MTV’s True Life series inspired this post. It’s crazy how much training for a marathon changes your day to day life. Last night I made sure to avoid alcohol, carb load and get to sleep early. Hey, I didn’t say it was a dramatic day to day, I just said it changes stuff. This morning I woke up early to run 20 miles. I ended up only doing 19, but it’s still not normal! If a camera was following me I would have had plenty of bleeped out words on the hills and during the last few miles 🙂 Cussing like a sailor should be called “cussing like a runner” from now on.
Before I left for my run I had a waffle with PB&J 🙂
During the run I tried these sport beans. They were good and tasted like cherry jolly rancher 🙂
Marathon Training: 19.06 miles
Time: 3:03:55
By the time I got back, dipped in cold water (no ice) and showered it was noon! This breakfast was more like lunch and I didn’t feel very hungry, but I did feel super empty. It’s hard to explain. I had 3 pancakes, an egg and banana.
I think it’s taking a while for my stomach to register fullness because I am chomping on some blueberries and still don’t feel that full. Now I have to go do something dramatic so I can get MTV to cover my True Life: I’m Running a Marathon idea. Let’s pretend I’m not just watching the Real Housewives of the OC and missing my condo…
I actually think that would make a great True Life!
I just found your blog, it is wonderful.
When I was training for my marathon, I can remember those long runs where I would definitely curse every hill with many an expletive.
Good luck with your training and congratulations on all the miles you have accomplished so far.
awesome girl!! great would totally be the best true-lifer ever
Thanks, maybe I should pitch it to the MTV peeps!
Hi Monica,
I just saw your guest post on Carrots ‘N Cake…I’m glad to have found your blog! I just ran my first half-marathon today, so you’re definitely an inspiration! I don’t know if a full marathon is anywhere in my future, but I really admire you for taking them on!
I love this post. 19 miles seems crazy to me (I’ve only ever run 13 for a half marathon once), but awesome and inspiring. They should totally put you on True Life!
Also loving the pretty plate your waffle is on. 🙂
Sometimes those cuss words are what get you through it! LOL. And I would love to see an episode of True Life, marathon style. Great idea!
nice 19! i totally know how you feel about not being hungry but rather empty. after really long runs nothing seems appealing but you want *something* .
and cussing like a runner is right! sometimes every word out of my mouth is a word that should be bleeped 🙂
Awesome run! You’re probably tapering after this, right?
Congrats on the 19 miles. You’re such an inspiration Monica! The most I’ve run is 7 miles, but I hope to run as far as you one day. I’m amazed by your ability.
I hope you’re proud of your miles. You can do what so many of us just aspire to. Congratulations!