The best part of realizing my visor is now in a tragic state is also realizing that this justifies buying a new one at the expo this weekend! Honestly though I am very picky about visors, so I might have to hunt around for a while and keep this one as is.
Oh well, this visor worked just fine on my 5 miler today

The best part of getting the mail today was definitely not the bills (boo.) or the sternly worded letter from a very impersonal office about a private matter (boo again), but this pink 26.2 magnet I ordered for my car! Excited!!

The best part of lunch isn’t even shown in this picture…

because it was scooping out the salted avocado with blue corn chips straight from the skin. Talk about fresh guacamole!

The best part of my vitamin drawer are the chocolate calcium chews – I have one as dessert after lunch AND dinner every time.

See ya later!
That is the cutest 26.2 sticker Ive ever seen!
Aww, your visor has charm 🙂 hehe
Lunch looks delicious!
I am jealous of your fresh avocados!!
And thank you for the reminder than I need to get some more calcium supps…
Yep, time for a new hate dude 😉
I know, I know… but I’m so bad with change.
salted avocado, interesting
Avacados are so good! How are those blue tortilla chips with flax?
I really like those tortilla chips! Got em from Target.
LOL I thought my visor was in bad shape and ready to be retired…then I saw yours! Mine clearly has some more life in it. 😉
Ha! I win the worst visor award?
My favorite part?! The fact that you keep up your blog so well! lol I am serious though, I come here a few times a day and it seems like you are always posting new things, LOVE IT! Keep up the good work!
Thank you! I’ve been trying to be better about updating and it’s not easy. I’m glad you recognized it 🙂
Avocados are so good I could totally eat them straight from the skin too. Are those the calcium chews from costco? They are seriously like dessert (not for me, but for like a person with a normal relationship with chocolate). I love the magnet – I found the sticker a few days before my marathon and was so excited to put it on my car! When I got rear ended a few weeks ago I got out and screamed “my marathon sticker is torn!”. You know, because that was the major issue, not so much the fact that my entire rear end was destroyed. Enjoy!
Avocados are awesome, I love them and also like to eat right from the skin!
Have you tried the Adora chocolate calcium disks?? They are delicious, I like them way better than chews.
Yes, I love Adora disks!
Aren’t you super cute in your tattered visor? The best part of the tattered visor is all the work you did to get it in that shape! Whats on your salad? It looks good and I’m sick of mine.
I love car magnets- so much better than bumper stickers 🙂
Love the car sticker!
Avocados (and guacamole) might be my favorite. I keep doing that thing where you open the fridge 15 times in an afternoon hoping that something new and delicious (i.e, a tub of guac and some corn chips!) appear magically in between searches…hasn’t happened yet!