Hello! How’s your day? Today we’re keeping this bullet points style with three things I’m eating and doing and three things Vegas is doing on because he wants to play too.
Three things I’m eating today:
1. PB and Banana.

2. Oatmeal and PB and Banana. Apparently I don’t enjoy variety? Or want a nutrition deficiency.

3. Guacamole on everything. Chips, carrots, my finger…

Three things I’m doing:
1. Strength workout.
2. Climbing my pile of email like it’s Mt. Kilimanjaro
3. Catching up on my DVR thing while eating yogurt and nuts.

Three things my cat is doing.
1. Sleeping on my Mossimo Cross Body Bag.

2. Laying in my way as I try to do a strength workout.

3. Sleeping on my purse – I don’t even think that’s comfortable, he’s just trying to be a jerk. I’m going to get this pink purse with metal studs and see if he keeps it up. (The red one below is by Olivia + Joy and was a gift.)

He is annoyed by my friendship.
I had dunkin donut chocolate glazed munchkins, a pb&j and pizza! Quality.
Since this was published yesterday I will talk about then since I havent done anything yet today but wake up and make oatmeal (hey that’s 2!)
1. I did a leg workout at the gym
2. I went to a free menu tasting at a local restaurent (score!)
3. I laid on the couch and watched movies
my male cat does the same things, we were trying to play a board game and he decided he was going to sleep on the board. He is always laying on my shoes too
(1) Work
(2) Work
(3) Can’t wait for work to finish and the weekend to start…in 2 hours! Yeeha!
(1) Ryvita with PB
(2) PB sandwich
(3) Hopefully something other than PB for dinner LOL!
1. I ran 4 miles this morning.
2. I got to build cliffs and ramps and bridges at work (not what I normally do at work so exciting and fun)(virtually, not in real life).
3. I ran 4 miles this evening and watched the sunset.
The eating was no particularly angelic so let’s focus on the doing. 🙂
1.I ate banana fro-yo with peanut butter sauce. 🙂
2. I ran 25 minutes straight (my longest since hip surgery.
3. I ate jellybeans. Why can’t my kids eat more Easter candy so I don’t have to do it for them?!
Today I ate:
1. I was also jammin on banana oatmeal with PB (and sunbutter)
2. A quesadilla
3. Almonds, cashews and chocolate mix from TJ’s
I gotta admit when I first read the title of your post, I misread it as, Three things I’m doing and eating my cat! I for one, am glad I did NOT read that correctly, whew!
3 things I’m doing today: Blowing my nose, coughing up a lung and nursing a stupid cold!
I’m just a ball of sunshine today 😛 but your post made me laugh so there’s that.
1. Greek yogurt with mixed nuts for breakfast
2. Roasted Brussel Sprouts (from TJ’s of course) with cut up turkey meatballs – mixed with caesar dressing…sounds weird but was actually quite yummy!
3. Iced peach green tea lemonade from Starbucks