First… I couldn’t stay up for SNL because I woke up at 3am for a lil half marathon Saturday. So I just caught up with the opening song Kate McKinnon singing Hallelujah. It’s beautiful. Check it out if you haven’t yet. I read the words to the song and it got my in my tiny black heart.
2nd… How are you? I’m good except – I LOST A TOOTH. What.
Yes. I have a temporary crown right now that’s supposed to be replaced on Wednesday. I’m supposed to be careful with the crown since it’s not as ‘stuck’ as a real tooth or the permanent one. Well, I am not smart and I like to keep nuts and dried fruit in the freezer to make them crispier. Is that weird?
Anyway. I bit into a frozen dried cranberry and my tooth popped off. I felt it right away. It was gross.

So naturally I called 9-1-1 because this was an emergency and I thought I was going to bleed out!!!!
They told me if I was bleeding or felt like I was going to pass out they’d send someone, but if not I should suck it the hell up and get it together.
I didn’t really call 911 but that would have been funny, right? I did text a few friends sending them that tooth pic and begging for someone to bring me a strawberry shake. (No one did. Boo.)
I considered trying to glue it back on with some superglue, but then I got distracted with TV and candy (per usual). So my tooth is hanging out on the counter just begging to be lost.

Speaking of emergencies…
Ben and I went to therapy last week and had some homework – we had to go to a furniture store to see what the other person likes.
Yeah, it’s like ‘How to Get Along 101’. We have somehow managed to miss the whole part of a relationship where you figure out what your partner likes and why so you can meet in the middle. We’re starting from scratch with a lot of things.

It was fun, but just a fact finding mission – we didn’t buy anything.
On the way back we hit up a drive thru and I enjoyed the perks of the passenger seat = eating the fries.

Vegas doesn’t care what furniture we have as long as he can sleep on it for 23.5 hours a day.

This morning I hit the running path for 6 miles and then did a lot of stretching. I feel pretty good considering I hit the race pretty hard this weekend.

Breakfast was an egg quesadilla. It was too big to make a burrito.

My favorite food in the world is probably Chinese food. I seriously went to China 86% for the food. And even though I don’t always get the most authentic stuff, I love to have Chinese food before or after a hard race. I hit up a small take-out place for dinner last night.

Random question of the day… I saw this Christmas tree dress while shopping today.
I think I kind of love it. But I would never actually get something like this. So do I still love it if I wouldn’t buy it?? Do you love it?

Pile on the Miles Day 15
We are more than half way done with POTM!!! How’s it going? I love following along on Instagram #RERMiles and seeing your updates. Keep it up!

This week’s Pile on the Miles Challengeis sponsored by Sabra. They make the BEST hummus ever. No contest. I’ve tried them all.
Check out this Hummus and Grilled Cheese Sandwich from Simply Quinoa featuring one of their newer products. You can follow the tag #SabraSpreads to see more on their line of sandwich spreads.

Check in with your POTM update and you’ll be entered to WIN a $100 Amazon gift card.
Update social media with #RERMiles to share your progress and motivate others.
Open to all. Closes tomorrow at 9pm PST.
I ran 5 miles this day and then had a free personal training workout at my new gym!
Tuesday = rest day
2 miles today!
Yoga day!
Tuesday check in: Orange Theory class (Power day where I somehow ended up with 43 splat points)
Swam a mile yesterday. Yay, I finally exercised!
Gorgeous day for a walk! My puppy went completely nuts at a few joggers, but thankfully, they just laughed.
I struggled to get 2.75 miles in today and managed to hit the gym with back/shoulder day.
Gym day over here! I SO badly want to run, but still trying to get rid of this stupid cough. Why does it have to be in my chest? Grrrrr
Holding out some hope for a short one tmrw!
6 hilly morning miles for me 🙂
an Hour body works class and 22 minutes elliptical.
I know you’re getting your crown replaced today but you can use denture adhesive to stick it back on if that happens again! I have a crown too and carry around a little travel tube because I’m terrified it will fall off when I’m out and about!
Yesterday I ended up doing a lot of walking
11/15, my son’s 32nd birthday, so I ran 11.15 miles in celebration of becoming a mom in 1984!
Rest day–hopefully I can kick this cold soon!
5.5 running miles in the AM…then 0.25 running miles to catch my bus (FYI-I caught it!)
Back on track today! Got my 10,000 steps in. Much easier with an outdoor ultimate frisbee game.
5 miles for me today! Enjoyed a night run on an old route.
I just want to commend you for doing the hard work on your marriage… relationships are HARD WORK, so kudos to you guys for making that effort. It’s a counter-cultural thing to stick with something challenging and look within for ways to improve, rather than just discard and move on when things aren’t easy peasy.
4 mile run today!
4 miles tonight with a super moon and fighter jet flyover. A trick I have used for a crown off is to put a dab of tooth paste in the crown and put back on. Helps with sensitivity and kind of sections on. It works well in a pinch!
My foot has been hurting so I took it easy and went for a short slow run.
Today was 35 minutes of treadmill hills.
Ran 3 miles today
Yoga this morning then a 5 mile fun run through my county’s holiday light display.
Today is a rest day
Rest day today!
If you lose a crown…chew up a tiny piece of sugarless gum and stick the tooth back in until you can get to the dentist. It works!
Ran 7.4 miles this evening with my pup and husband. Great weather for an outside run!
Just under 4 miles today and I tripped on the sidewalk and scraped my knee. That’s fall #2 for the year.
5 miles this morning. 20 miles left for he week!
I forced myself to get outside and jog about 2 miles in the dark. I love how its nice and cold out but I dont love how dark it is – I lose ALL motivation. But I still sweat a lil and thats better than nothing!
5km run during lunch
30 minute run/walk.
Rest day for me. Don’t you hate it when you get a pain and assume the worst? I keep getting pains in my legs, and of course I immediately jump straight to “oh my god, I think I have stress fractures!!!” I think it’s just payback for logging some bigger miles than usual this past weekend.
I walked to the bank and did some squats!
I rode the pony for an hour today – great ride!
8 easy paced miles today, speed work hasn’t been in the cards quite yet so I’m going with it 🙂 Felt pretty good, and DANGIT IT IS GETTING COLD HERE!
5 tempo miles today!
No cardio today, just upper body weight machines. I also found out that low pull ups (with feet straight out in front of me touching the ground) are a legit exercise to build up to real pull ups 😀 someday I’ll get there.
Walked for an hour then got an ice cream as it is 80 degrees in Denver!
3 miles today
Despite an extremely awful day at work I was able to get in 100 minutes on the elliptical. That at least helped my mental state.
2.5 miles today!
Got 3.5 miles in this morning!
I was only able to do 25 minutes on the elliptical today…not great, but I was low on time so I guess it’s better than nothing!
4 mile walk this morning. The fall crispness is finally in the air here!
8 miles on the elliptical!
I got in my 20,000 steps today! I ran three miles this morning and walked at lunch. I walk to and from school every day, so that adds to my step count. Congrats on your PR, Monica!
Long walk with my daughter and a yoga for relaxation dvd
Rest day but still got 10k steps.
Got to the gym today, but not as early as usual. 5 miles on the elliptical 🙂
Boot camp and some elliptical for me this morning
Upper body, ab mix, 15 min sprints- 60 min of working out working in working up working down working all of the above…..above the ground
Core work today!
I ran 4 miles this morning, and heading to meet my trainer for some strength training now!
15,000 steps today
Enjoyed another 5 miler today!!!
Trying to motivate myself for some mile repeats this evening…
30 minutes on the stationary bike!!
I’m still sick. 🙁 But, I did get up and take my dog on a walk so I could get some fresh air. It wasn’t a long one, but it was a little tough since every muscle in my body aches!
3 miles, dog walk, LOTS OF STRETCHING
I spent 20 grueling minutes doing some light running on the treadmill. I got rained out due to torrential doubpours here in Mass. Not counting it towards my goal but glad I got a workout in! 42/75
Today is a rest day but the weather is so nice I may end up going for a walk.
I took a walk and did a total body weight workout today.
I did an hour of cardio at the gym today
My daily step count is averaging over 10,000 steps/day for the first time ever this month because of your POTM challenge! I have plans for a walk/run after work.
Yoga today! It was difficult because I’m not bendy, but I’m so glad I did it! 🙂
3.85 miles today. I had a sick kid today, so it was a treadmill run kinda day. To keep it interesting, I’ve been using the “running for weight loss” app. It has interval training to keep me from getting bored. That and the cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies . I’m addicted.
I am in a cast because I tore a ligament in a 1/2 marathon so there is no POTM for me. But since you didn’t mention it, did you notice that your fortune said “change tobay” instead of today? Just my mental spell check going wild.
Love the dress – I would be trying really hard to find a party to werar it to!
4 miles early this morning before work with a friend! Always good to free up the afternoon.
Ummm. Rest day? Yoga? It’s not looking good right now. Let’s call it a rest day.
5 stroller miles with the Little and some core work!
And that dress is fun but can’t be comfortable to wear! I say depends on the price for me.
Yup, done…in the bag. Long walk with weights and threw in some upper body work.
Rest day today, although still plenty of walking thanks to working a double at my waitressing job.
60 min strength class. Lots of squats and sled pushes…
Ran 4.5 miles before work. It is starting to get cold here, and I am not ready for winter.
I took a mom & baby fitness class today!
I would love to see an actress wear that dress on the red carpet. I love it! But I wouldn’t wear it either. I don’t love it?
Today was another amazingly beautiful, perfect, blue-and-golden sky, autumn day. Took a long walk, took lots of pictures, and shuffled through about 100 leaf piles. Awesome!
going to try to get a run in after work, but my son has a band concert tonight so it might end up being a rest day.
4 miles before work!
2.94 miles today. Last week of my training plan before my first ever 10k race next week!
Still sick, but feeling better than yesterday. I plan to walk 1.5 miles to the post-office and back during my work break.
Going to attempt 5 slow miles today after work!! First run after my half marathon on Saturday!
Today was a lifting class and 20 min additional cardio on the bike.
Sorry about your tooth, ow!
I ran 7+ miles to work today.
Lots of stretching today and some strength training. Also, I rode the stationary bike for 45 minutes.
BTW, people have called 911 for much less than a lost tooth, trust me!!
5 easy miles. Taking it easy before my half this weekend!
4.5 mile pyramid hills run on the treadmill this morning.
Another unplanned rest day due to flooding and heavy rain. Sigh.
3 miles. Can anyone point me in the direction of last week’s winners? I can’t find it. I know I didn’t win because I didn’t get an email, but I like to share joy in others fortune LOL
3 miles on the treadmill then 15 min on the elliptical. Done.
14 miles on the bike and then 1.5 brick run! Full day of teaching elementary PE! But worst part is my garmin just lost all 17,000 of my steps!!!
Today is a rest day for me 🙂
Bike ride to work this morning and lunchtime speed session on the calendar! 😀
A drizzly 3 miles this morning!
8 mile run this morning and strength training after work!
Miles in before traveling today! Woohoo!
30 minutes run/jog
4 super early morning miles! Felt pretty good!
26 minutes of cardio!
5 or 6 miles tonight after work – I’m hoping my husband joins me for some of those miles:) We have a 5 mile Turkey Trot to run next week together.
Step class this afternoon
Leg day strength training today. 🙂
Walked 4 foggy & dark miles at 5:30 this morning. Let me tell you out in the boonies that can be very creepy! All you see if fog & darkness, and you hear some very strange noises.
As for the dress….ummmm no!
Only got in 3 miles this morning because I slept in a little too long, I’ll try for a few more later today. So far, I’ve logged 59.5 miles for the month of November with a goal of 120 so I’m right on track. I’ve been keeping up with my 2 days of cross-training as well!
3.10 miles and an arm workout! I pulled out a crown once while I was running trying to eat an expired GU chew. I now stick to the gels lol
I walked yesterday. I’m going to run for 45 minutes today after my chiropractor appointment! Yay!
30 minutes of yoga this morning!
Cardio conditioning class at the gym today after work.
I’m shooting for 4 miles after work today. We’ll see how the body is feeling. My legs actually aren’t too bad after the marathon this weekend but my poor second toe is having a rough time!
Last night was 5+ day on DL, and then 3.19 miles.
Tonight is yoga.
8 mile TEMPO Run very late tonight hopefully.
Today is another gym day. Weights and bike for me!
Losing one of my permanent teeth is a constant fear. I have a way-too-often dream that i clench my teeth so hard that they shatter like in a cartoon (if you know, you know).
I ran 4.37 miles on the treadmill, while I pretended that it wasn’t raining outside.
Packed schedule-induced rest days today and yesterday — spinning tomorrow!
Crossfit today
6 miles and some yoga today.
Rest day because I was changing wet sheets (my daughter wet the bed for the first time in FOREVER) at the time I should be at the gym/running.
6 miles on the TM!
Couch to 5k – I did the wrong day and went back to week 1 by accident. But at least I got outside!
Quick 3 mile run after school before I have to pick up the baby!
I ran 5 miles this morning with my friends, looking forward to rolling my quads tonight because they are tight!
A smoky 3.1 miles. We had to walk a decent amout because the wildfires in the SE have made it ridiculously smoky. If it had been daylight and i could have seen exactly how bad it was i wouldve gone back home. It’s so dry here 🙁
Rest day – mostly because I have a full day today.
Does it affect the accuracy of the fortune if it’s misspelled? :O)
That burger looks amazing. My husband always wonders why half his fries are gone by the time we get home, too.
Another travel day, another day on the elliptical. I’m supposed to run in a local cross country run on Saturday so I’m waiting until then to run next, hoping my hip feels better by then!
The dress looks pretty on the rack, but I bet it’s a PITA to wear. I ran 8.2 miles today.
Track Tuesday for me! Hit up the track for 6 X 200. I have a love/hate relationship with the track. I dread it until I am there, then I love it!
Rest day for me today… and a walk with a friend later to see the almost super moon :-).
yes, i love that dress!
5k comfy pace this morning under the beautifully bright super moon – amazing!! then saw a lovely sunrise. then strength training in the gym. 🙂
6 mile speed workout !!
Slow 5k run/walk this morning for me.
Rest day, hair appointment!
bodypump class and a HIIT routine 🙂
I got in 20 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes on the bike. Still a little sore from my half on Sunday but knew I would feel better after moving a little bit!
21dfx plyo and abs to start Monday off!