I had a great run this morning, did about 11. I felt good the whole time and even finished strong and considered doing more. I need to pin down a training plan so I have more direction and purpose to my runs. Whenever I have a good run I look to what I ate from the night before. That Chinese food may be my new magic beans.
Breakfast was Flax Plus, Kashi and Nature’s Path granola with skim. I had some All Bran crackers when I got to mom’s. I had PB and jelly on a ww bagel square for lunch.
Then, I cut my watermelon and preceded to eat half of it. This HUGE bowl was part of what I ate. The BF says my body must have a watermelon deficiency that makes me eat massive amounts of it. I’ll go with that story since it sounds better than me just being an over eater.
I had a VitaTop before I ran some errands. I wasn’t really hungry, but didn’t want to be out on the road and get hungry.One of my errands was going to my grandma’s for a visit and to drop off my Fig VitaTops. I ordered them last time and didn’t like them. I knew she would so I took them over. Her friend was there and it turns out the friend just baked PB cookies for a little boutique they have tomorrow (she lives in a retirement community). My grandmother offered me one in front of the little old lady friend and I couldn’t say no. Well, I could have but I don’t know what happened to me, I can be very good about graciously bowing away from food I don’t want. I had one of these.
When I got back to mom’s I was tired I think. I took a couple of spoonfuls of this. Opps!

Thanks 🙂 I was looking at the Hal Higdon plan. Let me know how the training goes with it. I usually tweak the plans I find too.
congrats on the 11-miles! that’s def something to feel great about. i trained for my first half marathon this past winter/spring and am starting to think about the next one. it’s amazing how far you can run once you break the distance barrier. a marathon runner recommended Hal Higdon’s training schedules– you can look him up online. He is a running guru and I think I’ll be using one of his schedules (with some tweaking) for my next training stretch. hope that helps! it’s awesome to check off and write notes next to the things you’ve done, especially as the days turn into weeks/months and you can look back on all you’ve done. it’s also important to note things that you are already thinking about like how you feel and what you ate/when.