Last night I jokingly mentioned to Ben that Ashley said he should buy me fro-yo and a massage after that killer relay.
Well, he agreed and immediately went out and brought me back Yogurtland!!!God Bless that man.
He brought me back a crazy good cup of fro-yo too! I don’t make my cup this decadent and it was a big treat. It felt kinda weird eating frozen yogurt on a Monday night though, is that weird?
I took an extra rest day yesterday and tried to run again today. Well, my quads are still super sore! I didn’t really stretch after my legs of the race and I ran faster than my chubby little legs are used to, so it’s probably that.
Anyways, I ran 5 miles today and they were PAINFULLY SORE. Super super tight. (Yes, that’s a complete sentence by the magic of blogging English.) I foam rolled when I got back. Go me.
I had overnight oats for breakfast and my egg requirement for the day needed to be met! So, I had them for lunch…
I recycled last night’s Yogurtland cup for my smoothie this afternoon. I swear my smoothies taste like dessert.
After a long day of work I headed to the gym to train 3 clients. Between work, training and traveling I’m completely exhausted. I’m probably going to transition to independent training pretty soon so I can have a more flexible schedule. We’ll see…
I’m tired. See you later.
I am so glad he bought you the deserved fro yo! Tonight my co-workers convinced me to go on a run with them after work and after my 6am spin class. Those six miles were death and now my quads are definitely upset! Massage on Friday can’t come fast enough!
I want a massage too! That’s the missing piece of the puzzle. Miss you.
Fro-yo is never wrong, no matter what day. And are those iced animal crackers on top…. amazing!
My smoothies totally taste like dessert! Frozen banana and cocoa powder really helps. Ooh and some peppermint extract. Yum!
“Super super tight.” That’s what she said, and that sentence is the reason I love reading your blog.
What is in your smoothies that they taste like dessert. If that’s the case, I need a smoothie after every meal.
It’s just that my protein powder is the best.
What kind of blender do you use?
Once I get the ice machine fixed on my fridge I’m breaking down and buying the freaking Vitamix.
It’s just a cheap Oster one.
Hope your quads feel better. Eating lots of fro-yo will help that 🙂
Your race sounded AMAZING! It is no wonder you are sore. How often did you talk to Ben during the race?
The Kidless Kronicles
I didn’t talk to him often at all. I think we chatted at some point Thursday when I got to Boston, then Friday during the day for a second (?). I called him after my night leg but only had a minute and told him I almost died. It’s weird because I was sad to leave him, but once I was gone I was super into the relay.
What a unique opportunity you had to run the relay! As for tight quads, foam rolling seems like a good option. Maybe look into a sports massage? A good down dog seems to cure a lot for me. If all else fails, continue with the fro-yo. Actually, regardless… continue with the fro-yo. 🙂
Froyo makes EVERYTHING better. If I don’t have it at least once a week I go through major withdrawal!
That smoothie does look good!! Looks like some kind of ice cream. What did u use to make it?
It’s just my powder, ice, spinach and water.
Oh, I bet you’re sore after all that running and sitting in a van and on an airplane! That’s awesome Ben got your yogurt…now for the massage!
Girl you deserve a week of massages! 🙂 And all the fro-yo you want!!
Hope you feel better soon! A massage does sound amazing!! Now, that smoothie looks so so good!! What did you put in that one? I am nosey like that.
The relay looked amazing!! Now I’ve got new things to add to my bucket list 🙂
Haha, I started reading your blog last week and have read through about half your archives. you’re to blame for my work not getting done! seriously though, love your sense of humor mixed in with motivating thoughts, health stuff and most of all, food 😀
Hi Karoline! Nice to meet ya 🙂
I should be craving froyo but instead I’m craving an eggwich now! At least I can satisfy that need in less than 12 hours.
Hope you get your massage now. I’d say you earned it.