Ben and I took a little walk this morning and came across a collapsed fork in the road. A huge chunk of the street fell through and made it impassable.

All the rain the week before last really damaged some roads and trails around Orange County (and other parts of Southern California).

Most of this section completely broke off!

The power of water is amazing.

We found another way to go and continued on our way.

We came back and had showers and lunch to fuel up for the rest of the day.
On the agenda: cashing in our Best Buy gift certificates for a TV!

I’m not fancy and don’t really care about stuff like this, but Ben was excited to get something bigger than a computer monitor to watch Dexter

Then, we scooted next door to Whole Foods. Love.

I (apparently very seriously) introduced Ben to the world of juice. I got my usual, detox – in a large up with tons of ice, wheat grass on the side.

I ordered him the Dr. Oz green drink It was a little sour and I’m not sure if Ben was a fan.

We picked up dinner from WF. I got some salad bar and Ben got a salmon teriyaki bowl. His was better than mine.

Whew! Now we’re going to settle in for some hot cocoa and snuggling before calling it a night. See you tomorrow!
Wow! What trail was that? Quite a washout.
HOLY GNARLY photos. that is crazy! i laughed about your best buy experience. we just had to buy a new TV and were at best buy looking at the huge array of screens. marshall asked which one i liked best, i say: “the cheapest one”–seriously, i don’t care! haha. he ended up getting his beloved sharp which he has been pining after. thank god for 3 years interest free, right?
My husband and I cashed in a ton of gift cards to get our TV too. I wasn’t that concerned with it, but I have to admit I love having a nicer one! And my husband is super pleased.
Wow that’s kinda scary!
That’s my local Whole Foods store and I’ve dropped a dollar or (several hundred) in that Best Buy. 🙂 As far as “food bars” go, I think they have one of the best in OC.
That is a crazy amount of damage! I can’t even imagine seeing that! Ben’s dinner looks awesome, I would have totally chosen that over salad any day 🙂
Wow that’s amazing! The damage water/weather can do is unbelievable.
I don’t know why but I have the hardest time with juice. I am so afraid to spend the money on something that I may not like and the thought of mixing all those different ingredients together makes me nervous…I know this sounds crazy…I do love a pinapple blueberry smoothir from the famers market…but only becuase I snagged a drink of the hub’s one Sunday morning after eating a very spicy empanada and fell in love. Can you recommend a sweet newbie concoction that I could start out with..please:)
That whole in the road is a scary one..YIKES!!
That hole in the road is crazy! It makes roads seem much more fragile than I’d like to think. Scary
I love WF salad bar….my fav 🙂
Wow…that hole in the road is really creepy!
Mmmmmm…Whole Foods! I still haven’t ordered a juice there. I’m assuming you’d recommend it though. 🙂
I feel the same about our tv situation, but my hubby is quite passionate about size and quality too. Must be a guy thing.
VERY COOL looking and also pretty d*mn scary
and Im stealing the concept for my day
I had a little TRAIL CLOSED MOMENT this morning (metaphorically) and need to step back. look. assess. and decide what to do!
I love that you turned that into a metaphor! Have you ever read “Who Moved My Cheese”? – I’ve been meaning to check it out again, probably for a similar (trail closed) situation.
AH! That’s so scary– I always have a fear of falling into the earth like that. It’s amazing what water can do
Wow that damage is intense!
It’s so good to have guys around because they usually share their tasty meals. If I can’t eat half a pizza for dinner, then I at least want a bite or two!
I love crazy juices!
Whole Foods’ salad bar is hit or miss for me. Some of their stuff is awesome, but a lot of it is pretty bland.