations just KILL your time ;)!
Right? We should just skip them all together…
Apparently I’m a salty sweater too. A few minutes after I’m done running, I get a chalky white film all over my face, particularly in the upper lip area. It’s very noticeable and I have never seen anyone else walking around like that! It’s mortifying so now I obsessively wipe my face with my shirt until I can rinse off. Ugh!
I get it on my checks a ton!
Me too!!! Sometimes after a run I feel like I’ve been in the sand I’m so “gritty”. Super salty sweater. I wonder what causes that….
Another salty sweater here too – and my diet isn’t all that high in salt. I’m apparently a weirdo for regularly forgetting to add salt to food (or not adding enough), so my guests need to add salt to their meals…
Mine tends to come from my forehead and I end up with streaks down my temples and cheeks. Looks like I worked hard IMO 😉
You should look into getting waterproof headphones. They’re more durable than just sweat proof ones since they’re generally made for pool swimming. Might solves your salt-breaking-headphone-dilemma
Good tip! Thanks Courtney 🙂
I will buy that book. Boy that was funny.