Hello! Happy Monday! Let’s make it a great week!!
I started my day with… you’ll never guess…
a run. I just set out with no goal and ended up doing 8 miles. It was the best most lost-in-your-thoughts-forget-that-you’re-running kinda run. Ahhhhh! Feels so good.
Then, I had breakfast. I’ve been been waking up super early waiting for the sun to peek up before I set out so I had half a Quest bar before my run too.

But let’s go back to yesterday real quick …

Yeah, I got epically lost on the way to my brother’s place. Like, I went 50 miles in the wrong direction then turned around and somehow got lost again. I ended up somewhere that I don’t even recognize the grocery stores. I might have been in Arizona at this point.

So, I ditched that plan and went home. Boo.
But when I did get home I was super productive! And this is where the proudest moment of my life comes in…
I spotted a bookshelf at Target the other day that was on sale. I was about to buy it but knew I should clean before bringing new junk into the house. So, I cleaned and a week later went to check on the self. It was still there so I grabbed it and ran calmly paid for it and left the store.
The only thing I’ve built before are sandwiches so I wasn’t sure how this would go. I took a deep breath, grabbed a screwdriver (the drink) and some tools and went for it…

I DID IT!!!!

I am proud of myself. I had to be patient and pay attention to details = 2 things that are NOT my strong suit. I made something!!
It was so rewarding I’m thinking about ditching this whole running blog thing and becoming a builder of some sort.
But just when I started to look for carpenter jobs I realized that I don’t exactly have the wardrobe for that right now.
See, this is what I used my new bookshelf for…

Watching me make a book shoe shelf was exhausting for Vegas so he fell asleep. Thanks for the help buddy.

Running Motivation

Question: On a scale from 1 to 10 – how motivated are you today?
way to go! that shelf looks great!
That’s a really great idea! I have all my shoes in a bin right now and this is a much more organized way to keep them. I might have to steal this idea! 🙂
I was probably a 7 or 8 on the motivation scale today. Not to shabby for a Monday!
I completed a half mary yesterday and I actually went to our walk2run group tonight, it was rough..not going to lie.
HA! I saw the post on Instagram and didn’t think it would be for your shoes. But YOU GO GIRL!! Bob the Builder has NOTHING on you!
I am also using a bookcase for shoe storage.
Work left me at about a 3 for motivation, but luckily it is a rest day so I don’t really need to be too motivated.
You’re a handigirl!
Wanna come over and help me build some shelves?
Well I am an expert now…
What a great way to stack your shoes! Love it!
I am not motivated to do anything today. I finished my first Ragnar Relay this weekend and am so sore and tired. I can’t seem to catch up on sleep and all I want right now is a nice, long nap. Those things are like the most fun ever, but so exhausting! 2 hours of sleep in 44 hours is not enough for me!
I love your cat, I love orange cats so much. I am not feeling productive or motivated today, but I was very productive all weekend, so it even outs 🙂
Lost in your mind run = the best. I get lost like that WAYYY more than I would like to admit. Embarassing. Why don’t I just use my stinking GPS. I always think “I’ve got this,” and nope… nope I don’t.
I had a similar run this morning! I usually do a 3 miler before work but today I did 5 miles before I realized I made it home. #balla
Great job! You’re my she-ro. My ultimate goal is to assemble something from Ikea.
Started the 10K training this afternoon, as I said I would. I even had to take my sweatshirt on because it was hot (No worries, there was a t-shirt underneath). Motivation? The power of JayOncé (it’s what fans call Jay Z and Beyonce) was with me and did my fastest mile yet! *thumbs up*
I built one of those over the toilet shelf things once – and I’m surprised it’s still standing!
I’m super motivated today, but not to workout, to clean my house. This time of year I work my day job M-F, then help my grandparents at their seasonal farm on weekends, so I haven’t had time to clean and I am OVER the dust and mess!
Your shoes make the bookshelf look rockin’! Day 2 of turkey trot 10k training, so motivation is fine. Next week I may be singing a different tune…
Genius idea. Love it. Hold on while I run to Ikea to do the same thing.. 😉
I was feeling extremely unmotivated this morning, and I found myself doing every single thing I could think of around the house so I wouldn’t have to go to the gym. I don’t think I’ve cleaned this much in weeks hahah… but after reading this post, I decided to haul my butt to the gym to lift some shoulders!
Ps. Love the name of your cat – so cute!
I’m at the airport, flying home in a couple of hours after completing Ragnar napa (ultra team) so basically my motivation is now a 1. Luckily it was a 10 for the 38 hours it took my team to complete 😉 love your book shoe rack.
I’m super motivated, I’d say a 10 but I’m also injured right now so this one time, I’m using the good sense that typically hides and taking some time off. Besides, I’m a little tired after all the alligator huntin I did this weekend.
Today I woke up at 4am and surprisingly full of energy. I went to the gym, ran , and weight lifted right before my 12.5 hour shift. Still chugging along and have not crashed and burned. Fingers crossed I continue to have this motivation throughout the day!
That’s awesome! Yeah, I was waiting for the crash yesterday and happy it didn’t come 🙂
Brilliant way to use the book shelf! Congrats on putting it together.
Love that quote! So true-happy Monday 🙂
Today was a 5 mile shakeout run. It felt like 15. I dread the “day after a long run” run…so I was a 2 for motivation. But I did do it!
I have put together some things from IKEA before and I think if they put a couple of words in the instructions, it would be easier!
Good job with the shelf! Good idea for the shelf too!
oh my gosh you are to die for hilarious. Literally making me pee my pants at my work desk, which just got awkward. LOVE the bookcase shoecase idea. MUST do that! Little Vegas is a little ham! <3
It really is the best feeling when you build something all by yourself. Feel pretty bad ass after! Love the shoes on the shelves – what a great storage solution. Might be doing this myself because lord I need the organization! Hope you have a great day!
Awesome job on the shelf! I love building stuff from Ikea and Target… I feel so accomplished with my life, haha. And motivation today… I’m probably at a 7. That’s pretty darn good for a Monday 😉
I’ve tried to build (and yes, I consider that building) a shelf once in my life and it was an epic disaster. Like, I really questioned my ability to function as a person in society because I was not capable of reading directions and putting screws in the right places. So in other words- go you!
I love the running motivation poster! That is so true!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with using a book shelf for shoes! Shoes need to stay organized. I’m pretty sure mine are primarily running shoes anymore. I don’t even remember the last time I wore heels!
Happy Monday! 🙂
I think your carpentry skills are going to be in high demand! And that’s totally what I would have used the shelf for too.
ha this post cracked me up (like always). you’re hilarious! =)
Could not agree more with that last quote!