Hello! How’s it going? It’s 4pm and I am just getting to my computer for the first time while eating lunch and listening to the news in the background. Normally my life is very boring but today was busy. First let’s talk eating and then running and then eating again…
Last night I threw together the easiest healthy dinner ever. It was done in a few minutes with just the use of the microwave. Boom.
I tried these new to me Grilled Asparagus from Trader Joes – love them.
Dinner – Rotisserie chicken (the skin is missing because I ate it while taking the meat off the chicken yesterday), microwaved a sweet potato and the asparagus.
To make it more delicious I put this dressing on top of the chicken. I don’t like this as salad dressing, but it’s great on chicken.
This morning I woke up, grabbed some iced coffee and hit the sidewalk for a tempo run. I’m probably going to change around the days because my marathon training plan has me running long runs on Sunday and I want to push everything up to Saturday (or Monday?). Tbd.
Cool, overcast mornings are the best for running. Since it was a tempo run I was really pushing it and had to stop a few times to smell the roses. I basically stopped at lights that I would have normally tried to run and stopped at the bathroom.
Mr. TomTom was happy with my heart rate recovery. Nice!
Then, I hurried back home to shower and hit the pantry. We were busier than usual today, no real explanation for it. Luckily there is another delivery tomorrow so everything will be replenished.
I have a few projects due tomorrow and next week so I need to get to it. See you later!
They do always hiss and look like they want to attack when I run by so kind of.
I am very wary of geese. 99% of the time, they’ll ignore you when you run by. But it’s that other 1%…reportedly during nesting season…when they WILL aggress toward you and give chase. I had it happen once, and it was enough to put me off them.
Not to mention all the poop they leave on the paths!
I am terrified of geese, I was traumatized as a child. When I was 6 years old, we went to the zoo. There was an area where you could walk amongst geese. I had cute little ruffle socks, with flowers made out of ribbons on them. A goose ate the flowers right off my socks.
I am deathly afraid. I’ve been chased by geese too many times to count while running! Be careful! 🙂
Im not scared off them but I have seen them chase people. Back in the day, my friend and I were roller blading at the park and she got too close to one and it went after her. She went running across the grass in her roller blades trying to get away from it!
I actually think they are quite cute! Thanks for the asparagus suggestion… I LOVE Trader Joe’s! xo Kelly http://lazygirlsguidetofitnessandbeauty.blogspot.com/