Hello! How’s it going? Over here it’s going great with my new lil roommate except I have to get up and out the door first thing in the morning to follow her around until she poops. She usually lives with my parents and they just let her out in the yard each morning so neither one of us are used to this arrangement.
Speaking of being responsible… I have finally realized why some people say it’s not super healthy to drink alcohol (in large quantities at least).
I’m sure there are many reasons, but I learned four important ones last night.
1. You take unflattering pictures because you think it’s funny and try to get your dog (or cat or friend if you have one) in on them too but then your dog just steps on you and drools all over.
B.) You forget to put something back in the fridge and it all goes bad. Okay, this one might be just something I do..,,
I ruined an entire package of turkey! When I saw it on the counter this morning I was like “NOOOOO!!!!” very dramatically and ran toward it in slow motion. I left it out all night. Not cool. Literally, it’s not cool and probably bad now.
3. You have to text people and say things like, “I am not really moving to Colorado, I don’t know why I said that…”
and, “I have no idea what that meant either…”
D. You don’t feel great for your workout the next day.
This morning I took a walk while listening to Crime Writers on Serial. I haven’t been keeping up with my podcasts lately!! And I did a good strength workout at home. I hope I’m sore tomorrow because I really felt like I was working some sleepy muscles.
During my runs I’ve been listening to Down the Rabbit Hole – Tales of a Former Playboy Bunny
Have you listened to the Sword & Scale podcast? Not Adnan related, but interesting true crime stories.
I read that book! It was an easy read–kindof interesting and TOTALLY one-sided, but hey, it was good entertainment!
I did a spin class that I hate (the instructor is boring, not at all encouraging and picks bleh music), but something is better than nothing at 6am!
Stretch my sore legs from my workout yesterday (+ dancing in the club tonight in heels) and hopefully make this hangover nicer 😉
i did repeats this morning and ugh it was hard. my dogs are so bad at walking all over me when im trying to take a selfie like that too! mine is an attention hog though 🙂 i really liked that down the rabbit hole book, i watched their show so the “behind the scenes” stuff was fascinating to me!
Yeah, I feel like if you watched the show it’s super interesting. They didn’t get paid for the first season! Random stuff like that. ..
I did Body Pump this morning. More than one glass of wine and my workout the following morning is not great.