Hello! How’s it going? Over here it’s going good, except my part-time photographer is being a pain to work with. He thinks he’s helping with artistic direction, but I don’t think we have the same eye for blogging. She is a professional Washington DC event photographer with exceptional work and service.
For example – this morning after my run I asked him, “Can you take a pic of me with my smoothie?”
He started by standing on the couch to hide my double chin, which is very considerate. I appreciate that tip he got from the Instagram husband video we saw a while back (it’s a joke about how women make their guys take all kinds of crazy angle pics for Instagram and area always saying “Higher! Go higher!”)

Then he suggested I do the “Run Eat Repeat pose” with my smoothie – which was difficult to do because I just wanted to eat it.

But he was having trouble getting my arm and leg in the shot and instead of taking a step back he directed me to “get smaller” or maybe he said “get lower” I forget. Either way I followed his direction…

But he kept saying “lower”… “LOWER!!” until I was a balled up smoothie eater.

Finally I was directed to do a wall squat.
And when I told him to ‘HURRY UP!’ we decided that the “Wall Squat Diet” should be a thing.
It’s simple:
You can eat anything you want but you must do a wall squat while eating. No wall squat no food.

I don’t think I’m going to try this diet because:
a.) I am already a messy eater and would just end up with food all over the floor, my face and my clothes
b.) My quads are tired enough from running
c.) I would just end up eating super fast so I didn’t have to hold the squat for a long time.
But tell me if you try it
After our photoshoot I sent my photographer away for a while so I could eat in a full upright position.

In other food news – I had gluten free chicken fingers last night and made a copycat Chik fil A sauce. It was so good!

The Chik-fil-A sauce was just honey mustard, mayo and ketchup.

In fancy news…
I just got my nails done because I needed a little treat. These should last all of 2 hours before chipping. I used to do the gel manicure and it is really awesome and lasts so much longer, but it’s also expensive. And serious question – does that machine cause sunburn or cancer or something? I’m sure one of you has looked into this.

Vegas is sleeping on my stuff again. It’s really not fair that he’s so cute but also the worst.

Dessert every night this week has been the chocolate off these caramels. I can get the chocolate off of any candy. It’s my secret talent.

Question: Are you currently sporting all 10 toenails or are you missing a few?
I have 12 right now. Just kidding, I have all 10.
Try the Sally Hansen gel manicure no lights and last 14 days for most but only about a week for me( I’m hard on my nails)
I love your ring…it is beautiful! Sapphires are my fav.
Ahhhh I only have 8 right now. Glamorous!
I LOVE the Tyson and trader joes gluten free chicken nuggets. I don’t love their chicken strips though, so I’ll have to give these ones a try. Thanks for sharing your sauce recipe. I love that stuff!!!
I LOVE the Tyson and trader joes gluten free chicken nuggets. I don’t love their chicken strips though, so I’ll have to give these ones a try. Thanks for sharing your sauce recipe. I love that stuff!!!
Ha ha, yeah I don’t think I’d go for the Wall Sit Diet either. Messy. LOL!
Your nails look great! I used to get my nails done years ago, but it’s been quite a long time since I’ve done them.
Vegas is soooo cute, it’s hard to get annoyed at them shedding and laying on stuff when they are cute. 🙂
Yep, those UV lights are not so bueno…scares me enough that I do it super infrequently. Also, and possibly worse, is soaking your hands in formaldehyde to get it off. That is BAD news for the liver.
I have all my toenails but honestly I feel like they would be better off if they fell off and started again…they’re beyond gnarly and horrific.
Those uv lamps are exactly the same as sunbeds unfortunately 🙁
Ps i have 10 toe nails yessssss!
Good to know! Good job to your toes 😉
I get gel manicures and I put sunscreen on my hands before my appointment.
I’ve thought about that but always forget!
I actually have all 10 toenails- win!
I’ve been doing a ton of wall squats recently (okay I lie, but I do one every day at least!) and I absolutely hate them. They are a thing of pure evil. But still, they give me good strength!
1 is better than none!
Loved the post about your photo shoot! Thanks for the chuckle!
I have all ten toenails, but it ain’t looking good for two of them. One is definitely coming off, but the other has hope. Hang in there little toenail:)
The Instagram husband video is hilarious! And too true. I’d try the wall squat diet except I am also a messy eater and would end up with food all over the place most likely. Good idea, though!