So, my doctor’s appointment went well today!I went to my primary care physician so, she wasn’t really able to diagnose me (without an MRI) but she did feel around and said there was no real swelling or liquid behind my knee cap. And she gave me a prescription for anti-inflams (to which I called Ben and screamed “Pills!!! I’ve got to get my Pills!!!” because he thinks making light of addictions is fun).
I also have an MRI scheduled for tomorrow morning and a Physical Therapy appointment on Thursday. I have a busy busy knee this week!
I feel so much better that I’m seeking professional help for this now. I think everything is going to be all right 🙂
Before I went to my appointment I had an iced coffee and a fig Newman.
Then, I picked up my prescription and hit up TJ’s for some ice cream supplies for fuel while watching LOST. I dug right into this granola. It is full of nuts and dried fruit and oil. A lot of oil. Granola is one of those deadly foods that must be portioned controlled very carefully because I can eat that whole container in one night.
So, what’s the final consensus on Lenten promises?
I am giving up sweets and cereal. I tried to give up all sugar last year and failed. I’m not going to make excuses, but I was not in a place where I was in the right mindset to do it. I did give up chocolate successfully jr. high and I’ve been good about it other years- I’m still proud of that! I have the worst sweet tooth and I know this will be a really big challenge for me, but as soon as I started thinking about Ash Wed. this year it’s the first thing that came to me. And I added cereal because I use cereal as a dessert/treat/random sweet snack and I don’t want to end up eating cereal for a treat everyday because I gave up sweets.
Hopefully your knee gets better soon! I had issues with mine crackling all the time and they would hurt after running. I was shown a taping technique at physio and the pain has gone away, though they still crackle when I climb stairs.
I wish we had Fig Newmans in Canada! I love me a good fig newton. 🙂
Boy, do I love Fig Newmans 🙂 Also, I totally get what you mean about granola. I’ve actually stopped eating it; I really don’t love it, but it’s very more-ish, and I find that if I have a little bit, I inevitably have a little bit more, and a little bit more, and a little bit more. Great comic.
I want pills.
I wonder if I could give up TV. I think that would be WAY harder than sweets. Actually, just thinking about giving up TV makes me nervous. I think my husband would throw a hissy fit and the DVR would fill up in about 10 minutes. Still…
Did you consider maybe giving up something unrelated to food? I was thinking that it might get in the way of your intuitive eating efforts, which you’ve been working towards for years. It might make you more likely to binge, crave it more, etc. You’re working so hard to get naturally and intuitively, it seems really unproductive to try and go back now– even temporarily.
That being said, good luck with whatever you challenge yourself with!
Oh. There’s an update already. Doing my catching today, ya know? Anyway, thank god the knee thing is not serious. By the way, I love the someecard. Very funny.
I can not keep granola in my house because I would just eat all of it, it so addicting! Good luck with the no sweets or cereal!
glad to hear your appointment went well 🙂
and good luck with lent! sweets and cereal are both things that i love dearly… they’re both so addicting. my major weaknesses though are dried cherries and cashews… once i start snacking on them i can’t stop!
Good for you–I was going to do sweets but am going with no pork, chicken or red meat. Much more of a challenge to me! Hope the knee feels better 🙂
I wish Ben would give that up!
haha love the bumper sticker, so true. i just posted about that actually.
i dunno if this is the first time i’ve commented on your blog, but i love it! you crack me up
i thought about giving up cereal for lent but i’d just be setting myself up for failure haha
Cereal is the hardest thing to give up!!
Hi there!
I have a quick question: how do you prepare your iced coffee? I was just wondering as I’m a college student and options are of course limited, however I want something cheaper than picking up my usual Starbucks. Thanks!
It´s great that you´re now looking for professional help!
You´re knee´s gonna be just fine, I´m sure 🙂
And good luck on your “no cereal/sweets” challange! You can do it!
Brazilian XOXO´s,
Getting professional help sounds so tragic, ha.
Glad to hear the good prognosis on the knee 😉
Pills are a god send. Good luck with the appointments!!
yay for pills 🙂
i’m giving up sweets too – im a total addict though so we’ll so how it goes! good luck and hope you get good news from your mri!
You go girl! Good luck!!
Glad you’re getting some answers on your knee!
I’m so glad to hear you got some answers on your knee! DRUGZ R GUD! 🙂
I’m giving up sweets and joining weight watchers for Lent. If I’m going to deprive myself, might as well do it the hard and obsessive way.
Someone sent me that ee card last year! I LOVE that site but I have very few friends who can truly appreciate the humor.