Hello! I hit up Costco today for a quick trip and thought I’d share today’s Costco Grocery Haul in 30 seconds! Ready… Set… Go!
Costco Grocery Haul
1. Egg whites – for breakfast sandwiches (I add avocado for healthy fats and to stay satisfied longer.)

2. Tortillas – There are a million in the pack but they last a long time in the fridge. [And if they get stale make chilaquiles.]

4. Romaine, Carrots, Bell peppers – base for big salads [I avoid raw kale & spinach because of hypothyroidism.]

3. Truvia Stevia based sweetener – iced coffee & hot tee.

5. Gum – helps curb mindless snacking [I used to be a binge eater. I have a family history of alcohol addiction. I think chewing gum is a better option than turning to food or alcohol for some unmet need.]

6. Seltzer – I usually get the Kirkland brand but they were out. 🥤

7. Fruit – I’m always stocked up! And they had a big supply of my number 1 fave food = WATERMELON!!

8. Tru Fru – Recently I tried the dark chocolate covered blueberries and loved them. Hope this kind is good too.

I got these Boba Ice Milk Bars for Ben, he loves Boba drinks.

9. Yasso – They’re on sale right now. Treat yo self.

You can see the 30 second version of this on my Instagram Reels – follow @RunEatRepeat and check it out.
Question – Do you get any of these too?
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