Last night I had a great idea for an Easy Apple Crisp recipe. Unfortunately, the crisp part didn’t stick together so it’s not ready to share yet. I guess they can’t all be winners…

Today is a WINNER on the weather front. It’s still cold, but Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous.

My run wasn’t gorgeous though, I just wasn’t feeling it and walked the uphills when I felt like it.
They can’t all be winners…
The other day Vegas was curious about this whole ‘selfie’ thing so we took one. It’s blurry. Sorry cat, they can’t all be winners…
Since I found out I have a low T3 thyroid reading over a year ago I’ve been researching options on how to get it up. Too bad they’re isn’t viagra for your T3. (Get it up. Viagra. Get it?? Bad joke, they can’t all be winners…)
Anyway. There is information out there blaming certain foods for affecting thyroid issues. Unfortunately, a lot of the info seems one-sided and I would suspect has an agenda. So, I’ve been very skeptical. Through a friend I got a great deal on food sensitivity testing so I’m going to check that out today.
Read: Someone is coming to my house to take a bunch of blood from me. I’m not going to hand it over nicely so we’ll see how that goes.

I forgot to post about day 10! It was to take a 15 minute walk – did you?
I did
Day 11 – Log off technology a little early tonight and spend some time reflecting on your blessings. Thank your favorite higher power for it.
Well, this post was random. But, they can’t all be winners kids.
Question: Is it difficult for you to log off technology early?
I usually am glued to my phone or lapper till I go to sleep. Then, I dream about instagram. No shit. That happened the other night. Isn’t that sad?
Lol, my apple crisp turned out like that when I tried to leave out the butter because I wanted to be healthy 🙁 Butter karma 🙁
I reach for my phone as soon as I wake up and instinctively click on Instagram…now that’s sad.
Nice kicks!
sometimes I get up in the night to check email, people used to read to fall asleep
I turn my phone off by 8pm every night. And I don’t miss anything I can’t see in the morning. Last night after I turned it off I read the Christmas story from the Bible; definitely a better use of my time than Facebook 🙂
I try to shut off the social media and electronics early a few nights a week to devote time to reading the Bible. I know I should do it more, though.
You’re right, though, it’s definitely a better use of time than Facebook.
Yes! Did a 4-miler (or close to one since it was 6km) after work to de-stress. Unfortunately it was still humid despite the rain earlier.
Love the challenge for today! But it’ll have to wait for me– finals on Friday!
i am always on my computer or phone right up until bed — terrible!
I have a hard time logging of technology! My husband and I Just decided recently that on all date nights (except for the occasional picture because I am a blogger and that is necessary) there will be no phone usage. It will just be about us and our time together!
Once I am home from work either 6 or 9, depends on the day ha. I will log off. I feel sense I am on it all day at work I can take a break!
I’ve made a “no screens” rule for the hour before bedtime and the most amount of days I was successful was one. I think it would improve my sleep greatly if I really did it, and yet, I can’t. It’s so bad.
I would love to do a food sensitivity test! I stopped eating meat a year and a half ago and I cut down on breads and desserts and stuff, and I definitely feel better (just from eating better in general). I still get stomach aches sometimes, so I’d love to know if it was something specific I was eating.
I’m a nurse practitioner and I perform the ALCAT test at our clinic. In my experience, the people who do the rotation/elimination diet often do feel much better. I also have hypothyroidism. Although I have always been underweight, after fixing this, my energy levels were remarkably different! I was amazed how much better I felt 🙂
I can NEVER log off. The worst is at night when I’m trying to watch a movie, search for stuff on my computer, and play words with friends/text all at once (which happens every night). And I wonder why my fiance Ben gets annoyed when I am constantly asking what is going on in the movie…
Do they do the rotation diet after getting the results back? (Not sure if that’s a dumb question…)
Not a dumb question…Yes. Keep in mind this test is controversial, but many naturopaths use it, and their patients often report relief of symptoms after sticking with the plan. Here is a link with a full report that describes it all in great detail:
You will get a break down just like it, but unique to you. The idea behind the diet is to eliminate those foods that cause severe reaction for about 6 months, those that cause moderate reaction for 3-6 months, and mild reaction about 3 months. The foods that cause no reaction make up your diet (and there are usually many foods you can eat) but on a rotational basis (every 3-4 days or so) to avoid sensitization. Then you slowly introduce back in to you diet the foods that cause reaction after the given time period. Hope this helps!
I’ve gotten a lot better at prioritizing and logging off at a more family appropriate time 🙂 But it’s not always easy.
Instagram dreams don’t sound so bad. Much better than Facebook dreams.
Can’t completely disconnect before 9pm so I can be on the phone to assure my mom when she calls that I’m not dead and yes, I’m heading straight to bed once we hang up.
i have to admit I was super skeptical about the food issues too…until I did a test and cut out the foods and saw a huge change…doh. I need to do one again though as I feel like my body has changed.
In July I gained ELEVEN pounds in 4 weeks. I hadn’t changed my eating or anything. Many tests and doctors later, I was diagnosed with low thyroid and I have a great doctor who is an MD and a Naturopath (sp?). Anyway, I take perscription thyroid medication (synthroid) as well as T3. The weight loss has been slow but the best part is I am feeling better. Also, I bought the book The Plan and it talks about testing foods that make you gain weight. My mom has been on The Plan for a year and has lost over 20 pounds. She looks and feels great. Get this, one of her “devil foods” is watermelon!! She gains weight when she eats it! Anyway, check out The Plan. It rocks!
I bought my ipad used from a friend but wasn’t sure if I’d ever really be into it. Now, a few months later, I’m obsessed with vlogs and often watch them while brushing my teeth in the bathroom. I’m plugged into it right up until I hop into bed! :S
When ever I play a game with a kid they get soooo upset when they don’t win….I always remind them …”If they had fun playing then they won!” ….I think Vegas had fun with that selfie….so he won!
Vegas is a he right? ha!
Yeah he is a he 🙂
I’m pretty good about unplugging in that I don’t bring electronics into the bedroom (the phone only comes in on weekends when I use it as an alarm). But I might sit on the couch playing Candy Crush until like 1AM so… maybe not as good as I thought.
Speaking of weird dreams, last night I dreamt that I was brushing my teeth and I totally spit all over my pillow. Totally gross. Apparently there is nothing I will not confess to the internet.
It depends on whether or not I make it to the library today. Im out of books but Ive been too lazy to hit the Lib and the only think to entertain me before I fall asleep is the computer.
I read somewhere that runners can have low thyroid function. I wish I was hypothyroid and could supplement. Great excuse for having a crappy metabolism.
I will definitely unplug early tonight for quality time with my boyfriend!
I have hypothyroidism; I found out March 2013. I don’t get my T3 checked like everyone recommends though, just my TSH. I really hate this disease. I feel like that’s why I can’t lose any more weight, although I have decided I’m pretty happy where I’m at. BTW, your apple crisp looks really good!
Yeah, I’ve gotten in the habit of watching a tv show and falling asleep in the middle of it. It’s sometimes hard to fall asleep with complete silence… bad sign o__O